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 You are beautiful beyond
Too marvelous for words
Too wonderful for comprehension
Like nothing ever seen or heard
Who can grasp you infinite
Who can fathom the depth of
your love
You are beautiful beyond
Majesty enthroned above
 And I stand, I stand in awe of
I stand, I stand in awe of you
Holy God to whom all praise
is due
I stand in awe of you
The Introit
The Ministers’ Entrance
The Acclamation
Presider: Blessed be God,
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
People: And blessed be His
Kingdom now and forever.
Confession of Sin and

Deacon : To prepare ourselves

to celebrate the sacred
mysteries, let us call to
mind our sins.
All: Most merciful God, I confess
that I have sinned against You in
thought,word and deed, by what I
have done and by what I have left
I have not loved You with my whole
heart; I have not loved my
neighbors as myself. I am truly
sorry and I humbly repent. For the
sake of Your Son Jesus Christ,
have mercy on me and forgive me;
that I may delight in Your will, and
walk in Your ways, to the glory of
Your Name. Amen.
Presider: Almighty God have
mercy on you, forgive you all your
sins through our Lord Jesus
Christ, strengthen you in all
goodness, and by the power of the
Holy Spirit keep you in eternal life.
All: Amen.
The Collect of the Day
Presider: The Lord be with you.
People: And also with you.
Presider: Let us pray. (Please refer
to your inserts)
Collect of the Day
Almighty God and Father, Your Son
Jesus Christ, our Passover Lamb,
hath been deemed worthy to receive
power, and riches, and wisdom, and
might, and honor, and glory, and
May all Your people know that through
Your wisdom He created all things, and
holdeth them together even now, even
the same Jesus Christ our Lord, Who
liveth and reigneth together with You and
the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and
ever. Amen.
The First Proclamation
Daniel 2: 20b-23a
The Responsorial Psalm
PSALM 104: 18 -24b
Taga-basa:Ang matataas na bundok ay
pinaninirahan ng mga ilap na kambing;
at ang mga kuneho ay nagkukubli sa
mga bitak ng bato.
Mga Tao: Ang buwan ay nagiging
palatandaan ng mga panahon, at alam
ng araw kung kailan siya lulubog.
Taga-basa: Ikaw ang nagdadala ng
dilim na nagiging gabi, at gumagala
ang lahat ng hayop sa gubat.
Mga Tao: Umaatungal ang mga leon
para sa kanilang sinisila at
humahanap ng pagkain nila mula sa
Taga-basa: Sumisikat ang araw at
tumatalilis na papalayo; nagbabalik
sila at humihimlay sa kanilang taguan.
Mga Tao: Pagkatapos, lumabas ang
tao papunta sa kanyang gawain;
gumagawa siya hanggang gabi.
Taga-basa: Kay dami ng Iyong
ginawa, O PANGINOON! Sa Iyong
karununga’y ginawa mo ang lahat
ang daidig ay puno ng mga
nilikha mo.
Gradual Verse
My soul waits for the Lord
more than the watchman
for the morning; and in His
Word do I hope.
+ The Gospel +
Matthew 13: 52-54
(From the Greek “sophia” =
skill, wisdom)
The Apostles’ Creed
ALL : I believe in God, the Father
Almighty, Maker of Heaven and
earth, and in Jesus Christ, His
only Son, our Lord; Who was
conceived by the Holy Ghost, born
of the virgin Mary, suffered under
Pontius Pilate, was crucified,
dead, and buried. He descended
into hell. The third day, He rose
again from the dead. He ascended
into Heaven, and sitteth on the
right hand of God the Father
Almighty. From thence He shall
come to judge the quick and the
dead. I believe in the Holy
Ghost, the holy catholic Church,
the communion of saints,
the forgiveness of sins, the
resurrection of the body, and
the life everlasting. Amen. +
The Prayers
of the
Celebrant: In peace, let us pray to
the Lord.
O only wise God, Grant unto us the
purity and sincerity of Your wisdom;
People: Deliver us from the selfish
ambition of man’s wisdom.
Celebrant: Grant unto us the
peace and gentleness of Your
People: Deliver us from the
arrogance of man’s wisdom.
Celebrant: Grant unto us the
reason and mercy of Your
People: Deliver us from the
jealousy of man’s wisdom.
Celebrant: Grant unto us the
stability and good fruits of Your
People: Deliver us from the
disorder and evil of man’s
Celebrant: In the patience and
faith of wisdom, may we receive
that which Thou hast promised.
The Concluding Collect
In the patience and faith of
wisdom, may we receive that
which You have promised; as
You answer these our prayers
through Jesus Christ our Lord.
The Peace
Presider: The Peace of the Lord is
always with you.
People: And also with you.
Presider: Share with one another
the sign of Christ’s peace.
The Offertory
Come let us offer the sacrifice of

praise! (2x)
The fruit of our lips giving
Come, let’s offer sacrifices! Come,
let’s offer praise unto the Lord!
The Doxology

Praise God from whom all blessings flow,

Praise Him all creatures here below;
Praise Him above ye heavenly hosts,
Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Amen.
The Great Thanksgiving
Presider: The Lord be with you.
People: And also with you.
Presider: Lift up your hearts.
People: We lift them up to the Lord.
Presider: Let us give thanks to
the Lord our God.
People : It is right to give Him
thanks and praise.
The Blessing of the Name
Presider: It is truly right and just, our
duty and our salvation, always and
everywhere to give You thanks, Lord,
holy Father, almighty and eternal God,
through Christ our Lord.
For all the oracles of the prophets
foretold Him, the Virgin Mother
longed for Him with love beyond
all telling, John the Baptist sang of
His coming and proclaimed His
presence when He came.
It is by His gift that already we
rejoice at the mystery of His
Nativity, so that He may find us
watchful in prayer and exultant
in His praise.
Sanctus Benedictus
Presider: And so, we join the
angels and the saints as they
sing their unending hymn of
Holy, Holy, Holy Lord,
God of power and might, heaven and earth
are full of Your glory.
Hosanna in the highest.
Blessed is He Who comes in the name of
the Lord.
Hosanna in the highest.
Presider: Father, You are holy
indeed, and all creation rightly
gives You praise. All life, all
holiness comes from You through
Your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord,
by the working of the Holy Spirit.
And You never cease to
gather a people to Yourself so
that from the rising of the sun
to its setting a pure sacrifice
may be offered to Your name.
The Epiclesis (Please kneel)
Presider: Therefore, O Lord, we humbly
implore You: by the same Spirit graciously
make holy these gifts we have brought to You
for consecration, that they may become the
Body and Blood of Your Son, Jesus Christ, at
whose command we celebrate these
The Anamnesis
Presider: On the night He was
betrayed, He took bread and gave
You thanks and praise. He broke
the bread, gave it to His disciples,
and said:
“Take, eat: This is my Body,
which is given for you.
Do this for the remembrance
of Me.”
When supper was ended, He
took the cup. Again He gave
You thanks and praise, gave
the cup to His disciples, and
“Drink this, all of you:
This is My Blood of the New
which is shed for you and for many
for the forgiveness of sins.
Whenever you drink it,
Do this for the remembrance of Me.”
Mysterium Fidei
Presider: Let us proclaim the
mystery of faith:
All:Christ has died, Christ
is risen, Christ will
come again.
Presider: Father, calling to mind the
death Your Son endured for our
salvation, His glorious resurrection
and ascension into heaven, and as we
look forward to His second coming,
we offer You in thanksgiving this holy
and living sacrifice.
Presider: Father, calling to mind the
death Your Son endured for our
salvation, His glorious resurrection
and ascension into heaven, and as we
look forward to His second coming,
we offer You in thanksgiving this holy
and living sacrifice.
Look with favor on Your Church’s
offering, and recognizing the
sacrificial Victim whose death has
reconciled us to Yourself, grant that
we, who are nourished by His Body
and Blood, may be filled with the Holy
Spirit, and become one Body in
May He make us an everlasting gift
to You and enable us to share in the
inheritance of Your saints, on
whose constant intercession in
Your presence we rely for unfailing
help. Strengthen in faith Your
Church on earth, along with Your
servant, Craig, our Patriarch,
Ricardo, our Primate, our own
Bishop, Paulino, and all the
Bishops, with the clergy and the
entire people Your Son has gained
for You.
Listen graciously to the prayers of
this family, whom, You have
summoned before You: In Your
compassion, O merciful Father,
gather to Yourself all Your children
scattered throughout the world,
through Jesus Christ our Lord,
from Whom all good things come.
From Him, and through Him,
and to Him, in the unity of the
Holy Spirit, all honor and glory
are Yours, O Father Almighty,
now and forever.
People: Amen.
The Prayer of God
Presider: Let us pray with
confidence to the Father in the
words our Savior gave us.
Our Father, Who art in heaven,
hallowed be Your Name, Your
Kingdom come, Your will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven. Give us
this day our daily bread. And
forgive us our trespasses, as we
forgive those who trespass against
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil. For Yours
is the kingdom, and the power, and
the glory, forever and ever. Amen.
The Fraction
Presider: Christ our Passover is
sacrificed for us.
People: Therefore let us keep
the feast.
Agnus Dei
“Lamb of God, You take away the
sins of the world: have mercy on
us. Lamb of God, You take away the
sins of the world: have mercy on
us. Lamb of God, You take away the
sins of the world: grant us Your
Invitation to Communion
Presider: Holiness to Holy ones.
Holy things unto the Holy. Behold
the Lamb of God Who takes away
the sins of the world. Blessed are
those who are invited to His
People: Behold Your bondservants,
O Lord. Be it done unto us
according to Your Word.
People: Behold Your bondservants,
O Lord. Be it done unto us
according to Your Word.
The Ministration
of Communion /
Worship at the
Blest are You Lord
God of all creation
Thanks to Your goodness
This Bread we offer
Fruit of the earth
Work of our hands
This will become the Bread of life
Blessed be God
Blessed be God
Blessed be God forever,
Blest are You Lord
God of all creation
Thanks to Your goodness
This wine we offer
Fruit of the vine
Work of our hands
This will become the Cup of Joy.
Prayer after Communion
Presider: Let us pray.
All : Eternal God, heavenly Father,
You have graciously accepted us as
living members of Your Son our
Savior Jesus Christ,
and You have fed us with spiritual
food in the Sacrament of His Body
and Blood. Send us now into the
world in peace and grant us strength
and courage to love and serve You
with gladness and singleness of
heart; through Christ our Lord.
May He Whose second advent
with all His saints we await, fill
you with all the riches of His
wisdom and knowledge; and the
blessing of God Almighty, the
Father and the Son and the Holy
Spirit be with you this day and
forever. Amen.
Deacon: Go forth in the Name of
People: Thanks be to God.
+ Amen.

Our God is an awesome God

He reigns from heaven above
With wisdom, power and love
Our God is an awesome God

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