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Sender Recipient

About my school

So, I really like my school very much. Our teachers are helpful,
friendly, and sociable. The subjects are interesting and my
classmates are great!!
Please send me an email and tell me about your school.
I’m super interested to hear details about it. For that, I will send
you a questionnaire later to tell you about the stuff I want you
to tell me about your school.
See you soon.
Love, Neil.
1. Who is the sender, and who is the recipient of this
2. What does Neil want from Ali?
3. Is this the only email Neil sent to Ali?

This is the questionnaire I told you about

1. How long have you been in this school?
2. What do you like best about the school?
3. What don’t you like about this school?
4. How often do you do your homework?
5. How many teachers do you have?
6. Can you use mobile phones at school?
7. Is there a multimedia room in your school?
8. Is there a library?
9. How many school subjects do you have a day?

Answer Neil’s questions with

information about your school.
1. How long have you been in this school?
 I have been in this school for 2 years.
2. What do you like best about the school?
 I like my classmates, the teachers, and some school subjec
3. What don’t you like about this school?
 I don’t like the Library. It is small and it doesn’t have lots
4. How often do you do your homework?
 I always do my homework.
5. How many teachers do you have?
 I have 9 teachers.
6. Can you use mobile phones at school?
 No, I can’t. it’s forbidden.
7. Is there a multimedia room in your school?
 yes, there is.
8. Is there a library?
 yes, there is.
9. How many school subjects do you have a day?
Dear Neil,
Thank you for your email. It was very nice to know about your
So it’s my turn to tell you about my school. Its name is …………………..

Bye for now,

Your Name.
Dear Neil,
Thank you for your email. It was very nice to know about your
So it’s my turn to tell you about my school. Its name is Aoulouz high school. It
has 13 classrooms and four big labs. There is a large field where we practise
I’ve been in this school for 2 years. I like my classmates. They are friendly. I
also like some teachers . They are helpful. I prefer some school subjects for
example English, Maths and Islamic Education.
But I don’t like the library because it is small, and I can’t find the books I
want. I have 9 teachers. We can’t use mobile phones.
In addition, we have some other rules such as: we must keep our school
clean. We must respect our teachers. And we have to come to school on
time. The multimedia room is small. I have 2 or 3 school subjects a day.
Bye for now,

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