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Chapter 3

Scan Conversion Algorithms

(Circle and Ellipse)
Scan Conversion Algorithms

1. Scan Conversion of Point

2. Scan Conversion of Line
3. Scan Conversion of Circle
4. Scan Conversion of Ellipse
5. Scan Conversion of Polygons

October 6, 2020 Computer Graphics 2

Scan Converting Circle
– A circle is defined as the locus of points at a distance r
from a fixed point (h,k). This distance is described In the
Pythagoras theorem as :
( x  h) 2  ( y  k ) 2  r 2
where (h,k) is the centre and r is the radius of the circle
– The standard equation for the circle at centre (0,0) is:
x2  y2  r 2
– So, we can write a simple circle drawing algorithm by
solving the equation for y at unit x intervals using:
y   r 2  x2

October 6, 2020 Computer Graphics 3

Scan Converting Circle

void circleSimple(int xCenter, int yCenter, int

radius, Color c)
int x, y, r2;

r2 = radius * radius;
for (x = -radius; x <= radius; x++)
y = (int)(sqrt(r2 - x*x) + 0.5);
setPixel(xCenter + x, yCenter + y, c);
setPixel(xCenter + x, yCenter – y, c);

October 6, 2020 Computer Graphics 4

Scan Converting Circle

y0  20 2  0 2  20

y1  20 2  12  20

y2  20 2  2 2  20

y19  20 2  19 2  6

y20  20 2  20 2  0
October 6, 2020 Computer Graphics 5
Scan Converting Circle
– However, unsurprisingly this is not a brilliant solution!
– Firstly, it involves all floating point calculations
– Secondly, the calculations are not very efficient
• The square (multiply) operations
• The square root operation – try really hard to avoid these!
– Thirdly, the resulting circle has large gaps where the slope
approaches the vertical (why ?)

October 6, 2020 Computer Graphics 6

Scan Converting Circle
– We came across this
problem with lines
– Sometimes the slope of
the line tangent to a point
the circle is greater than 1.
Stepping in x won’t work
– So we could look for this
case and step in y …

October 6, 2020 Computer Graphics 7

Scan Converting Circle
– But that’s also not a good
– But on both cases, we were
taking advantage of the
circle’s symmetry when we
draw both positive and
negative values for y (or x).
– This is called 2-way
– Are there more symmetries
to exploit?

October 6, 2020 Computer Graphics 8

Scan Converting Circle
– Sure, let’s try 4-way symmetry.

– With just a quick hack, we get:

Put_pixel(h+x, k+y)
Put_pixel(h-x, k+y)
Put_pixel(h-x, k-y)
Put_pixel(h+x, k-y)
October 6, 2020 Computer Graphics 9
Scan Converting Circle
– That didn’t fix a thing.

– Oh sure, it’s faster – just half

as many evaluations – but
it’s no more correct than our
first try.

– Why didn’t this work?

October 6, 2020 Computer Graphics 10

Scan Converting Circle
– What about 8-way symmetry?
– Now we’re looking for symmetries
across the diagonal lines, i.e. where
– Now when we step along x, we can
permute the coordinates (swap x and
y) and simultaneously be stepping
along y in another part of the circle.
– That’s back to how we fixed lines!
– Bonus, it’s 4 times faster than the
October 6, 2020 Computer Graphics 11
Scan Converting Circle
Eight-Way Symmetry
– So we can use learned eight-way symmetry to make our circle
drawing algorithm more efficient
– Now circle points are computed
(-x, y) (x, y)
only in one octant,
rest of the circle are
(-y, x) (y, x)
found by symmetry.
– Centre can be shifted while R
(-y, -x) (y, -x)

(-x, -y) (x, -y)

October 6, 2020 Computer Graphics 12

Scan Converting Circle
– We define a routine that plots circle pixels with centre
(h,k) in all the eight octants

Put_pixel(h+x, k+y)
Put_pixel(h-x, k+y)
Put_pixel(h-x, k-y)
Put_pixel(h+x, k-y)
Put_pixel(h+y, k+x)
Put_pixel(h-y, k+x)
Put_pixel(h-y, k-x)
Put_pixel(h+y, k-x)

October 6, 2020 Computer Graphics 13

Circle Drawing Algorithms

1. Midpoint Circle Algorithm

October 6, 2020 Computer Graphics 14

Midpoint Circle Algorithm
1. Introduction
– Similarly to the case with lines, there is an incremental
algorithm for drawing circles – the mid-point circle
– In the mid-point circle algorithm we use implicit equation of
the circle.
– Integer calculations are used to compute the circle points in
one octant, rest of the seven points are plotted using eight
way symmetry.
– The equations derived will be similar to Bresenham’s circle
October 6, 2020 Computer Graphics 15
Midpoint Circle Algorithm
2. Basic Concept
– We will first calculate pixel positions for a circle centered
around the origin (0,0). Centre is shifted later on.
– Note that along the circle section from x=0 to x=y in the first
octant, the slope of the curve varies from 0 to -1
– Circle function around the origin is given by
fcircle(x,y) = x2 + y2 – r2
– Any point (x,y) on the boundary of the circle satisfies the
equation and circle function is zero

October 6, 2020 Computer Graphics 16

Midpoint Circle Algorithm
– For a point in the interior of the circle, the circle function is
negative and for a point outside the circle, the function is
– Thus, we have a discriminator function
• fcircle(x,y) < 0 if (x,y) is inside the circle boundary
• fcircle(x,y) = 0 if (x,y) is on the circle boundary
• fcircle(x,y) > 0 if (x,y) is outside the circle boundary
– The algorithm does the above test at mid point fcircle(x,y-½), if
it lies inside outer point is plotted, else inner is considered to be
the better choice

October 6, 2020 Computer Graphics 17

Midpoint Circle Algorithm

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1 2 3 4
Midpoint Circle Algorithm


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1 2 3 4
Midpoint Circle Algorithm


October 6, 2020 Computer Graphics 20

1 2 3 4
Midpoint Circle Algorithm
3. Derivation
– Let us assume that P(xk, yk ) is
the currently plotted pixel.
Q(xk+1, yk+1 )  (xk+1, y ) is
the next point along the actual
circle path. We need to decide
next pixel to be plotted from
among candidate positions
Q1(xk+1, yk ) or
Q2(xk+1, yk-1)

October 6, 2020 Computer Graphics 21

Midpoint Circle Algorithm
– Our decision parameter is the circle function evaluated at
the midpoint between these two pixels

pk = fcircle (xk +1, yk-1/2) = (xk +1)2 + (yk -1/2)2 – r2

– If pk < 0 ,
• this midpoint is inside the circle and
• the pixel on the scan line yk is closer to the circle boundary.
• the mid position is outside or on the circle boundary,
• and we select the pixel on the scan line yk-1

October 6, 2020 Computer Graphics 22

Midpoint Circle Algorithm
Successive decision parameters are obtained using incremental
pk = (xk +1)2 + (yk – ½ )2 – r2

Put k = k+1
pk+1 = [(xk+1)+1]2 + (yk+1 – ½ )2 – r2
= (xk+2)2 + (yk+1 – ½ )2 – r2

subtracting pk from pk+1

pk+1 – Pk = (xk+2)2 + (yk+1 – ½ )2 – [(xk +1)2 + (yk – ½ )2]
pk+1 = Pk+2(xk+1) + (yk+1 – ½)2 – (yk – ½)2+1
Where yk+1 is either yk or yk-1, depending on the sign of pk
October 6, 2020 Computer Graphics 23
Midpoint Circle Algorithm
If pk< 0
 Q1(xk+1, yk ) was the next choice
 yk+1 = yk
 (yk+1 – ½)2 – (yk – ½)2= 0
 pk+1 = pk + 2.xk +3
Q2(xk+1, yk-1) was the next choice
 yk+1 = yk+1
 (yk+1 – ½)2 – (yk – ½)2 = – 2.yk +2
 pk+1 = pk + 2(xk – yk )+ 5
October 6, 2020 Computer Graphics 24
Midpoint circle algorithm
Initial decision parameter is obtained by evaluating the circle
function at the start position (x0,y0) = (0,r)
p0 = fcircle(1, r – 1/2)
= 1+ (r – 1/2)2 – r2
= 5/4 – r
If radius r is specified as an integer, we can round p0 to
p0 = 1 – r

October 6, 2020 Computer Graphics 25

Midpoint Circle Algorithm
5. Example
– To see the mid-point circle algorithm in action lets use it to
draw a circle centred at (0,0) with radius 10
– To see the mid-point circle algorithm in action lets use it to
draw a circle centred at (0,0) with radius 16

October 6, 2020 Computer Graphics 26

October 6, 2020 Computer Graphics 27
October 6, 2020 Computer Graphics 28
Mid-Point Circle Algorithm Example
10 pk
k (xk,yk) iNST
8 0
7 1
5 2
4 3
2 4
1 5
0 1 6,220203
October 4 5 6 7 8Computer
9 10 Graphics 29
Mid-Point Circle Algorithm Example
16 pk (xk,yk)
14 0
11 2
10 3
9 4
6 6
5 7
4 8
1 10
0 11
October 6, 2020 Computer Graphics 30
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 12
Scan Conversion Algorithms

1. Scan Conversion of Point

2. Scan Conversion of Line
3. Scan Conversion of Circle
4. Scan Conversion of Ellipse
5. Scan Conversion of Polygons

October 6, 2020 Computer Graphics 31

Scan Converting Ellipse
General equation of an ellipse: d2
d1 + d2 = constant F1
(x, y)
 x  x1  2   y  y1  2   x  x2  2   y  y2  2  constant

However, we will only consider ‘standard’ ellipse:

2 2
b  x  xc   y  yc 
    1
 a   b 

October 6, 2020 Computer Graphics 32

Scan Converting Ellipse
– Formally An ellipse is defined as the locus of points
satisfying following equation: r from a fixed point (h,k).
This distance is described In the Pythagoras theorem as :
(x  h)2 ( y  k ) 2
 2 1
a b
where (h,k) is the centre, a and b are the length of major
and minor axis respectively
– The standard equation for the ellipse at centre (0,0) is:
x2 y 2
 1
a 2 b 2

October 6, 2020 Computer Graphics 33

Scan Converting Ellipse
– So, we can write a simple circle drawing algorithm by
solving the equation for y at unit x intervals using:
y  b.( 12  ( x / a ) 2 )

– Which is not a good solution. (you know that)

October 6, 2020 Computer Graphics 34

Scan Converting Ellipse
Four-Way Symmetry
– Like circle, ellipse centred at (0, 0) follows symmetry. But
now it is four symmetry.
– Thus ellipse points are computed
(-x,y) (x,y)
in the first quadrant,
rest three of the ellipse points
are found by symmetry. o
– Centre can be shifted while (-x,-y) (x,-y)

October 6, 2020 Computer Graphics 35

Scan Converting Ellipse
– So we define a routine that plots ellipse pixels with
centre (h,k) in all the four quadrants

Put_pixel(h+x, k+y)
Put_pixel(h-x, k+y)
Put_pixel(h+x, k-y)
Put_pixel(h-x, k-y)

October 6, 2020 Computer Graphics 36

Ellipse Drawing Algorithms

1. Polar Domain Algorithms

2. Midpoint Ellipse Algorithm
3. Bresenham Ellipse Algorithm

October 6, 2020 Computer Graphics 37

Midpoint Ellipse Algorithm
Reconsider an ellipse centered at the origin:
2 2
x  y
    1
a b

The discriminator function?

f e  x, y   b 2 x 2  a 2 y 2  a 2 b 2
…and its properties:
fe(x,y) < 0 for a point inside the ellipse
fe(x,y) > 0 for a point outside the ellipse
fe(x,y) = 0 for a point on the ellipse
October 6, 2020 Computer Graphics 38
Midpoint Ellipse Algorithm

October 6, 2020 Computer Graphics 39

Midpoint Ellipse Algorithm

October 6, 2020 Computer Graphics 40

Midpoint Ellipse Algorithm
– Ellipse is different from circle.
– Similar approach with circle, Slope =
different is sampling direction. -1

– Region 1:
• Sampling is at x direction
• Choose between (xk+1, yk), or (xk+1, yk-1)
Region 1
• Midpoint: (xk+1, yk-0.5)
Region 2
– Region 2:
• Sampling is at y direction
• Choose between (xk, yk-1), or (xk+1, yk-1)
• Midpoint: (xk+0.5, yk-1)

October 6, 2020 Computer Graphics 41

Midpoint Ellipse Algorithm
Decision Parameters
– Region 1: – Region 2:
p1k  f e  xk  1, yk  1 2  p 2 k  f e  xk  1 2 , yk  1
p1k –ve: p2k –ve:
• midpoint is inside • midpoint is inside
• choose pixel (xk+1, yk) • choose pixel (xk+1, yk-1)
p1k +ve:  
• midpoint is outside p2k +ve:
• choose pixel (xk+1, yk-1) • midpoint is outside
• choose pixel (xk, yk-1)
October 6, 2020 Computer Graphics 42
Midpoint Ellipse Algorithm
Derivation for Region 1:
– Let us assume that P(xk, yk ) is
the currently plotted pixel.
Q(xk+1, yk+1 )  (xk+1, y ) is
the next point along the actual
circle path. We need to decide
next pixel to be plotted from
among candidate positions
Q1(xk+1, yk ) or
Q2(xk+1, yk-1)

October 6, 2020 Computer Graphics 43

Midpoint Ellipse Algorithm
– Our decision parameter is the circle function evaluated at the
midpoint between these two pixels
p1k = fe (xk +1, yk-1/2) = b2(xk +1)2 + a2(yk -1/2)2 –a2 b2

– If p1k < 0 ,
• this midpoint is inside the ellipse and
• the pixel on the scan line yk is closer to the ellipse boundary.
• the mid position is outside or on the ellipse boundary,
• and we select the pixel on the scan line yk-1

October 6, 2020 Computer Graphics 44

Midpoint Ellipse Algorithm
Successive decision parameters are obtained using incremental
p1k = b2 (xk +1)2 + a2 (yk – ½ )2 – a2b2

Put k = k+1
p1k+1 = b2 [(xk+1)+1]2 + a2(yk+1 – ½ )2 – a2b2
= b2 (xk+2)2 + a2(yk+1 – ½ )2 – a2b2
subtracting pk from pk+1
p1k+1 – p1k = b2(xk+2)2 + a2(yk+1 – ½ )2 – [b2(xk +1)2 + a2(yk – ½ )2] or
p1k+1 = p1k+2 b2(xk+1) + a2 [(yk+1 – ½)2 – (yk – ½)2]+b2
Where yk+1 is either yk or yk-1, depending on the sign of p1k

October 6, 2020 Computer Graphics 45

Midpoint Ellipse Algorithm
If p1k< 0
 Q1(xk+1, yk ) was the next choice
 yk+1 = yk
 (yk+1 – ½)2 – (yk – ½)2= 0
 p1k+1 = p1k + b2(2.xk +3)
Q2(xk+1, yk-1) was the next choice
 yk+1 = yk–1
 (yk+1 – ½)2 – (yk – ½)2 = – 2.yk +2
 p1k+1 = p1k + b2(2.xk +3) + a2(– 2.yk+ 2)
October 6, 2020 Computer Graphics 46
Midpoint Ellipse algorithm
Initial decision parameter is obtained by evaluating the circle
function at the start position (x0,y0) = (0,b)
p10 = fe(1, b – 1/2)

= b2 – a2b + ¼ a2

October 6, 2020 Computer Graphics 47

Midpoint Ellipse Algorithm
Derivation for Region 2:
– Let us assume that P(xk, yk ) is
the currently plotted pixel.
Q(xk+1, yk+1 )  (xk+1, y ) is
the next point along the actual
circle path. We need to decide
next pixel to be plotted from
among candidate positions
Q1(xk, yk -1) or
Q2(xk+1, yk-1)

October 6, 2020 Computer Graphics 48

Midpoint Ellipse Algorithm
– Our decision parameter is the circle function evaluated at the
midpoint between these two pixels
p2k = fe (xk +1/2, yk-1) = b2(xk +1/2)2 + a2(yk – 1)2 – a2 b2

– If p2k <0 ,
• tthe mid position is inside or on the ellipse boundary,
• and we select the pixel on the scan line xk+1
• his midpoint is outside the ellipse and
• the pixel on the scan line xk is closer to the ellipse boundary.

October 6, 2020 Computer Graphics 49

Midpoint Ellipse Algorithm
Successive decision parameters are obtained using incremental
p2k = b2 (xk +½)2 + a2 (yk – 1 )2 – a2b2
Put k = k+1
p2k+1 = b2 [(xk+1)+½]2 + a2(yk+1 – 1 )2 – a2b2
= b2 [(xk+1)+½]2 + a2(yk – 2 )2 – a2b2
subtracting pk from pk+1
p2k+1 – p2k = b2(xk+1+½)2 + a2(yk – 2 )2 – [b2(xk +½)2 + a2(yk – 1 )2]
p2k+1 = p2k+b2[(xk+1+½) 2 – (xk +½)2 ] – a2 (2.yk – 3)
Where xk+1 is either xk or xk+1, depending on the sign of p2k

October 6, 2020 Computer Graphics 50

Midpoint Ellipse Algorithm
If p2k< 0
Q2(xk+1, yk-1) was the next choice
 xk+1 = xk+1
 (xk+1+½)2 – (xk +½)2 = 2.xk +2
 p2k+1 = p2k + b2(2.xk +2) – a2(2.yk – 3)
 Q1(xk, yk – 1) was the next choice
 xk+1 = xk
 (xk+1+½)2 – (xk +½)2= 0
 p2k+1 = p2k – a2(2.yk – 3)
October 6, 2020 Computer Graphics 51
Midpoint Ellipse algorithm
Initial decision parameter is obtained by evaluating the circle
function at the start position (x0,y0) the last point plotted after
drawing region 1
p20 = fe(x0+½, y0 – 1)

= b2(x0+½)2 + a2( y0 – 1)2 –a2b2

October 6, 2020 Computer Graphics 52

Midpoint Ellipse algorithm
• Condition to move from one region to another
Starting at point (0,b) in the region 1 where slope is <1 we take unit step
increment along x-direction until we reach region 2 where slope is >1. At each
step we need to check slope. 2
dy 2b x
• The ellipse slope can be calculated as dx   2a 2 y
• At the boundary of region 1 and 2
dy/dx = -1
 2b2x = 2a2y
 We move out of region 1 if 2b2x ≥2a2y

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