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Pregnancy and it's effec

ts on different systems

Submitted to:Dr. Gurpreet Kaur.

Submitted by:mansi.
• Pregnancy is the term used to describe the period i
n which a fetus develops inside a woman's womb o
r uterus. Pregnancy usually lasts about 40 weeks, or
just over 9 months, as measured from the last mens
trual period to delivery.
Effects of pregnancy on di
fferent systems
• Gastrointestinal system.
• Cardiovascular system.
• Respiratory system.
• Musculoskeletal system.
• Thermoregulatory system.
Gastrointestinal system
• Peristalsis movements may r
educe and lady may show na
usea and vomiting. therefore
, lady is advised to stop eatin
g heavy meals at one time ra
ther prefer short frequent lig
ht meals.
Cardiovascular systems
• The characteristic change is seen in pl
asma levels, where they shoot up in c
omparison with red blood cells leadin
g to “physiological anemia”. This is al
so known as pregnancy anemia.
• Due raised plasma volumes which are
in response to hormonal changes, in
order to meet high oxygen demands.
• There is increase in heart size, heart r
ate and cardiac output.
• Heart rate increases 10-20beats/min
and so, there is an increase in cardiac
output of 30-60%.
• The uterine size and venous distensibility causes i
ncreased venous pressure in lower limbs.
• The blood pressure changes are variable during the
three is at low levels in first trimester, l
owest in second trimester, and then there is gradua
l rise in third trimester, till six weeks post-delivery.
• The blood pressure swings between pushings and c
ontractions during labour.
Respiratory system
• There is rise in anteroposterior and
transverse diameter of chest by 2c
• As the ribs flare up and out due to
hormone stimulation, diaphragm g
ets elevated by 4cm.
• Respiratory rate does not change
much but, definitely there is an inc
rease in depth of respiration.
• Tidal volume increases, with not so
much marked changes in total lung
• To meet the high o2 demands duri
ng pregnancy, the lady is usually in
a state of hyperventilation.
Thermoregulatory system
• Hike in the BMR and hea
t production during preg
• A load of 300kilocalories
/day becomes the requi
site to meet the high bo
dy demands.
• During labour the lady f
eels very hot and profus
e sweating, due to stron
g muscle activity with pr
oduction of heat.
Musculoskeletal system
• The constant growing weight of fo
etus and hormonal changes affect
s the ligaments and muscles leadi
ng to their increased laxity and joi
nt hypermobility.

• By the last trimester of pregnanc

y, abdominal muscles are stretche
d to the maximum point of its ela
stic limit.
• The constant growing of foetus an
d hormonal changes affect the lig
aments and muscles leading to th
eir increased laxity and joint hype
• Book:physiotherapy in pregnancy

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