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• Discrimination is any act of separating a person from a society. In its broadest sense,
discrimination is a way of ordering and classifying other entities. It can refer to any scope,
and you can use any criteria. This problem is very common worldwide. For example, if we
talk about humans, we can discriminate them by the color of their skin, race, economic level,
sexual preference, etc.
• Discrimination occurs when a person is unable to enjoy their human rights or other legal
rights on an equal basis with others due to an unwarranted distinction established in policy,
law or applied treatment. Amnesty International's work is based on the principle of non-
discrimination. We work in communities to challenge discriminatory laws and practices and
ensure that all people can enjoy their rights on an equal footing
• Direct discrimination: occurs when an explicit distinction is made between groups of people,
as a result of which the individuals of some groups have less capacity than others to exercise
their rights.
• occurs when a law, policy or practice is presented in neutral terms (that is, they do not make
any explicit distinction) but disproportionately harms a specific group or groups
• occurs when various forms of discrimination combine and leave a specific group or groups
at an even greater disadvantage
• In conclusion, social discrimination occurs for many reasons, whether it is envy, lack of
knowledge or simply intolerance, but an increasing number of cases end in violent
encounters, the only solution is to try to be more tolerant with others already q Not everyone
should be equal to everyone and also try to be more supportive of others since they cannot
always be lucky enough to have one.
• Eliminating this problem is not an easy task, for this we must cooperate, especially starting
with the family, that is, eliminating prejudices that originate from the family, since it is the
first social group in which an individual relates

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