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Cytotaxonomy is the utilization of the cytological

characters in the elucidation of taxonomic

The chromosome characteristics used in most

cytotaxonomic studies include:-

1. Chromosome number,
2. Chromosome size,
3. Chromosome morphology ,
4. Chromosome behavior at meiosis.
Chromosome Number
 All individuals within a species posses the
same chromosome number .
Variation or constancy in chromosome no.- a
taxonomic tool.
Usually constant with in a genus.
Helps in controversies in identifying the
Chromosome Size

 The chromosome size has been very useful in

understanding relationships in several taxa.
 Zingiberaceae- small chromosomes
 Iridaceae- small –medium sized
 Amaryllidaceae-large
 Liliaceae- varying size
Chromosome Morphology
Based on the length and position of centromere
 median,
 sub-median,
 sub-terminal, or
 terminal
Primary constrictions and secondary constrictions
 Satellite
Symmetrical (two equal arms) or asymmetrical(2
unequal arms)
Chromosome behavior at meiosis

Degree of sterility & occurrence of hybridization

are determined by the behaviour of chromosome
during meiosis..
Abnormalities in meiosis
 Non-pairing
 Crossing over
 Translocations
 Bridge formations
 Lagging chromosomes
Biochemical aspects of plants in taxonomy.
Phytochemical characters of taxonomic importance
Directly visible characters
 Raphides, cystoliths, starch grains etc.
Chemical test characters
 Phenolics, oils, alkaloids flavanoids etc.
Proteins and amoinoacids
Phenolic glycosides with two benzene rings.
Common, stable, complex molecules with great
structural variations.
So easy to identify
Includes anthocyanidins,flavones, flavanols,
flavanones, isoflavones, isoflavanoids etc.
Nitrogenous anthocyanins
 Eg. All the ten families of the order Centrospermae
produce betalains

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