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Lesson 7:

Grace and Sin

Prepared by:
Mr. Esmhel B. Briones
Lesson 7: Grace and Sin
“Sin is a moral reality is an attitude, an action or failure to
act, or a power or force that leads us into evil.” (CFC, 1803)
“Sin is a refusal to follow our conscience’s call towards the
good” (CFC, 762)
“Sin is rejecting God, our Creator and Lord, and our own
true selves and others, by turning away from God, our
true end.” (CFC, 762)
“Sin is breaking God’s covenant with us, shown forth in
Jesus Christ, dying and rising for our sake.” (CFC, 762)
“Sin is basically a refusal of God’s love.” (CFC, 784)
Lesson 7: Grace and Sin
Pope Pius XII said that “the sin of the century is the loss
of the sense of sin. Caused by many different factors, the
moral conscience of many people becomes seriously
clouded. There seems to be an obscuring sense of sin,
which is closely connected with moral conscience, the
search for truth and the desire to make a responsible use
of freedom.”
Lesson 7: Grace and Sin
Effects of Sin
Sin separates and makes as strangers from:
1) our true selves (intrapersonal)
2) our neighbors (interpersonal)
3) the larger community (societal) and
4) God, the ground and source of all these. (CFC, 1803)
Lesson 7: Grace and Sin
What does grace of God do for us?
Douglas McManahan identified five benefits that
the Grace of God:
Strengthens the Will
Enlightens the mind
Inspires to prayer
Lesson 7: Grace and Sin

Life’s Response: To sin is not your nature.

Avoid occasions of sin.
Stop committing sin before it becomes a habit.
Reconcile with God and others.
Allow God to sustain you.
End of Lesson

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