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What are strings?

 A one dimensional array of characters

terminated by a NULL (‘\0’) (ASCII value
 Used to manipulate text such as words
and sentences.
 Each character in the array occupies one
byte of memory.
Declaring a string…

 char name[10];
– can store maximum 9 characters.
 char name[10] = “PDPU”;

P D P U \0
Declaring a string…

 char name[ ] = “PDPU”;

 char name[ ] = { ‘P’ , ‘D’ , ‘P’ , ‘U’ , ‘\0’ };

P D P U \0
Program to print a string character by

void printstring (void)

char name[ ] = “PDPU”;
int i = 0 ;
while (name[ i ] != ‘\0’)
cout << name[ i++ ];
Program to print a string (char by char)
using pointer…

void printstring (void)

char name[ ] = “PDPU”;
char * ptr = name;
while (*ptr != ‘\0’)
cout << *ptr ; ptr++;
Standard library functions
(Defined in string.h)…

 strlen(s) : returns length of a string s.

 strcpy(t,s) : copies source string to target
 strlwr(s) : converts a string to lower case.
 strupr(s) : converts a string to upper case.
 strcmp(t,s) : compares whether two
strings are equal or not.
 strrev(s) : reverses string s.
int strlen ( char * ) function

 returns length of the string.

 e.g. char s1[30] = “Computer Programming”;
int l = strlen(s1) will store 20 in l.
 cout << strlen(s1) will display 20 on screen.
 It will not count last terminal character
(NULL ‘\0’).
Our own function to count length of a

int xstrlen ( char * s)

int length = 0;
while ( *s != ‘\0’ )
length++; s++;
return (length);
strcpy ( ) function…

 char s1[30];
 s1 = “Computer Programming” // illegal.
 we have to use strcpy function.
 e.g. strcpy(s1,“Computer Programming”);
will copy “Computer Programming” in s1.
Our own function to copy one string
to another string…

void xstrcpy(char * t, const char * s)

while ( *s != ‘\0’ )
*t = *s; s++ ; t++;
*t = ‘\0’;
Can you write your own functions…

 To convert a string to a lower case.

 To convert a string to an upper case.
 To reverse the string.
 To concatenate two strings.
 To find the position of a character in a
given string.
Two dimensional array of characters…

 char name[5][10] = { “Swapnil” , “Prerak” ,

“Tushar” , “Swastika”, “Priyanka” };
2411397060 S w a p n i l \0

2411397070 P r e r a k \0

2411397080 T u s h a r \0

2411397090 S w a s t i k a \0

2411397100 P r i y a n k a \0

name[4] name[4][9]
Using 2-D array of characters

 cout << name[0] will display “Swapnil”.

 cout << name[4] will display “Priyanka”.
 cout << name[3][2] will display ‘a’.
 &name[0] or name will display 2411397060.
 &name[1] or name+1 will display 2411397070.

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