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PROJECT WORK on the topic:

"Learning English through authentic

video using the example of news
programs on the book by Jane
Sherman" Using Authentic Video in
the Language Classroom "

Student of the group № 19604B
K.S. Grishina
Now video is very popular among
people in social networks and in real life

Video is one of the resources for
learning language.

Genres suitable for learning
• drama video (films, soaps, sitcoms, etc.)
• documentaries
• TV news and weather
• discussions
• interviews
• TV commercials
• sports programmes
• talk shows
• game shows
• educational films
The TV news


How to understand the news

View any video several times.

look for information about

this event on the Internet

Than you need to focus on

complex vocabulary

Go to standard
comprehension activities
which supply logical
frameworks for catching
content and interaction 7
How to work with the news
Instructions for students (intermediate and above)
• View the whole news programme and select one item you would like to understand better.
• If possible, read up on the subject in newspapers, on teletext or on the Internet. Gather
essential vocabulary and background information. In particular, find out how the names
are pronounced.
• View your chosen news item again. Make a list of all the names. Study the pictures, the
‘quotations’ from interviews and the graphics and see how much you can understand.
• Go back to the news lead (the short introduction spoken in the studio).
• View the rest of the news item several times, trying to understand the words. If you don’t
understand everything, try some of these:
a find places where the words match the pictures and write down the words
b identify the people who are interviewed
c take down a ‘quotation’ as dictation
d collect details under the headings Who, What, When, Where, and Why
• 6 Once you have understood the words quite well, you need to grasp the whole picture
and try to explain What has happened. 8
• 7 For language study, сhoose your words for useful expressions or Tenses
• 8 Write an account of the news item.

Thank you for attention


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