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We Should Teach Etiquette In Schools

Schools are children’s second home. A child either learns different moral values from his home
or from his school. These days with more and more family going nuclear and both the parents
working a child rarely gets the opportunity to learn moral and social values from home.

Earlier even if parents were working, we saw grandparents taking care of grandchildren and
teaching them important lessons of life, but this is no longer prevalent as more and more
families are going nuclear. Thus, the only way we can ensure our future generation to learn
etiquettes, all the social and moral values is by schools.

“The high point of civilization is that you can hate me and I can hate you but we develop an
etiquette that allows us to deal with each other because if we acted solely upon our impulse
we’d probably go to war”. – Stanley Crouch

Etiquette and mannerism have been taught since ages. Many times, we are asked to behave
graciously. Ever since childhood days hundreds of times we were interrupted by others and
asked to sit properly, eat properly, talk properly etc. These taunts did not end until and unless
we mastered all this mannerism.

If children don’t respect their parents’ authority or word, how do we expect from them to show
sympathy towards other children or show respect towards teachers and elderly people? This
behavior should be expected both at school and home, without schools having to change the
child from scratch and teach him/her of simple, basic manners.

We can ensure a happy and peaceful life by the way of implementing all the etiquette as a
habit. Using etiquette as a habit not only makes us feel good but also increases our importance
and respect in the eyes of others.

First impression is the last impression, and if you behave like a gentleman with proper
etiquettes your impression can never go wrong. This is the reason many institutes are
providing courses on etiquette.

Imagine if schools start teaching children etiquettes on early age, this will have a huge impact
in their life, it will not only help a child to live in harmony but will also make him feel better in
life, as where ever he goes he will be greeted with love and respect because of his etiquettes.
Etiquette is an important part of our daily life. Learning etiquettes early in life open doors of
opportunity which you thought never existed. No matter whatever situation life gives you, you
will be well prepared beforehand, you will know how to eat with different spoon and forks,
when to excuse yourself, what sort of tone should be used while taking with different person
and many more. Others will also feel comfortable in your presence.

Thus , every school should have etiquettes as a subject. There are different types of etiquettes
that can be taught at school such as table manners, washing hands before dinner, making
request to pass on food, keeping elbows of the table, phone or conversation manners such as
speaking softly, greeting every guest at home, when to use a cell phone etc. Business
etiquettes can be taught in higher schools.

(528 words)
Curfew for Teenagers

Should parents set the curfew for teenagers? This issue has been discussed by many people
even some countries think it should be a law to restrict teenagers from returning home to late.
Everyone has his or her opinion on this issue which affects society and families. In my opinion,
I totally agree on having a curfew set for teenagers. There are three statements to support my
position. First, a curfew not only affects teenagers, but also their parents, so I’d like to analyze
why parents are the related to a curfew. Then, I’ll present two situations in the second part:
the normal routine and mature thinking. Third, the most important argument is that the curfew
can prevent the teenagers from dangers.

At the beginning, parents also get involved in the issue of curfew. According to the laws,
teenagers are limited in their abilities and parents are still responsible for their teenage
offspring. Therefore, parents should set a curfew and not let teenagers be totally free and
wander outside all night. This is a parent’s duty! There is still an advantage for the parents
who set a curfew in that they can control the activities their children do at night. Parents do
not need to worry about the places teenagers go or what they do and they can protect
teenagers’ safety. This shows how much more advantageous is for parents to set a curfew.

Secondly, I am going to discuss how a curfew helps teenagers to enjoy normal routine. If
teenagers have a curfew, they will come home early and will not linger out the whole night.
They will not be late for school the next day. Furthermore, it is good for their health if they have
a curfew. Another reason I’d like to present is that teenagers have not developed a mature
thinking yet. People cannot treat teenagers as adults because they are not as responsible as
adults. They can’t face many difficult problems and will try to escape them. Therefore, it is
better to have a curfew to restrain the teenage children’s “night activities”, which can help to
keep them safe away from night problems that teenagers don’t have to experience.

Finally, the most important argument for setting a curfew for teenagers is to keep them away
safe from dangers. If teenagers have a curfew, they may not get in contact with drugs and
become addicted to them. Moreover, a curfew can prevent teenagers from joining a gang and
committing crimes. Furthermore, as it is really dark at night, the children can’t notice whether
there is a car or not, so it is easy to have a car accident. Teenagers can’t notice that someone
is planning to rob them and they may get seriously victimized.
To conclude, I strongly agree that it is necessary to have a curfew imposed on teenagers. As
I mentioned above, this issue affecst not only the teenagers but also their parents. Besides,
teenagers can enjoy a normal routine and they will not get up late for school. Also, because
of teenagers do not have a matured thinking; parents have to restrain their night activities in
order to prevent accidents from happening. Last but not least, I think the most important
reason why teenagers must have a curfew is to boost their safety and let them grow up
healthily and without bad records. Surely, curfews prevent teenagers from being totally free,
and there is nothing more valuable than the teenagers’ safety!

(576 words)
Mobile phones should be allowed in schools. Do you agree?
Mobile phones are one of the great inventions and high technology items in this modern era.
They have become some of the most indispensable objects in our daily life as technology
becomes more and more advanced. Nowadays, most people from teenagers to the elderly
have personal mobile phones of their own. Many schools limit or restrict the use of mobile
phones. However, there are students who ignore the rules and continue to bring along their
mobile phones to school despite the restriction. In my opinion, mobile phones should not be
allowed in schools. What are the factors then?

First, mobile phones will bring about distractions to students. In the past, bored student
generally entertained themselves with doodling or whispering about anything that came to
mind. Today, students relieve boredom with the ubiquitous mobile phones. Students
engrossed in the mobile phones are unable to pay attention in class. For example, they are
distracted when their friends send them text messages and they attempt to reply under their
desks. Other than that, they can also play games, browse the Internet, check and update their
Facebook pages and so on. In other words, they usually use the mobile phones for non-
educational purposes during the class. This can hardly help them perform better academically.
In fact, this can bring forth adverse effects on their performance.

Another reason why mobile phones should be prohibited in schools is because students are
able to cheat during examinations using those electronic gadgets. They do so by sending to
each other text messages with answers to the questions. They can also store their notes and
relevant information on their phones and look at them secretly during tests. It is also possible
for them to cheat by using search engines such as Google, Yahoo, Bing, et cetera to search
for the information that they want. Students always find ways to cheat during examinations as
the tools they have are getting more and more powerful today. Since the digital world is hard
to track, students are less likely to face the consequences of their actions. They always
assume that they will not get caught.

Furthermore, mobile phones can easily be lost or stolen in schools. This is one of the reasons
why they are forbidden. If students are allowed to bring mobile phones to school, they do so
at their own risk. The schools accept no responsibility for damage or loss to mobile phones in

Apart from that, mobile phone addiction is a major drawback. Students addicted to mobile
phones cannot do without using them, even when they are in class. If the schools permit them
to use mobile phones at school, their addiction will very likely worsen. They surf inappropriate
websites, post pictures or videos during class. Their undesirable actions will certainly influence
or affect other students.

In a nutshell, mobile phones should be banned and not allowed in school. The disadvantages
of allowing them in schools far outweighs the advantages. It is the students' responsibility to
study hard and be attentive when teacher is teaching. Students should aim for good results in
examinations so as to better prepare themselves for their future. Since mobile phones prevent
them from doing so and distracts them when they are in class, I do not agree that mobile
phones should be allowed in schools.
(552 words)

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