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Conflict of value and

troubleshooting in the
Kayla Azidhia Syuja 1910423010
Dyan Nur Fadhilah 1910423005
Awalludin 1910423023
Maya Sari 1910423012
Elni Fatimah 1910421019
2019- nCoV
• What are corona viruses?
Corona viruses are believed to cause a significant percentage of
all common colds in human adults. Corona viruses cause colds in
humans primarily in winter and early spring season

Corona viruses primarily infect the upper respiratory and

gastrointestinal tract of mammals and birds

Four to five different currently known strains corona viruses

infect humans. The most publicized human corona virus is SARS

A Sixth was discovered known as novel corona virus

How is corona viruses transmitted?

Between family Human-to-human Animal-to-human

members or in Transmissions transmissions
health care setting , occurred in at least occurred in some
WHO said in an some of these way of the food
update clusters

Usually symptons will show after a week

Flu – like symptons

A heavy cough, cold, sneezing

Prevention Measures
• Using masks for someone who the disease and the health
care proffesionals
• Use a tissue to cover the nose,mouth when
coughing,sneezing,wiping and blowing nose
• If tissue in unavailable cough or sneeze into the inner
elbow rather than the hand
• Wash hand daily with water and soap at least six or seven
times a day
Corona viruses case
• The government announced a surge in positive patients
with Corona or Covid-19 viruses in the region of
Indonesia. Now, the government announces there are
19 patients who are positive Corona viruses.
"A positive confirmed case as much as 19," said the
government's JuBir for Corona virus affairs, Achmad
Yurianto, to Mtq at presidential palace, Monday
(9/3/2020) at 17.45 WIB. Of the 19 cases, two patients
were foreign nationals. While the case of transmission is
also a imported case, or a patient who enters the territory
of RI but infected with Corona viruses abroad.
Safety First!

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