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Why does the pilot decide not to draw his airplane in the book?

A It is much too complicated.

B He didn’t want to.

C He only knows how to draw

a snake. D The little prince was being

Why does the laughter of the little prince annoy the pilot so much?

The pilot likes his

A The pilot wanted to sleep.
B misfortunes to be taken

C The little prince wouldn’t

stop. D The pilot didn’t like his

The little prince is proud of his flower. What is the pilot proud of?

A Another flower
B His personality

C The fact that he can fly an

airplane. D How great he is repairing

Why is it hard to learn where the little prince came from?

A He is telling lies all the time.

B He keeps telling him stories

C He never seems to hear the

questions asked of him. D Nobody asked

Why does the little prince laugh at the notion of the airplane falling from the

A Because he also fell from the

sky. B Because he doesn’t think it’s

C He has only seen planets in

the sky. D Because he never saw one

Who says, “Where I live everything is very small”?

A The little prince

B The snake

C The pilot
D The fox

What is the setting in which the pilot and the little prince meet?

A The desert
B A little beach by the sea.

C Another planet.
D The place is not mentioned.

In Chapter 3, what does he little prince like about the box that the pilot has

A The sheep couldn’t go

anywhere. B The box had a boa
constrictor inside.

C The box has a lot of colours

D At night the sheep can use it
as a house.

How small is the planet where the prince comes from, as described in
Chapter 3?

A As small as an orange.
B Not very small in fact.

C Enough for the sheep to run

away. D So small a sheep doesn’t
need to be tied up.

How does the little prince reveal that he might be from another planet?

A He showed the pilot a

document. B He answered all his

C He never say anything about

other planets. D He asks the pilot, “Which is
your planet?”


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