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You, children of today belong to the “I-touch
generation, where information is just at the
"tip of your fingers. The world we are now
living in is no longer round, but, "The world is
flat!!! You do not need to travel around the
world or the spaces outside the Earth to see its
vast and wonderful sceneries that God created.
You do not need to buy expensive
encyclopedia to read and get information about
lot of things about machines, transportations,
body systems, monarchy, history, plants and
animals and many others because they are free
and readily accessible in the internet.
You can see them
every day through
skype, facebook,
facetime, viper and
many more. You can
simply do and discover
many impossible things
today through
technology, whether
those information are
good or harmful to us.
In this lesson you are going to:

1- Distinguish information whether good or bad

that is seen in the television, internet and other
forms of media and technology

2- Choose TV programs, books, internet resources

like games, music and pictures that are healthy,
beneficial and educational
The influence of the media on the behavior and
social development of children is overpowering.
Thus, it is important for parents to protect their
child’s exposure to media and to provide guidance
on age-appropriate use of all media, including
television, radio, music, video games and the

The beneficial and harmful effects of media on
children’s mental and physical health, and the
healthy use of the media in their communities.

Not all television programs are bad, like Sesame
Street and other children’s program that can be a
powerful teacher but data showing the negative
effects of exposure to violence and offensive
language, inappropriate sexuality, obesity and
malnutrition, and poor academic performance,
especially in reading, make its harmful effects.
Music videos may have a significant behavioral
impact by twisting viewers to violence, drugs and
making teenagers more likely to approve of
premarital sex. At the very least, parents should
take an active role in monitoring the music their
children are exposed to.
Some video games may help the development
of fine motor skills and coordination, but many
of the concerns about the negative effects of
television (example: inactivity, asocial behavior
and violence) also apply to excessive exposure
to video games. Violent video games should be
discouraged because they have harmful effects
on children’s mental development so parents
should be advised to familiarize themselves
with various rating systems for video games
and use this knowledge to make their decisions.
The Internet is a wealth of information on
coping with the vast resources of the Web,
both good and bad. It has a significant
potential for providing children and youth
with access to educational information, and
can be compared with a huge home library.
However, parents should be encouraged to
appreciate that there is potential for more
good than bad, as long as one has the
knowledge to tell the difference of potential
benefits as safely as possible.
A. Let’s try to sing this and meditate on the
meaning of this kids song first.

"Little Eyes"
Oh be careful little eyes what you see (2x)
For the Father up above is looking down with love
Oh be careful little eyes what you see

Click the link.

B. Are you familiar with these acronyms? You see it in TV.
Spell them out.

GP - General Patronage

PG - Parental Guidance (Patnubay at Gabay)

SPG - Strong Parental Guidance

TLKSHD - Tema, Lenggwahe, Karahasan, Seksuwal,
Horror at Droga

Click the link:
Ask God to give you wisdom to know which is
right and which is evil. Every time you watch TV,
go to movies, get resources from internet.
Think... think... and think, and discern whether
you are seeing and hearing will make you a better
person or will lead you into destruction.
Our God tells us that He can lead us to the right
way, that is the way to righteousness and
goodness. It is God's will for us to live with the
truth. And this includes our lifestyle. We can use the
media to influence other in doing good, in choosing
truth than suffer a bad consequence.
Ponder upon the words of the Bible below:

"Therefore for everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them
into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock.
The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and
beat against the house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation
on the rock.
But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put
them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand.
The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and
beat against that house, and it fell with a great crash"
Matthew 7:24-27
C. Answer the following questions by encircling the statement
that best describe your viewing time.
1. Why do you think these acronyms are always shown in the
a. to give you guidance in your viewing the TV
b. to follow the guidance
c. To give you warning on programs that are not good for
d. all of the above

2. What do you usually do when you see PG?

a. ask your Mom or Dad to accompany you from watching
b. you still watch the TV alone because your parents have n
time to watch with you
c. you turn off the TV
d. you change the channel of television
3. How about when you see the SPG
a. turn off the TV set
b. change the channel and look for a better program
c. still watch for it because it is your favorite program
d. ask an adult to watch with you

4. You have not seen any warning on the TV show, in the middle
and climax of the movie or show you notice that the actor is
saying foul words. What will you do?
a. stop from watching it
b. change the channel and look for a better program
c. still watch for it and finish the story because you are in the
middle of it
d. ask somebody to watch it, and tell you what happened
5. Your classmate is showing you a pornography in his ipad.
What will you do?
a. enjoy viewing it
b. encourage your other classmates to watch it too
c. do not participate, tell them it's wrong, and report it to
your teacher
d. use your Bluetooth to get a copy

6. You notice that you are being addicted with the on-line game
you are playing, to the extent that you are not doing your
assigned projects and homework. What will you do?
a. delete the game from your tablet or ipad
b. set time to play and to study
c. tell you mom to keep your ipad/tablet
d keep playing, never mind your studies
7. Your Mom warns you already to stop from playing your gadget and
start reading your books instead. What will you
a. tell her to give you some more time to play
b. keep the gadget and get your book and start to read
c. get angry with your mom
d. cry so that your mom will allow you to use it for more time

8. You see a new TV ads about a new chips, and it really looks
delicious. What will you do?
a. buy it when you go to the grocery store
b. ask your Mom to buy it for you
C. don't be tempted eating junk foods
d. ask your classmates to share his chips to you
9 You watch from the news that there will be a strong typhoon
to come in your province. VVhat will you do?
a. ask your teachers it you have a class the next day
b. never mind the news, anyway, the sun is shining so brightly
c. be safe, be ready and stay at home
d. do not listen to the news

10. Your Tita told you to watch the movie because it depicts
good values. However, you find it so boring. What will you
a. watch and learn from the story
b. change the channel
c. turn off the TV and play with your ipad instead
d. tell her that you will watch for it next time
A.Draw a happy face ( ) if the media provides good
and healthy information or used properly and a sad
face ( )if it will cause harmful effects and used to
destroy others.

_____1. Violent movies and shows killings

_____2. Piano and guitar tutorial
_____3. Pornography
_____4. Games that can cause you to be addicted
_____5. Editing pictures and videos
_____6. Researching about Asian countries
_____7. Using facebook to spread gossip
_____8. Texting while inside the church while the
Pastor/Priest is giving message
_____9. Movies using foul words to others
_____10. TV advertisements that promotes good
family values
_____11. TV ads that motivates you to eat junk foods
_____12. TV ads that affirm that white skin and straight
hair are better
_____13. TV news
_____14. Discovery channel
_____15. TV programs that show children's stories and
B. Check (/) the forms of media you are using every day.
_____1. Texting
_____2. Calling
_____3. Reading newspaper
_____4. Watching TV
____cartoon movies ____news
____sports ____movies
_____5. On-line games
_____6. E-mails
_____7. Face book
_____8. Skype
Video Challenge
1. With the help of your teacher, plan to make a video about
knowing and telling the truth. The video can be a music
video or an advertisement or
short clip.
2. Include in the video the appropriate MTRCB guideline
(GP or PG etc.)
3. Present the video to five (5) persons to rate you at home
and in class. Ask your parents, guardian, siblings, teacher
and a classmate to rate your video and have them write
some comments.
4. Use this Rating Scale: 1 to 5 stars, 5 being the highest
Congratulations! Now, you are not only a media user, you
are now a media creator. Use media in spreading good
news, good deeds, truthful things!

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