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Alex Collado

Internal Environment
• Interstitial plasma a liquid substance that fills
the spaces between cells.
• Blood renews the intestitial plasma carryng
nutrients and removing waste products, the
interstitial plasma must be renewed
Blood composition
Blood has two components:
• Blood Plasma: Water with minerals, waste products…
• Blood cells:
 White blood cells:Phagocytes(eat bacteria)
Lymphocites(Catch bacteria)
 Platelets: Allow blood to coagulate
 Red blood cells: Carry oxigen and very abundant
Transport nutrients
Transport waste substances
Regulation of body temperature
Protection against infections+coagulate
Protection against bleeding
Circulation(Blood Vessels)
• Arteries: Carry blood from the heart to the
organs, go further away from the heart.
• Capillaries: Microscopic blood bessels, have a
thin wall make the exchange between blood
and cells.
• Veins: Carry blood from tissues to the heart,
thinner walls than arteries,formed where
many venules joint together.
• The heart is a hollow muscular organ. Divided
into two parts left and right which are
completly separate.
Heart beat
• It happens when the heart pumps blood from
the heart to the atrium.
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Blood circuits
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Circulation is double, completa and closed:

Double: Blood has to travel twice to the heart in
order to complete the whole circuit.
Complete: oxygenated blood coming from the lungs
never mixes with deoxygenated blood coming from
the rest of the body.
Closed: The blood never leaves the blood vessels.
The lymphatic system
• Lymph: Trasparent liquid composed of lympocytes and
interstitial plasma.
• The lymphatic syste
• m is a network of tissues and organs that helps to release
the body of toxins, waste and other unwanted materials
• It maintains a liquid balance in the internal environment.
• It plays a role in protecting the body
• It collects products from fat digestion in the small
intestine using lipids.
Ver documental lymphatic system
The excretory system
• Is a group of organs that facilitate the
elimination of waste substances produced by
cells after cell metabolism.
Waste products: Carbon dioxide,urea and uric
acid and toxic substances.
Urinary system
• Kidneys
2 bean shaped organs located behind the
abdomen. Nephrons: Structural and functional
units of kidneys.Kidneys activily intervene in the
regulation of the internal environment.
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Urinary tract
• Ureter: Thin tubes that start from the kidney and end
in the bladder.
• Bladder: Is an elastic bag in which urine acomulates
before being released to the exterior.
When the bladder contains a large quantity of urine it
makes a nervous reflex as a result the bladder contracts
and the urine goes to the urethra.
Urethra : The duct that connects with the exterior. In
mans is connected with the reproductive system in
women case no.
Urine formation
2 stages:
• Glomerular filtration: The passage of blood to
the bowman´s capsule to bowmans capsule.
Where it gets filtred and substances (useful
and not useful) stay in the nephron.
• Tubular reabsorption: As filtered substances
travel through the nephron they are
reabsorbed; waste substances are not
Heart beat
• Atrial systole: atrium contracts and blood goes
throught the valve into the ventricle.
• Ventricular systole: ventricles contract and
valves(Mitral and tricuspid) open so the blood
goes throught the pulmonary artery and aorta.
• Diastole: Heart muscle relax and fills up with
blood in the atrium
Blood doesn´t return because of sigmoidal valves.
Illnesses of the circulatory system
• Arterioesclerosis: Arteries become harder and
loss of elasticity.
• Artheroesclerosis: There is a cholesterol plaque
build up in the internal walls of arteries.
• Anemia: Decrease in the number of red blood
cells and haemoglobin.
• Leukaemia: Excesive increase in the number of
white blood cells and decrease in the number of
red blood cells.
Illnesses excretory system
• Stones: Solid structures caused by the build up
of substances that are in the urine. Can cause
renal colics.
Interation process
Body´s adaptation to changes that take place in
our environment.
Homeostasis: Mantain body´s stability when
there is a change in the internal environment.
This process work like a feedback; when there is
a variation mechanism work for it to return to
the normal state.
Systems that take part
• Sensory organs recive information and
transform it into nerve impulses and trasmited
to the nerve system. So the nervous system
processes the information and gives an
answer to the effector organs.
• They are the most expecialiced cells in the
Cell Body
Clasificate neurons
• Structure: Unipolar, bipolar or multipolar
• Sensory neuron: Trasmit information from
receptors to the nerve centres.
• Motor neuron: Trasmit information from
nerve centres to effector organs.
• Interneurons: Connect sensory neuron and
motor neurons.
Electrical signals
• Neurons trasmit nerve impulses.
• Synapse allow neurons to trasmit information from
one to another.
• The gap between neurons is called synaptic cleft.
• Vesicles in the axon terminal contain neuro trasmiters;
when the impulse gets to the axon terminal they
break and the neurotrasmiters are released in the
synaptic cleft. There they joint the dentrite of the next
neuron and the nerve impulse can be started.
Endocrine sysytem
• Endocrine glands release hormones in the
• Each hormone acts on a specific cell called
target cell.

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