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Topic –Heart Rate

Presented by – CHHAVI SAINI

What is HEART RATE..?
• Heart Rate is the number of times your heart beats in a

• It is measured in “bpm” or “beats per minute”.

• Normal heart rate is usually between 60 and 80 beats per


• The heart rate of a women is usually about 10 beats

more per minute than a men of same age group.
What is Tachycardia..?
• Tachycardia is medical term used for increased heart rate
above than 100 beats per minutes.

What is Bradycardia..?
• Bradycardia is medical term used for decreased heart rate
below 60 beats per minutes.

• Arrhythmia- A condition in which the heart beats with an

irregular or abnormal rhythm.
Physiological conditions for-
Tachycardia Bradycardia

Childhood Sleep

Pregnancy Athletes

Post exercise

Emotional condition
such as anxiety.
Pathological condition for-
Tachycardia Bradycardia

Fever Hypothyroidism

Hypoxia Heart attack

Anemia Congenital heart


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