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Outweigh Type Essay - Nowadays, parents often let their children play a
lot with computers and tablets in order to improve their technological
skills. Do the advantages of the use of these devices from an early age
outweigh the disadvantages?

Technology plays a crucial role in our day-to-day lives. Children these days
have a lot of access to computers and tablets as their parents believe it can
enhance their technological skills. Though a child can learn a few things by
using these devices, I believe early exposure of children to such
technological devices would bring more drawbacks than merits.

To start with, extensive use of computers and tablets lead to poor social
interaction in children. Children using such media on a regular basis
develop screen addiction and they often display signs of withdrawal and
become less social with the intention of spending time on computers. This
in turn impedes the development of interpersonal skills which plays a key
role in the character formation of a child and can also lead to loneliness and

In addition, permission to use such devices from an early age would hinder
children’s academic growth. It preoccupies their thoughts to a great extent
due to which they would lack focus in their studies thereby contributing to
poor academic performance. Moreover, the children having access to such
devices often also develop physical health problems like poor vision and
obesity due to its continuous usage and limited physical activity.

However, exposure to various applications and puzzles in such devices can

help develop cognitive skills in children which can help them to manage
and succeed in competitive scenarios.

To sum up, even though computers provide a lot of benefits in our lives,
allowing children to use such devices from an early age would initiate a lot
of problems in their life. Thus I believe the disadvantages of permitting
children to access computers and tablets are far more than the advantages.
Sample Answer
In the past few years, modern technology has become accessible to
society at large. More and more parents are relying on computers and
laptops to make their children learn new things. In this essay, I will
discuss both merits and demerits of using technology for learning.
Let’s begin by looking at the advantages of using tablets and
smartphones. The main positive is that it supports social interaction and
enhances communication skills. In other words, children can easily
connect with their family and friends. Moreover, due to their advanced
features, compact devices like mobile phones have become more than
just a calling device. They can be used for entertainment and learning as
well. Children get the chance to learn through various educational
applications. Furthermore, playing games on smartphones, increases
their mental stimulation and concentration.
Turning to the other side of the argument, excessive use of electronic
devices makes children devoid of physical activity. It not only hampers
their personal growth but also physical development. Another issue is
that, children prefer isolation and become addicted to these devices. As
a result, it adversely affects their interpersonal as well as social skills.
Considering both the sides, we can conclude that balance is the key.
Although, smartphones and tablets have multiple benefits, reading and
other physical exercises are also necessary for children’s overall
development. I believe, the educational benefits of using electronic
devices outweigh any drawbacks.
The modern family structure and roles of each member have changed in the recent years. Do you
think it has a negative or a positive effect on families? Give your opinion and relevant examples.

Sample essay

Until a few decades ago, men were the providers and women were the care givers. Men would go
out to work and earn money. Women would stay at home looking after children and cooking food.
This arrangement is disappearing and in my opinion it is a positive trend.

In many families, now both spouses work and earn money. This is particularly true in developed and
developing nations. This trend has changed the structure of families and the role of family members.
Men are no longer seen as the only bread winners. In some families, women earn more than men
do. They deserve equal treatment.

Working women expect their partners to share the household responsibilities with them. They want
their husbands to help them with the kids and housework. Most men are willing to lend a helping
hand. Many of them never saw their dads doing the dishes or dusting the furniture, but now they do
it happily because their women are also busy with their careers.
As more and more women become financially independent, the role of family members will change.
Modern women have carved a niche for themselves in almost every sector. They now work and
earn. Naturally they deserve equal treatment and respect. Men who still have age-old notions of
male supremacy may find it difficult to come to terms with the change of roles. However, those who
think practically have certainly changed their attitudes and support their women in their career and
at home.

To conclude, women’s empowerment is the reason behind this change in the structure of families.
Women no longer want to confine themselves to the four walls of their home. As they have started
working outside, traditional definitions of husbands and wives have changed. Men are no longer the
only breadwinners and women are no longer the only care givers. In my opinion, this is a positive
trend that has the potential to make our world a better place where both men and women
command equal respect.

Studies have suggested that nowadays children watch much more

television than they did in the past and spend less time on active or creative
things. What are the reasons and what measures should be taken to
encourage children to spend more time on active or creative
Band 8.0 Sample Essay
There has been a worrying trend that children watch an excessive amount of television and do not
engage much in active or creative activities. This trend can be ascribed to a number of reasons and it
must be addressed by definite actions.

Reasons for the trend vary. The primary reason is that children’s television programmes are being
broadcast all day with addictive contents, such as vivid and colourful animations. Cartoon Network
and Disney Channel with their all-day-long series of animation shows are an evident example of this.
Another clear reason is that parents nowadays are busy with their work, so they want children to
focus on an activity that does not require much of their attention such as watching television. These
two reasons make children spend more time in front of the television screen; this sedentary lifestyle
prevents them from participating in active or creative activities.
A number of strong measures must be implemented to tackle the issue. The first solution is limiting
the amount of time that a child can watch television. This could be done by activating the parental
control mode and setting a fixed operating time limit on their television set. Another feasible
solution is that parents must spend more time with their children and together they could engage in
outdoor or creative activities. For example, parents could form a family sport team that practices on
a regular basis, which may appeal to children more than television.

To conclude, there are obvious reasons why children watch too much television and spend little time
on active and creative activities. This negative trend could be tackled by a number of remedies, such
as activating the parental control mode on television sets.

Sample essay
Most children now spend a ridiculous amount of time in front of their TV or computer. They
are always glued to their screens. Staring at a screen does not engage the brain. Several
studies have shown that when children watch TV or play computer games, their brain activity
is minimal. When the brain remains idle for a long time, it affects the intellectual development
of the child. Therefore, I agree with the argument that watching TV or playing video games
does not improve children’s mental or intellectual skills.

When a child sits for hours staring at a computer screen, very few areas of their brain are
activated. By contrast, activities like reading or drawing activates many areas of the brain.
Activities that engage the brain improve the intellectual and cognitive skills of the child.
Physical activity also helps with brain development.

When children watch TV, they don’t move their limbs much. They don’t even blink. They just
stare at the screen. This kind of content consumption is not good for the brain. In fact,
studies have shown that children who stay active by engaging in physical activity or creative
pursuits like writing, singing or painting are smarter than those who sit in front of their TV for
hours on end. All that screen time also causes several health problems in them. For
example, they are more likely to be obese. They may even develop diabetes.

To conclude, our bodies and minds are not designed to be idle for long periods. If we keep
them idle, our intellectual skills will suffer. Therefore, I agree with the argument that watching
TV does not help brain development in children. Our brain is a big muscle. If we work it, it
will develop. But if we leave it idle, it will start losing its faculties.

It is important for school children to learn about local

history rather than world history. To what extent do you
agree or disagree?
Sample essay
We learn quite a few things from history. It helps us to understand the progress of nations and
civilizations. Some people believe that local history is more important than international history for
school children. I don’t agree with this view. In my opinion, national and international histories are
as important as local history.

There is no denying the fact that children should learn local history. It helps them to stay connected
to their roots. Children who understand the history of their district or state are more likely to
appreciate their culture and the contribution of their ancestors. This knowledge will help them to
grow into proud citizens.

While it is true that children have several reasons to learn local history, they have an equal number
of reasons to learn international history. To start with, we all belong to this world. In this day and
age when the world has become a global village the line between local and foreign histories are

Today’s school children are the citizens of tomorrow. When they grow up many of them will move to
foreign countries in search of jobs or higher education. Actually, a large number of them will even
migrate to foreign countries. Learning international history makes such migrations easier. It also
prevents children from falling into the trap of chauvinism. When children understand that the
histories of other countries are as glorious as the history of their own country, they will learn to
appreciate and respect foreign cultures and civilizations.

To conclude, it is impossible to say whether local history is more important than foreign history.
Children should learn both to get a better understanding of the world and its workings.
Sample 2

It is argued that children in the age of schooling should place more emphasis on
learning the history of the place where they live than the global history. While I agree
that finding the local history will help them gain more knowledge of their origin, I
believe that there are some benefits of accessing the world history.

On the one hand, it is true that teaching children understanding of the local history
helps them promote a sense of patriotism. In fact, the whole Vietnamese had suffered
numerous strauma during the war against Western enemies, just because thousands
of Vietnam heroes sacrificed their live to protect the independence and freedom.
Therefore, they have to a duty to increase the nationalism in the preservation of the
peace that they are enjoying. Furthermore, nowadays more young people are
reluctant to studying history compared to epochal significance. This means that the
value of historical events will be put aside to some extent and gradually sink into
oblivion, hence it is vital that children should learn the past of ancestors and

On the other hand, studying history in the world brings numerous benefits to young
learners. Firstly, obtaining knowledge from the world enhances our horizons of the
civilization and developments of humans. During the globalization, more children
are likely to access international education, so they face misunderstanding and
backwardness when moving to a new country if they fail to recognize the importance
of human history. In addition, attaining cultural literacy on a world scale is another
advantage. Human beings, unlike other species, have the gift of language, that is,
symbolic thinking and communication, so communicating intelligently in any
language, requires that we share a common fund of knowledge, information,
vocabulary, and conceptual tools to become global citizens.

In conclusion, I hold my firm belief that by learning history at a local and

international level in educational system, future generations will get deeper insights
into the past human dignity.

Essay topic

Many people believe that schools should teach children to become good
citizens and workers rather than independent individuals. To what extent do
you agree or disagree? Give your own opinion and relevant examples.
Educational institutions like schools and colleges have a duty to mold
students into law abiding citizens and hardworking employees. However, I
don’t think that this should be at the cost of their individuality.

Individuality helps people stand out in a crowd. Independent thinking fuels

their creativity and helps them become good writers, thinkers and artists. Their
creative pursuits will bring glory to the nation and give patriots even more
reasons to be proud of their country.

Children spend a great deal of time in schools. The text books, the teachers
and the general atmosphere at school have a major impact on their
impressionable minds. If schools don’t encourage creativity and independent
thinking, the nation will suffer.

Just because someone thinks independently, it doesn’t mean that they can’t
become good citizens or good employees. I can’t understand how independent
thinking will make a person anti-national or anti-social. Some of the greatest
patriots we have seen were highly creative people who thought independently.
There are numerous examples of such men and women in the annals of World

A nation needs great thinkers, writers, artists, scientists and philosophers to

take its culture and legacy forward. We can’t accomplish much by being
mechanized patriots and workers.

To conclude, I don’t agree with the argument that schools should only teach
students to become good citizens and workers. Yes, these institutions should
teach these values, but they should also encourage independent thinking. A
person can be an independent thinker and a patriot at the same time. If one
studies world history one can find several examples of thinkers who were also
great patriots and citizens. Since students spend a great deal of their time at
school, it is the right place to learn all of these values.

Sample Answer 1:sssample 2

Sample 2
I definitely agree with the statement that the primary aim of schools is to
turn the pupils into good citizens and workers rather than benefit them as
individuals. I feel that schools have to fulfil both things but the primary
aim is towards the welfare of the society and the benefit to the individual
automatically ensues.
Schooling can do a lot for shaping children. Firstly, school is a system
with so many possibilities for a child to grow into what he or she actually
is. For example, teachers are able to mould children by identifying their
hidden strengths, and the same strength may later make the child what
he actually is in this world for.

Secondly, since children spend a sizeable amount of their time with

teachers and a community of boys and girls from different faiths, statuses
and family values – there is great possibility for a child to undergo a
transformation into a good human being. Teachers are a great force to
influence children.

Of course, learning academic subjects is the main aim for what students
go to schools. Definitely, the job market requires professional knowledge
the most. But it is also true that if students become good citizens and
workers, they are themselves equally benefited too.

To put it in a nutshell, I pen down saying that, raising children into real
human beings involves several factors. Among them, the prominent one
is good schooling. Schools’ main function is to make students good and
responsible workers and the personal benefit to students also takes place

Essay topic
Some people say that computer games are bad for children by all means; others believe that
these games contribute to children’s development. Discuss both views and give your own

Sample essay
Children who spend a great deal of time playing computer games are not doing themselves
a service. This, however, does not mean that computer games are totally bad. They help the
development of children in many ways. They also do some harm.

There are several benefits to playing computer games. Computer games help children think
quickly and maintain higher levels of concentration for longer periods. Children who play
games tend to enjoy better hand-eye coordination. Some studies have shown that children
suffering from dyslexia can improve their reading skills by playing action-packed computer
games that require intense focus. Contrary to popular belief, computer games can promote
physical activity among children. Children who play video games that involve tennis, cricket,
football or basketball are more likely to play these games outdoors. Computer games may
also improve memory and other cognitive skills. Puzzle games, for example, may improve
brain function in children.
On the flip side, computer games have their fair share of disadvantages. If children play
games on their computer for hours on end, their eyesight may suffer. Their brains may find
it difficult to process rapidly moving visuals. Worse still, computer games promote a
sedentary lifestyle. Playing a game using a handheld device does not require the child to be
physically active. Physical activity is essential for the overall development of children. If they
spend hours in front of a computer playing games, their physical and emotional
development will suffer. Violent games may also promote violence among children.

To conclude, there are several advantages and disadvantages to playing computer games; therefore,
I don’t agree with the argument that computer games are bad by all means. Children should be
allowed to play video games for an hour or so every other day. Parents should help them choose the
right games and ensure that they are not spending their entire day in front of the computer.

Some experts believe that it is better for children to begin learning a foreign language at primary
school rather than secondary school. Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or

Band 8 Essay Sample

In this age of globalization, most schools encourage their students to become proficient in some
foreign language because it will open multiple avenues for them in the future. Some educationists
believe that children should be initiated to a new language at the primary level rather than at the
secondary level. In my opinion, introducing a foreign language early in the curriculum has more
merits than some manageable demerits.

To start with, the most compelling reason for commencing language lessons early in schooldays is
that the language learning capability is pretty high in children compared to adults .To explain it
further, the young brain has an amazing capacity of registering and assimilating new facts and
commands. This capability declines rapidly with age. Moreover, the hesitation to speak, which is
usually an important barrier in expressing a new language, is usually not seen in young-ones. For
instance, data from International language Institute, China, revealed that proficiency in non -native
language is achieved almost 5 years earlier when it is introduced in elementary school as against
introduction in secondary school.

In addition, language learning requires regular practice and time to develop fluency. Thus, the early
start provides users enough time to master the skill and use it aptly for professional growth at the
peak of their career. For example, statistics published in 2010 by Goethe-Institute, New Delhi
disclosed that the success rate in clearing the German proficiency exam was 20 percent more among
the aspirants when they start training in preparatory school itself.

On the flip side, the other lobby advocating teaching new languages at secondary grade level states
that introducing new activity increases the burden on young children who need some time to adjust
to the new school environment. Hence, they support teaching anything new at a level when they are
fully accustomed to their original syllabus, which usually happens by the time they are in higher

To conclude, in my view, learning a foreign language is the need of the hour, which if started early in
life is more fruitful in view of the commendable learning capacity of youngsters and extra time
required to achieve excellence in it. However, it might put some surplus load on beginners, which is
acceptable because of immense future benefits.

Scientists predict that all people will choose to talk the

same global language in the future. Do you think this is a positive
or negative development?
Band 9 IELTS essay sample
According to some scientists everyone will be speaking the same language in the future. If
this prediction does come true, in my opinion, it will have both positive and negative

No doubt, a universal language will benefit both people and businesses in numerous ways. It
will make communication easier. As a result businesses can market their products all over
the world. People can also travel to any part of the world without having to worry about
getting lost because of the language barrier. This, in turn, will benefit industries such as
travel and hospitality. Needless to say, a universal language will benefit almost all
economies around the world. It may even foster respect and understanding among people
of different ethnicities.

On the flip side, the prospect of having just one language for all does not bode well for the
preservation of cultural identities. Culture is intrinsically linked to language. So if people
adopt a global language and stop using their mother tongue it will not take long for their
culture to die. The death of local languages will also make the folklore and literature in that
language unavailable to future generations. In my opinion, this will be a huge loss to
humanity. Another possible consequence will be the loss of employment for people working
as translators and interpreters. In a world where everyone speaks the same language, they
will be rendered jobless.

In conclusion, a universal language can be beneficial for businesses and people because it
facilitates hassle free communication. However, it may lead to the demise of cultures and

The best way to reduce traffic congestion in cities is to provide a
free public transport service | Band 8 IELTS essay sample
Traffic congestion has become a global problem that jeopardizes human activities and
affects the environment adversely. Some people argue that the best way to solve this issue
is to provide free public transport. I believe that such a move will address the problem to a
certain extent; however, it will not resolve it completely. In my opinion, a better solution is
to build better and wider roads.

Firstly, providing public transport at no cost will encourage more number of people to use it.
According to a survey conducted by “The Hindu”, nearly 46% of commuters readily agreed
to utilize such a facility, owing to the fact that they can save a lot, in terms of money and
fuel. Obviously, a free transport network will have a large number of users.

Nevertheless, there are some downsides to it. The foremost point of concern is that it will
cost the government a great deal of money and thus burden the common man with heavy
taxes. Taxes are not the only problem, though. Another point to consider is the peak hour
traffic during which public transport is a very inconvenient option. Most offices provide free
pick up and drop facilities for their employees to make their peak hour commute more
comfortable. These people will certainly not want to use the public transport. What’s more,
people living a life of luxury and comfort will want to travel by their own mode of transport
at a time convenient to them. Thus it is evident that the idea of a no cost travel will not
appeal to everyone.

In conclusion, providing free transport in cities will ease traffic congestion to a great extent.
However, it is not a foolproof solution. if the government is looking for a lasting solution, it
has to build better roads.

Band 7.5 IELTS essay sample

With the increase in population, the incidences of traffic jam are also rising. Some people
argue that the government should provide free public transport to reduce traffic congestion.
In my opinion, this measure can solve the problem only to a certain extent.

Due to urbanization most people now prefer to reside in cities or towns instead of rural
areas. This is one of the main reasons for the high density of traffic on roads. At the same
time, due to the advancement in technology, cars have become more affordable and fuel
efficient. This has also increased the number of vehicles on the roads.

The government is certainly trying to decrease road traffic by making public transportation
smooth and speedy. For example, in a highly populated city like Ahmedabad BRTS system
has been introduced which facilitates bus stations around the whole city. This bus service
can be availed 24*7 by public but it is not free and hence many people prefer to use their
own vehicle). Even if public transportation is free, many people will still prefer to use their
own vehicles probably because buses and trains congested and less comfortable. What’s
more, free public transport will be a burden on the exchequer.

In my view, there are several other measures that the government can implement to reduce
road traffic. For example, it should build wider roads, construct more flyovers and separate
lanes for pedestrians and bicycle riders. At the same time, it should enforce strict traffic laws
and encourage people to use eco-friendly modes of transport.

To conclude, making public transport free of cost will definitely encourage more people to
use it; however, those who prefer comfort and convenience over cost will still continue to
use private vehicles and hence it is not an effective way to reduce traffic congestion.

Traffic and housing problems in major cities could be

solved by moving large companies and factories and their
employees to the countryside.
To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?
Model Answer:
These days with increasing urban populations, there are major problems with
congestion and not only the price but also availability of accommodation in
large cities of the world. It seems that one possible solution could be to
relocate large companies and factories as well as their respective employees
out of these urban areas and into more rural ones. I strongly agree that this
would have a positive effect in making cities more livable.

To begin with, the traffic problem in cities doesn’t only exist from commuting
employees, but also the general public travelling around the city. While this
may be a fact, if the number of worker’s vehicles is reduced on city streets, a
large percentage of traffic will obviously decline in rush hours. For example,
peak hour traffic is undoubtedly made up largely of staff from companies going
to and from home.

Secondly, in regards to housing problems, populations will always continue to

grow in cities and therefore inadvertently decrease the number of cheap and
available apartments. This is certainly obvious, however, a large proportion of
these apartments are occupied by employees from large firms and their
families. If this workforce is relocated to housing estates in the country, city
apartment blocks will fall in price and certainly increase in availability.

In conclusion, by relocating workers to rural areas to work and reside, heavy

traffic conditions and lack of adequate accommodation in city centres will
obviously change for the better. As far as I’m concerned, I agree that the
government should enforce such a law in order to increase our standard of
living in our hectic city life.
IELTS essay topic
Some people say that the government should invest in trains and the subway
system to prevent traffic congestion in large cities. Others, however, think it
should build wider roads. Discuss both views and give your own opinion and

Sample essay

Trains are a faster and greener mode of transport. A single train can carry
many thousands of people. Therefore, the argument that the government
should invest in trains to reduce the traffic congestion certainly holds water. In
my opinion, the government should also build wider roads.

Railways are not necessarily an alternative to roadways. They are both

important modes of transport used by millions of people every day. Railways
complement roadways and vice versa. Because of this reason, the government
needs to invest in both.

Generally speaking, people do not normally use trains for traveling short
distances. For example, very few people will board a train to go to the
supermarket or the library in their town. They are more likely to take a bus or a
car. If the roads aren’t wide, they will get stuck in the traffic.

People don’t always live or work within walking distance of the railway station.
Also, trains don’t reach every part of a city. By contrast, roads connect almost
all areas. In Mumbai, for example, people use both trains and buses/cars every
day. They use the bus service to reach the railway station. They need both
wider roads and more reliable trains to commute faster. Ideally, a city should
have both – a well-developed rail network and wider roads.

To conclude, we need to build both wider roads and a better rail network to
solve the traffic woes of a city, Roads can’t always be a substitute for trains.
Likewise, trains can’t be a substitute for cars or buses.

Band8.5SampleEssay 1:
Traffic congestion has become the bane of citizens in many parts of the world.
In order to mitigate this problem, some suggest that public transportation,
such as trains and subway lines should be constructed. Meanwhile, others are
firm in their belief that building wider roads makes more sense. Both of these
methods will be analysed below.
On the one hand, building trains is an effective method to improve traffic
condition. There are compelling evidences to support the investment in public
transportation. In countries where subway systems are up to standard, the
number of private vehicles that participate in traffic is small, city dwellers can
save hours of delay and also thousands of dollars on traveling expenses. That is
not to mention a significant number of gallons of fuel saved, which means
slowing down the exploitation of natural resources.

There are, however, others who express doubts on this approach. Their
suggestion is that a better way to alleviate traffic jam is to make bigger road
systems. The undeniable fact is that in many developing countries today, roads
are narrow and in a desperate state of disrepair, which greatly obstruct the
travels to their destinations. Someone’s small accidents, a flat tyre for
example, can bring traffic to a halt, which is a commonly-seen problem in
roads that have only two lanes.
To conclude, both methods discussed above provide sustained relief on our
roadways; however, it is my opinion that the method to build trains and
subway makes more sense in terms of environmental protection.
Cycling has many benefits, yet in some countries there is a
decrease in the number of people using bicycles as their main
form of transportation. Why is this happening? Give suggestions
on how to encourage people to use bicycles again.
Band 8 IELTS essay sample
Cycling is no longer a popular mode of transportation. This is sad especially
when we consider the fact that cycling is healthier than driving/ cycling offers
many health benefits.

This essay will discuss the possible reasons behind the decline in the use of
bicycles and also suggest some ways to make them popular again. One of the
main reasons for the declining popularity of cycling is the change in our

With the advancement in modern technology, people have become lazy and
dependent on motor vehicles. Little do they realize the value of physical
exertion associated with cycling. To add to this, we do not have separate lanes
for cyclists and consequently their safety is at risk. Also thanks to the addition
of new features and comfort mechanism, modern bicycles are quite expensive.
The price hike makes people reluctant to buy bicycles.

There are various ways to encourage people to use bicycles. Firstly, the law
enforcement agencies should focus on constructing separate lanes for cyclists.
To reduce the number of automobiles on the roads, the government should
impose a carbon tax on them. Secondly, the government should launch
campaigns to create awareness about the health benefits of cycling. For
instance, the government can promote the practice of cycling to work.

In conclusion, I believe that cycling is no longer considered an exciting activity

and its use has decreased steeply; but we can make it popular again by
creating awareness about its health benefits. The government should also
build separate lanes for cyclists.

IELTS Writing Task 2 Topic

Cycling is more environmentally friendly than other

forms of transport. Why is it not popular in many
places? And how to increase its popularity?

Band 8.0 Sample Essay 1

Although riding a bicycle is clearly a better way to protect the environment
than using other types of vehicles, not many people around the world prefer
this means of transport. There are several causes of this unpopularity, and
some solutions could be proposed to promote the usage of bicycles.

To begin with, there are several reasons why few people use bicycles to travel
on a regular basis. Firstly, since modern life is getting much busier than in the
past, individuals nowadays want to spend as little time on transport as
possible. Therefore, they prefer to use other types of vehicles such as
motorbikes or cars which would take less time. Secondly, cycling is more
physically demanding than riding a motorbike or driving a car. This tends to
discourage people from choosing this method, especially on a hot and sunny
day or when they have to travel a long distance.

Several actions can be taken to increase the popularity of bicycles. The first
solution would be to make it more costly to own a motorbike or a car. This can
be done by increasing the price of petrol or raising tax on these vehicles. As a
result, more people would choose bicycles as their primary means of transport.
Additionally, more lanes should be built to serve only cyclists, which would
make it much faster to travel with bicycles. The final solution is to launch
campaigns to raise citizens’ awareness of the harmful effects of motorbikes
and cars on the environment, and this could encourage people to cycle more

In conclusion, there are some reasons why bicycles are becoming less common
in today’s world, and solutions should be produced early to promote this
environmentally friendly means of transport.

Band 8.0 Sample Essay 2

The unpopularity of using bicycle in numerous places has been brought into
question although there is little doubt about its friendly effects on the
environment compared to cars or airplanes. The reasons for this are varied and
several feasible solutions would be proposed in the essay below.

There are two main underlying explanations for the uncommon use of
bicycles. Firstly, it would consume a considerable amount of time to travel by
this means of transport, which, according to many, justifies the price of
potential environmental damage caused by other types of vehicles. This is
because it fails to benefit dwellers of major cities in particular when their
pace of working life would eclipse the values of using bicycles to the
environment. Secondly, modern people are becoming less concerned about
the negative impact that their daily use of cars and public transportation would
inflict on their surroundings. Therefore, it is rather impractical to expect
cycling in cities, or even the countryside.

The government play a vital role in encouraging the use of this

environmentally friendly vehicle. They could conduct monthly green days that
by law require citizens to cycle to work to get people involved in protecting
their environment. In the long term, such an initiative would help to
gradually form a habit of cycling among occupied individuals. More
importantly, propagation via various means of media along with optional
courses about the advantages of cycling to the environment at schools seem
imperative to heighten social awareness of this matter.

In conclusion, cycling, regardless of its positive influences on the environment,

has become a rare picture in the modern world for a number of reasons; and
the government should take immediate actions to improve this situation.


Topic: It is observed that in many countries not enough students are
choosing to study science subject. What are causes? And what will be
effects on society?
Sample answer
It is true that the number of science students are becoming inadequate in
different parts of the world nowadays. The essay below will analyze some
explanations for this situation as well as its influence on society.

There are two principal factors that contribute to the common disinterest in
science subjects. First, those subjects are often challenging and require a lot
of diligence as well as a great deal of patience and intelligence. The number
of researches that an average Biology student has to do is more than other
subjects with higher level of both difficulty and commitment, which
discourages many students from choosing science as their majors. Second,
employment opportunities in this particular field are limited and extremely
competitive. Although a huge amount of time and effort is spent on science
study at school, there is still little chance for them to get a job after graduation.
Society greatly suffers from the scarcity of human resources in science fields.
Apparently, as the number of science students is insignificant, other majors such
as business or economics become prevalent, hence the imbalance in future
workforce. In fact, competitiveness increased due to too many degree holders
of the same expertise pushes a worrying number of graduates to the verge of
unemployment. Another problem is the shortage of science professionals as
qualified employees are low in number. Unless more students decided to study
science at university, sooner or later we would have to face a major human
resource crisis.
In conclusion, hurdles regarding some strict requirements of science subjects
and employment opportunities are factored in a lot of students not choosing
such subjects to study, and there are serious problems arising from this

Vocabulary highlights:
 Disinterest in science subjects
 Diligence as well as a great deal of patience and intelligence
 Higher level of both difficulty and commitment
 The scarcity of human resources
 The imbalance in future workforce
 A major human resource crisis
Nowadays it is more difficult for children to concentrate to
pay attention in school.
Discuss the causes and propose some solutions.

You should write at least 250 words.

Model Answer 1:
In today’s world, it has become harder for children to concentrate in the school
and school environment, teachers’ behaviour, school administration and lack
of interests in the study are some of the main reasons for that. In the following
paragraphs, I would briefly discuss the main reasons for this problem and
would propose some solutions to address this sensitive issue.

The school surroundings should be pleasant and should have a cool

atmosphere. In the noisy environment, children cannot pay attention in the
class periods. Apart from that, nowadays the schools are treating students in
the wrong way. The faculties are giving them to remember the answers
without actually doing the brainstorm and creative way of learning. The
children just memorising it and write those in the exams. That sometimes
brings frustration among the students.

Students have more fun stuff at home than they do have in schools. Like video
games, computers, TV are more attractive and entertaining than studying in
school. The teachers sometimes become harsh and that negatively affects the
children’s thought. A proper environment is not ensured in many schools and
students find it hard to study in a noisy and polluted environment. Very less
interactive and interesting sessions are conducted by the school authority.
Furthermore, very frequent exam schedules and pressure of study is another
reason why students fear school. Teacher’s lack of knowledge and proper
training sometimes makes them behave rudely. Alarmingly, the study has
become more theoretical than practical and as a consequence, the students’
interest in academic subjects is declining.

Some of the proposed solutions to address this very frightening issue are
suggested in the below paragraph. I believe being able to address this issue
would be a great benefit for our future.

School should be primarily a place for study but fun stuff should be present as
well. Academic exams and classes should be scheduled in a way that gives the
students that they are not being pressurised. Extra-curricular activities should
be practised more. Frequent appreciation and prizes should be awarded to the
students for their performance. E-learning and flexible class should be
introduced. More practical aspects than theoretical aspects of education
should be introduced.

Band 7 IELTS essay sample

Today many students find it difficult to pay attention in the class. Outdated
teaching methods and the distractions caused by technology are the main
reasons for this. There are a number of solutions which can be implemented to
deal with children who lack attention.
Firstly, the most important reason for the lack of concentration at school is the
new world of entertainment such as smart phones, video games and social
media. Now children spend most of their time at home playing video games
and using social networking sites and this affects their life negatively.
Therefore, when they are at school they think of these things and their
concentration is affected. Secondly, children are now bored with the old
technique of teaching. Furthermore, they find it less interesting, so
automatically their attention gets distracted. Moreover, this affects their
studies and reflects in their result.
There are effective solutions for these problems. One way to tackle this is to
make classroom teaching more interesting. For example, technological
innovations can be used in the classroom. To illustrate, with the help of power
point presentations schools can make teaching more interesting. For instance,
showing animated images and visual effects will help to get children excited
about their lessons.
Another method of dealing with children is to focus less on theoretical studies
and more on practical studies. For example, if a teacher wants to teach about
the manufacturing process of a product, they should consider taking the
students to a manufacturing plant. This will help them to learn faster and with
In conclusion, using technology and new ways of teaching can help to solve the
problem of attention and concentration in children.

Children’s education is expensive. In some countries,

governments pay partly or all education fees.
Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples
from your own knowledge or experience.

Sample Answer 1:
In recent year, there is a growing consideration for the government in term of
child education, particularly payment for their tuition fees. Although this policy
brings certain drawbacks, I believe that the benefits are much greater.

On the one hand, the policy of free education charge may place a dramatic
burden on the national budget. The government may have to pour money in
education, therefore financial fund could have not enough for other sectors
such as infrastructure and medical care, which may hold the economy back
from development. In addition, some taxpayers who live alone or do not have
children may feel unfair because their money is likely spent for sake of others,
not for theirs.

However, I would argue that the benefit of free of tuition fee should be more
considered. First, among these is studying is definitely encouraged, which lead
to the reduction of the illiteracy rate. As a result, the children who go to school
will have more chance to find a job, and they would be the future workforce
for the country. Take Singapore as an example, they have sponsored education
fee for their young generation, which encourages them to go to schools or
universities, this is reasons why Singapore has a high qualified manpower
contributing for their development. Another significant advantage is that
family may not be worried about financial burden because of high education
fee, and they would have more money to take care nutrition and health care
for their children.

In conclusion, it seems to me that free charge of education would bring more

benefits than its disadvantage.

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