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Decision Making and

Negotiation (MM 5009)

• Margaret Tate (Sandra Bullock) is an executive editor-in-chief of a book
publishing company. After learning, she is about to be deported to
Canada because she violated the terms of her work visa, she persuades
her assistant, Andrew Paxton (Ryan Reynolds), to marry her.
• She reminds Andrew that if she's deported, the work he put in as her
assistant will be lost, and he'll be set back in his dream to become an
• Mr. Gilbertson (Denis O'Hare), a U.S. immigration agent, informs them
that he suspects they are committing fraud to avoid Margaret's
deportation. Gilbertson tells them that they'll be asked questions about
each other separately. If their answers don't match, Margaret will be
deported to Canada and Andrew will be convicted of a felony
punishable by a $250,000 fine and five years in prison. Andrew insists
that Margaret make him an editor after their marriage and publish the
book he's been recommending to her. At the end, Margaret agrees.
The Scenes
• There are 4 scenes that you have to observe
from this movie clip:
1. Scene from the beginning up until the conflict
between Bob and Margaret;
2. Scene when Margaret and her bosses discussing her
3. Scene in US Immigration office between the couple
(Margaret and Andrew) & Mr. Gilbertson.
4. Scene between Margaret and Andrew after visiting
US Immigration.
Let’s see Scene 1 (00:00 – 07:58)
• Margaret wants Frank to be interviewed at and come
to the Oprah Winfrey Show. She told one of the
editors, Bob to persuade Frank. But Bob did not call
him. In the end, Margaret actually able to persuade
Frank by herself.
• Margaret fired Bob because he couldn’t persuade
Frank. Bob can’t accepted it, so he tries to embarrass
her by yelling at her in front of the entire office.
• She takes the abuse then threatens Bob to have
security to escort him out if he doesn’t leave

Discussion (15 min.)
Identify interaction between Bob and Margaret
Discuss the following points:

1. Identify Position for each character

2. Identify Threat for each character

Let’s see Scene 2 (08:00 – 14:40)
• Margaret Tate was called into her boss’ office. Her boss tell her that
because she left the country without a valid visa a few months before, she
voided her visa and will be deported shortly. This would mean that she
would lose her job, which would given to the only editor in the building –
Bob, who she just fired.
• At that moment, Andrew interrupts with a phone call from Ms Winfrey’s
office, Margaret tell him to take a message, he said that she is insisted to
talk to Margaret unless otherwise she is “engaged”. Margaret got an idea.
She calls Andrew into the office and announces to her bosses that she and
Andrew are getting married. Andrew tries to deny it, but she confirm
them otherwise.
• After they leave the office, she blackmails Andrew to keep the scenario
until she gains her citizenship. He reluctantly agrees and heads over to the
Immigration Office with her.
Discussion (20 min.)
Identify interaction between Margaret & her
boss i.e., Chairman Berger
Discuss the following points:
1. Identify Position for each character
2. Identify Threat for each character
3. Identify dilemma for each character
4. How to eliminate the dilemmas

Let’s see Scene 3 & 4 (14:44 – 21:46)
• At Immigration Office, Andrew and Margaret meet Mr. Gilbertson,
who immediately recognizes the situation and tries to intimidate
them into confessing.
• Andrew seems like he’s going to crack, but decides against it and in
turn blackmails her into promoting him. They tell Mr. Gilbertson that
they are going to announce their engagement at his grandmother’s
party this weekend in Alaska.
• Outside of the office, Andrew demands to be promoted
immediately and publish a manuscript he’s been working on or he
will turn off the deal and confess. Margaret realizing she needs him,
agrees and, upon his request, gets down on her knees and proposes.
He teases her for a moment before accepting.

Discussion (25 min.)
• In this scene please observe the interaction of:
1. The Couple vs Mr. Gilbertson, and
2. Margaret vs Andrew

• Discuss the following points:

1. Identify Position for each character
2. Identify Threat for each character
3. Identify dilemma for each character
4. How to eliminate the dilemmas between them

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