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Made by
Daniel Barrantes
Alexia Español
Miguel Rodriguez
Tifany Mancera
Camilo Vargas
• Acetylcholine • Endorphine
• Serotonin • Enkephaline
• GABA • Dynoprhine
• Glutamate
• Dopamine
• Histamine
• Noradrenaline
• Glicine
• Opioid peptides
Substance classified as an Esther.

Can be found in the Central Nervous System and peripheral

nervous system.

Most of neurotransmitters are from this kind.

The first neurotransmitter discovered

Their main function is to stimulate muscles.

It also participates in the change of wakefulness to sleep.

Lastly, its also implied in a lot of cognoscitive process such as

attention, learning and more

Also called “the happiness hormone”

It behaves like a hormone in the bloodstream and like a neurotransmitter

in the brain.

Its main function is to regulate the psychological stability and wellness.

It also fulfil other functions such as thermal regulation, stabilize the

emotional state during stressful situations and the regulation of the sleep
Can be found in huge amounts in the nervous
Serotonin system and in the gastrointestinal tract.
disorders • Therefore, if there are disorders on the production of this
neurotransmitter can cause serial effects on our behavior and in
our way of feeling.
• That’s why depression is associated with low levels of serotonin.
GABA (gamma-
Aminobutyric acid

The main neurotransmitter in charge of inhibit or

reduce the neural activity.

Therefore, it creates a feeling of calm during

moments of anxiety.

Can be found for all over the brain cortex and

other organs such as lungs, pancreas, kidneys,
liver, stomach, skin and more.

Low levels are associated with behavior disorders

such as schizophrenia, anxiety, insomnia and

It is made of glucose

It is an amino acid that facilitates communication

between neurons

Found mostly in the brain

• Dopamine participates in
multiple brain functions: learning
and memory, motivation and
reward for pleasant stimuli

• At low levels it can be associated

with depression

• At very high levels it can indicate

hyperactivity, and at abnormal
levels it is associated with

It belongs to the biogeny amines group.

It is synthetized in the interior of cells of our body

such as neurons, platelets, mast cell, etc.

Its main function is to create an allergic response

when a unknow body gets into the organism.

It also execute functions in the sleep-wakefulness

cycle and keep the organism alert on any changes of
the environment.
Its a hormone that also behave like a neurotransmitter.

It participates in the transmission of messages between the exterior zones of the

brain and the interior zones

Has an important function on attention and regulation processes because it provokes

an excitatory reaction in the brain, therefore, facilities the surveillance of our

Its also relate with the motivation process because it regulates the process of
memory learning, and reward feeling.

Has other functions such as the regulation of the mood.

Its an amino acid that can be used for the synthesis of
proteins and an inhibitor and excitatory

It intervenes actively in the develop of the nervous

system, the brain plasticity and in degenerative

Among its functions can be found: the motor regulation

that can allow the muscular tone to maintain and can
coordinate the muscles groups to make logical actions,
can give to the organism a calm state and more
Opioid peptide
These are a series of neurotransmitters and
hormones responsible for controlling pain,
reproduction, temperature, hunger, and
reproductive functions.

Those are named like that because those kind of

neurotransmitters can create the same effect of
the opium derivates (like morphine)

They are conformed by the endorphin, enkephalin,

dynorphin and more.

It forms in the brain and spinal cord

Helps survival and pain experimentation as it

allows alert information from nerve receptors to
arrive much faster in the form of pain

It is of vital importance in automatic

muscular processes such as breathing or

Its a neuropeptide endogen type in charge of stimulating

the brain to create the feeling of pleasure.

Its synthetized in the hypophysis and it is distributed by

the rest of the nervous system.

It has a lot o functions like creating a feeling of pleasure,

wellness and calm in a physical and psychological form.

Can inhibit the physical and emotional pain.

Is a hormone that behaves like a neurotransmitter.

It is sintetized in the limbic system

It is produced naturally during pleasant situations.

They has a lot of functions such as reducing and controlling pain, controlling
the gastric and intestinal movements, controlling the feeling of hunger and
recent studies show that those hormones are associated with aging.

The disorders of this hormone are associated with alzehimer.

Similarities between the enkephalin hormone
and morphine, an opium derived

Neurotransmitter that can be found in a lot of

areas of the brain, such as the hippocampus,
amygdala, thalamus and more parts.

Their functions are related to the memory,

learning, emotional control stress and more.

A lot of pathophysiology are associated with

the dynorphin like epilepsy, addiction,
depression and schizophrenia.
• Castillero, O. (s.f.). Acetilcolina. Obtenido de Psicología y mente:
• García-Allen, J. (s.f.). ​GABA (neurotransmisor): qué es y qué función desempeña en el cerebro. Obtenido de Psiología y mente:
• García-Allen, J. (s.f.). Tipos de neurotransmisores: funciones y clasificación. Obtenido de Psicología Y Mente:
• Mateos, M. (2018). Serotonina: importancia y funciones. Obtenido de Mejor con salud:
• Pradas, C. (26 de Octubre de 2018). Qué es la serotonina y para qué sirve. Obtenido de Psicología-Online:
• Rodríguez, M. (s.f.). GABA, el neurotransmisor de la calma y la relajación. Obtenido de La mente es maravillosa:
• Ruiz, L. (s.f.). GABA (neurotransmisor): ¿qué es y qué funciones lleva a cabo? Obtenido de Azsalud:
• Torres, A. (s.f.). Serotonina: 6 efectos de esta hormona en tú cuerpo y mente. Obtenido de Psicología y mente:
• Valdez, A. (Septiembre de 2014). Neurotransmisores y el impulso nervioso. Obtenido de UNIVERSIDAD MARISTA DE GUADALAJARA.
• Ana Garcia, 1 de enero de 2019, Dopamina: Funciones e Indicaciones, Recuperado de
• Beatriz G. López, 6 de febrero de 2019, ¿Qué es la dopamina y para qué sirve?Preguntas y respuestas, Recuperado de
• Carlos Beas Zárate, 2005, El glutamato: de nutriente cerebral a neurotóxico, Recuperado de
• Soteras, A. (2019). ¿Qué es la histamina en la lucha contra las alergias? EfeSalud, Recuperado de
• Castillero, O. (2020). Noradrenalina (neurotransmisor): definición y funciones. Psicología y Mente. Recuperado de
• Dutta, S. S. (2019). ¿Cuál es la noradrenalina? Recuperado de
• ¿Qué funciones tiene la glicina? (2014). Guía Metabólica. Recuperado de
• Torres, A. (2020). ​Glicina (neurotransmisor): qué es y cómo actúa sobre el organismo. Psicología y Mente. Recuperado de

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