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Jim Morrison tried to set the night on

fire. As lead singer of the Doors, he

was an acid evangelist on a suicide
mission to deprogram his generation
from what he saw as a prisonlike
conformity to social and sexual norms.
He was a seer, an adept, a bard, a
drunk, a bisexual omnivore. At the
height of the dangerous sixties—Jim
relentlessly urged his huge audience
to break on through the doors of
perception, to free themselves from
robotic familial conditioning, to seek a
higher, more aware consciousness.
Confusion of the Tongues Between the Adults and the Child—(The Language of Tenderness and of Passion)1
Sándor Ferenczi
4 pages missing
str 265
Imam nove potvtrđujuce dokaze pretpostavici da (dečja) trauma, osobito ona seksualna, mora biti od
primarne važnosti. Čak i deca veoma cenjenih, iskreno puritanskih porodica, postaju žrtve nasilja ili
silovanja, mnogo češće nego što se pretpostvlja. Ili se radii o roditelju koji pokušava da za svoje frustracije
nađe supstitut zadovoljenju na ovaj patogeni način, ili se radi o osobama u koje se ima poverenje (tetke,
teče, babe, dede)…koji zloupotrebljavaju nevinost deteta.
I dalje…
Teško je da zamislimo ponašanje i osećanja deteta nakon ovakvog nasilja…..Ova deca se osećaju fizički i
moralno bespomoćna, njihova ličnost nije dovoljno jaka da bi mogla da protestuje, čak ni u mislima, s
obzirom da moćna sila (odraslog) autoriteta čini da zaneme ....
…..Strah od dezinhibiranog, gotovo ludog odraslog, menja dete u starmalo, koje se mora odbraniti od
odraslih koji nemaju samokontrolu.  
"Dawn's Highway“

Indians scattered on dawn's highway bleeding

Ghosts crowd the young child's fragile eggshell mind.
.. a child is like a flower, his head is just floating in the
Breeze, man……..
Rebel 2,
Frightened and Horse latitude text
misunderstood "Horse Latitudes"

When the still sea conspires an armor

And her sullen and aborted
Currents breed tiny monsters
True sailing is dead

Awkward instant
And the first animal is jettisoned
Legs furiously pumping
Their stiff green gallop
And heads bob up
In mute nostril agony
Carefully refined
And sealed over
“Rej, mislim da
sam blizu
If only I could feel the sound
of the sparrows

and feel childhood calling

me back again,

if only I could feel me

pulling back again

and feel embraced by reality


I would die,

I would gladly die"

Sudski proces u Majamiju

Svom advokatu, Maksu Finku:

“U čast mojih roditelja……”


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