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English Curse.

Listen to the classroom online
Ex 1. What do you do for make a good first impression?
Yuna: a. Be polite f. smile
Felix: b. Pay attention to people d. remember people’s names
Sophy: e. have confidence g. keep eye contact

Class #3

Class #4

drink coffee with milk in the morning and in the night for breakfast she eats eggs and bread
for lunch she eats meat or chicken and vegetables
2 she eats ajiaco or Shushi
3 we both agree that presentation is important but it doesn’t change how it taste.

1 They have between four to six times more than medium tasters.
2 No, people cannot decide to be a supertaster because we cannot change the number of
taste buds.
3 Supertasters would like to eat foods without strong flavors because of their taste buds.
4 Nontasters have a high risk
How to make a good impression on a customer.
Making a good impression on a customer could mean a guaranteed sale for this reason is
important. When people feel good there is a major probability to buy things so, you must
make the customer comfortable, first you must let they know that they have your complete
attention, be kind and polite. then you could start a small talk to generate empathy and
confidence, then you must show the offers and discounts of the store and show the capacity
and the best things of the product telling the customer why they should buy the product.
Finally, you must thank to the customer for their attention and interest even if he does not
buy anything, your good service could make him come back.

F page 48
A page 49
Something you ate this week
4 I ate a traditional, simple, and delicious recipe of pasta the last Monday.
5 a DVD or Book you like.
I love the antique interesting teenage books and DVDs of harry potter
6 A restaurant you like-
Sr wok restaurant is really an organized place
The burgers are delicious in the corral
Shimaki restau
Page 50.
Origin: American, Brazilian, Korean, Omani,
Size: Huge, Little.
Age: Ancient, Antique, elderly, modern, traditional teenage.
Shape: Triangular, rectangular, oval
Color: Orange
Material: Metal, ceramic, glass, plastic, silk, cotton, wool.
Kind/Purpose: Jogging, hiking, writing, wedding, racing, medical.
Opinion/Quality: common, elegant, friendly, funny, lovely, nice, interesting, ugly,
uncomfortable, unusual, wonderful.
Topic: Salchipapa
Description: Peruan / Colombian, creamy gravy, spicy, fast food.
Ingredients: Fries, sliced sausage, cheese, fresh vegetables, onion, ground beef, tartar sauce
and pineapple sauce.
Colors: Golden, with red and green
Significant: Traditional dish, restaurants in the Colombian coast.
The Salchipapa is a really known dish of the Colombian coast, its prepare in a lot of fast
food restaurants and their flavor is incomparable, the preparation is not as complex as other
kind of dishes and its relatively easy to make at home, its composed by fries, sliced
sausage, cheese, fresh vegetables, onion, ground beef, tartar sauce and pineapple sauce and
I could describe the flavor as a bit spicy by the ingredients of the meat and a bit sweet by
the pineapple sauce, it’s a really balanced flavor. The Salchipapa looks delicious with a
golden color in the fries and a brown/red color by the sausage and the ground meat. Lately
Salchipapa has become a traditional dish of the coast even if it is not healthy is delicious
and a lot of people eat it every day.
Answers ex H page 6
I agree because the use of technology has become something normal in our society, we
already are addicted to technology, but tablets could potentiate a lot of social problems that
we see today in a minor grade, as the lack of physical activity or the difficulty of make
friends and relate with other people and finally the biggest dependence of technology that
we can see in the youngest people of our society.
In the other hand technology could be a positive thing because children could access to
more knowledge and more things that could help them in the future in that way our society
could become more intellectual and start important advances with young generations.
Finally, ok I think that technology is not the problem, the real problem is the way that we
let our children use it.

Article: Are videogames bad for me?

Author: Larissa Hirsch, MD
Main idea: Too much game playing may cause problems
1. Lots of kids love video games. In fact, they like them so much but too much
of anything is just too much and could become in addictions or distractions.
In the other hand it is hard to get enough active play and exercise because
to play videogames you need to stay at home in front of a TV without a real
fiscal activity and that could mean a problem for the child health.
Overdoing videogames also could affect other important stuff as school or
job because of the time losing that could affect the stuff that a person has
to do even in personal aspects. But not everything is bad about
videogames, play them could be a good idea if you control the time that you
spend on it and if you play the correct game, as a sport game that you
could enjoy with your family playing something as baseball as the same
time that you do exercise.
problems that could affect more important stuff as school or job but in the
other hand, the article shows the positive side of the gaming as
entertainment and a form to unite the family.
In general, I think that the article shows both sides of a coin, advantages
and disadvantages that could be useful to people who needs information
about this topic.

Final Exam

Main idea: Tablet computer is transforming education

1. In Today’s world, tablet computers are transforming education. Recently

schools are using tablets instead of paper or books. A lot of governments
are really interested on this because they have predicted that in the future
best jobs will need of students with great computer skills. They want to
prepare their students for the near future. Governments are also supported
by educators who are in favor of tablet education because of the
advantages that this kind of devices could offer as the strengthening of
student’s abilities as creativity. By other side technology or tablet education
are not perfect yet. Even if studies have shown that having tablet education
can improve students test scores many of them does not have access to
internet or their connections are slow and stop working this can put children
at a disadvantage. Another disadvantage is that some students can get
easily distracted and begin doing activities that they do not have to do as
texting to their friends or playing games. Finally, there are a lot of
functional examples of tablet education as the teacher Kristen Wideen from
Canada who works with another teacher in Singapore.

I am surprised that tablet education is transforming the world, but also, I

agree that it could be good for students this kind of education because in
that way they could learn more about a lot of themes and research more
information but its true that not everyone has a good internet connection or
a stable network and this is an important problem that could cause many
complications for students and teachers even if governments are working to
stablish good national networks but this kind of projects usually are built
slowly, For this reason I think that tablet education is possible but it is going
to take some time to be functional for everyone.

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