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 Angiogram is an x-ray procedure that can be diagnostic and
therapeutic. An angiogram detects blockages using x-rays
taken during the injection of a contrast agent(iodine dye).
 A coronary angiogram is a procedure that uses x-ray
imaging to see coronary vessels. During a coronary
angiogram, a type of dye that’s visible by an x-ray machine
is injected into the blood vessels of the patient’s heart. The
x-ray machine rapidly takes a series of
images(angiograms),offering a detailed look at the inside of
the blood vessels. If necessary, the doctor can perform
procedures such as an angioplasty during coronary
Pre-procedure nursing inteventions
 Obtain informed consent.
 Ask for allergies to sea food, iodine or radio-opaque dye.
 Keep the patient at NPO for 6-8 hours for solid and 4 hours
for liquid diet to prevent vomiting and aspiration during
 Monitor and record height, weight, vital signs and peripheral
pulses for the purpose of calculating the amount of dye.
 If prescribed; prepare insertion site, provide pre- procedure
medications and insert an IV line.
 Inform the patient that:
 Local anesthesia may be used before catheter insertion.
 He/she may feel fatigued due to the need to lie still and quiet on a table
for a long time.
Post- procedure nursing interventions
 Monitor vital signs, cardiac rhythm, peripheral pulses and the
color, temperature , and sensation of the extremity distal to
insertion site atleast every 30 minutes for 2 hours initially.
 Notify the physician in case of chest pain and dysarrhythmia.
 Monitor the pressure dressing for bleeding and hematoma. If
bleeding occurs apply pressure and inform the physician.
 Monitor for nausea , vomiting , rash and other signs of
hypersensitivity of the dye.
 Immobilize or keep the affected extremity straight at least for
8 hours.
 Encourage fluid intake to promote renal excretion of the dye
if not contraindicated.
 Notify the physician if the patient develop or
complained of the following signs and
a. extremity becomes cool, pale or cyanotic
or loss of peripheral pulse.
b. severe pain, numbness and tingling
c. bleeding and hematoma.

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