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Winchester School of Art
Marketing Trend Analysis
and Fashion Forecasting
Seminar 2013
Molly K Mills
Market Trend & Fashion Forecasting
Seminar Brief
Wed 20th / Thurs 21st November
• Each of you individually needs to collect key fashion trends and influences that
you think could be of relevance to your brand.
• This information should be sourced from following places,
1. Market trend influences you may use Keynote, WARC, Trendwatching to explore these.
2. Fashion Trend Influences from sources like WGSN
3. Newspapers, Magazines, blogs, (Both)
4. Catwalk reports and images
5. Relevant shopping and street photo’s
6. You may also find it useful to use the DAAI to look at previous publications of directional
magazines like for example Bloom

• We will be exploring what you have found in this weeks seminar session, and you
will be asked as a team to evaluate why and how pursing this trend might give
you a competitive advantage
Seminar Learning Outcomes
• At the end of the seminar you should be able as a
team to make a decisions about your product
category, and which of the trends and images are
most relevant to your category to develop it further
• This should allow you to have a clearer image and
focus of the product category that you are
developing in your teams
• Personally you should now be able to identify and
research a fashion trend appropriate for a brands
identity and target consumer.
Trend Selection
• Now thinking carefully about your category, and your
target consumer.
• Decide as a team which trend you are interested in
adopting to build your Semester 1 project around.
• Remember a trend could also be seen as an
opportunity, and something that could be taken
advantage of to give your brand a competitive edge.
• A trend is something which reflects need and
therefore can become a desire/want
Trend Evolution
Trend Evolution
In your teams, consider which one of the
following 3 categories your chosen fashion trend
falls into
• Fad
• Fashion
• Classic
Reflect on your chosen trend, strategically
consider its impact and life cycle.
Consumer Adoption Process
Consumer Adoption Process
Discuss as teams the groups that you have
created and decide who as a team you think is
most likely to adopt the trends you have found.
Are they going to be most relevant for,
• Fashion Leaders
• Fashion Followers

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