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“Without the game, there is no, and there can be no full-

fledged development. The game is a huge bright window

through which a life — giving stream of ideas and concepts
flows into the spiritual world of the child. The game is a spark
that ignites a spark of inquisitiveness and curiosity.”

V. A. Sukhomlinsky
Influence on the development of role play
Role-playing is of great importance in the
formation of personality ,and in its mental
In children
In the game, the child learns the
world around him, develops his
thinking, feelings, imagination, memory,
will, forms relationships with peers, and
develops self-esteem and self- The game is important not only for the
awareness. child's mental development, but also for
the development of his personality: taking
on various roles in the game, recreating the
actions of people, the child is imbued with
their feelings and goals, empathizes with
them, begins to navigate between people.
The game also has a great influence on the
development of children's ability to
interact with other people:

first, by recreating the

interaction of adults in
the game, the child
learns the rules of this

secondly, in a joint game with

peers, they gain experience of
mutual understanding, learn to
explain their actions and
intentions, and coordinate them
with other people.
In High School
Larsen Freeman (2000:68) explained
that role-plays are important in the
communicative approach because they
give learners an opportunity to practice
communicating in different social contexts
and different social roles. A role-play is a
highly flexible learning activity, which has
a wide scope for variation and

By the same, Ladousse (1995:4) states that a

role-play uses different communicative
techniques and develops fluency in the
language, promotes interaction in the
classroom and increases motivation.

Thus, role play can improve learners’

speaking skills in any situation, and helps
learners to interact .As for the shy learners,
role play helps by providing a mask,
where learners with difficulty in
conversation are liberated .

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