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The student demonstrates understanding of human
sexuality and managing sexually related issues for a
healthy life.
Also manages sexually-related issues through
responsible and informed decisions
Any person who passes your age has the same
experience as yours. This stage is called “adolescence
or adolescent period.” This is the stage wherein many
changes occurs like physical and emotional takes place
in a young person’s life.
• Identify basic terms in sexuality.
• Discuss sexuality as an important component of
one’s personality.
Multiple Choice. Read each question carefully and ENCIRCLE the best answer.

1. The period between puberty and adulthood in human development that typically falls
between the ages of 13 and 19 is:
a. Pre-adolescence
b. Pubescence
c. Senescence
d. Adolescence
2. Which of the following is not a characteristic of early adolescence? 
a. Puberty usually begins.
b. Relationships with family members take precedence over relationships with friends.
c. Sexual curiosity is expressed through admiration of celebrities, teen idols, and musicians.
d. Individuals start to engage in risky behaviors such as experimenting with smoking.
3. Which of the following is not characteristic of physical development in early adulthood?
a. rapid increase of height
b. overly sensitive or feel awkward
c. widening of hips
d. enlargement of breast
4. What is development?
 a. lifelong
b. systematic
c. organize
d. learning
5. What does DOH stands for? 
a. Department of Highway
b. Department of Health
c. Department of Holistic Health
d. Department of Health Organization
Adolescence- is a period when a person undergoes many
changes. Teenagers experience physical changes that are
observable. Sudden changes may also be observed such as the
onset of menstruation for the females and the development of
bold voice for the males.
This period may bring about many issues that teenagers might
be curious about. Teenagers reactions and attitudes might have a
great influence on their lives.
Proper information about sexuality may affect one’s self
esteem and may result to having a healthy and wholesome family
and social relationships.
Human sexuality may be defined as the measure of maleness and
femaleness in one’s individuality and physical make up. The way you behave,
how you express yourself, and how you react and interact with all the things
around you including your own body are determined and affected by your

Sexuality- is something that is biological and natural. Right from the

moment an individual is formed during fertilization, to the time of birth, and
as he or she grows up, sexuality is a major part of his or her personality.
To better understand human sexuality, it is important that you understand
the words and actions associated with sexuality such as sex and gender.
Sex refers to the biological
characteristics of being a boy or a girl.
It is determined right away at the time
of fertilization as the chromosomes
inherited from the mother and father

Egg cell – female

Sperm cell - male
Ultrasound of a Fetus
Fertilization, the union of an egg cell and a sperm cell

Genetically, a male or a boy has X and Y chromosomes while a female

or a girl has two X chromosomes. Thus, a male may be symbolized as XY,
and a female as XX.
Sex also refers to the body functions or physicological characteristics of
a person associated with his/her reproductive system.
  It refers to the attitudes and behavior that are expected to be shown
based on a person’s sex. It is also refers to the activities, roles or duties
that are exhibited by a person as a male or a female as proper by the
Two types of Gender:
1. Male - masculine
2. Female – feminine
Masculinity may be shown in attire or get-up Feminity may be shown in attitudes and gestures.
Why is sexuality an
important component of
your personality?
 Sexuality is an important component of your personality
1. It determines or defines who you are.
2. It allows you to easily list down your choices.
3. It affects what you want to be in the future.
4. It is a big factor that influences you in making your decisions in
Written Activity:
Complete this questionnaire alone. For each statement, write M (male), F
(female), or B (both) based on who you feel should responsible for.
_____1. Pays the bill. _____9. Moves heavy furniture.
_____2. Decides whether or not husband _____10. Does food preservation.
should take a new job. _____11. Goes to PTA meeting.
_____3. Earns family income. _____12. Plants garden.
_____4. Decides what letters to friends need _____13. Locks up the house at night.
to be written or answered.
_____5. Decides about insurance, savings, and _____14. Makes or builds things as a hobby.
investments. _____15. Decides whether family can afford
_____6. Does minor car repairs. vacation.
_____7. Selects household furnishings.
_____8. Takes children to doctor.
The student demonstrates understanding of
human sexuality and managing sexually related
issues for a healthy life.
Also manages sexually-related issues through
responsible and informed decisions
Human sexuality is an integration of three
dimensions to help you understand yourself
• Explain the dimensions of human sexuality.
• Analyze the factors that affect one’s attitudes and practices
related to sexuality and sexual behavior.
• Relate the importance of sexuality to family health.
Multiple Choice. Read each question carefully and ENCIRCLE the best
1. Sexuality is something that is:
a. expected
b. natural
c. associated
d. grows
2. What kind of cell is associated with female?
a. fertilization cell
b. sperm cell
c. estrogen cell
d. egg cell
3. Which of the following is not characteristic of human sexuality?
a. carry genetic material
b. produces egg and sperm cells
c. responsible for sex chromosomes
d. develops vocal cords
4. What kind of cell is associated with male? 
a. egg cell
b. estrogen cell
c. sperm cell
d. fertilization cell
5. What does DNA stands for? 
a. Deoxygenated acid
b. Decarbobated acid
c. Deoxyribonucleic acid
d. Deonucleic acid
Human sexuality is an integration of three dimensions:

1. Biological
2. Psychological
3. Sociocultural
  This dimension is described by a person’s biological or
physical sexual characteristics as controlled by the sex
chromosomes and hormones produced by the sexual glands.
The chromosomes carry the genetic material DNA
(deoxyribonucleic acid). The DNA determines all the traits and
characteristics of all living things. A human being has 46
chromosomes in every nucleus of the cell.
Two chromosomes are sex chromosomes which are responsible
for all our sex characteristics, being a male or a female, while the
remaining forty-four chromosomes are responsible for all other
characteristics that we have which are not related to sex.
Sex chromosomes determine the sex of an individual
Hormones play an important role in the expression of all physical and
physiological sexual characteristics of a person. As triggered by the
hypothalamus that is located at the middle of the brain, the pituitary gland
produces luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH).
Luteinizing hormone is responsible for the production of sperm cells and
the occurrence of secondary sex characteristics in males.
Estrogen regulates the production of egg cells and the occurrence of
secondary sex characteristics in females. The follicle-Stimulating Hormone, on
the other hand, triggers the egg cell to mature in the ovary.

Testes or testicles The male gonads; produces sperm cells

Epididymis Stores newly-formed sperm cells

Vas deferens Passageway of sperm cells from epididymis to the urethra

Penis Copulatory gland; transfers the sperm into the female’s body

Urethra Passageway of semen (combination of fluid and sperm cells)

and urine

Prostate gland Produces substance that nourishes the sperm

Seminal vesicle Produces fluid that helps in easy transport of the sperms

Scrotum Serves as covering and protects the testes


Vagina The birth canal; receives sperm cells from the penis

Cervix Boundary between vagina and uterus

Uterus Mothers womb; houses the developing fetus

Oviducts (fallopian tube) Site for fertilization; passageway of the egg cell

Ovaries Female gonads; produce egg cells (ova)

It is important to emphasize that the main purpose of
the human reproductive system is for continuation of
human life. The female’s ovaries produce egg cells and
the male’s testes produce sperm cells. When the sperm
cells fertilizes the egg cells, a zygote is formed. It is the
start of a new life, a new human being.
Are you enjoying being girl? Are you happy being a boy? If your
answer is yes, then it is a good sign of being positive about your own
Accepting whether you are a boy or a girl and accepting physical
characteristics affect sexual health. Positive body image gives you
high self-esteem. It means you are very sure of yourself in
everything you do, in all your choices and show an overall wellness.
You show confidence in mingling and talking to other people even
with the opposite sex.
Antisocial –shy away from people, and would always want to be left alone.
Insecurity –may also lead to some psychological disorders like anorexia and
Anorexia nervosa –is a psychological condition. Those who suffer from it
always think that they are fat and refrain from eating.
Bulimia –a person would eat food that they want to eat but induce
themselves to vomiting after eating by forcing food out from the throat.
Persons with a positive body image and a sound
mind usually enjoy their sexuality and have a good
social relationship with others.
Persons with negative body image and insecurity end
up being unhappy and with failing sexual relationships.
How do you react when you hear the word sex? Do you join your
peers when you hear them talk about the reproductive system?
Your answer to these questions may depend on your social and
cultural influences. The people surrounding you greatly contribute
to your sexuality. These include your family, school, and people
from your neighborhood.
  Different countries have their own standards and norms in sexual
practices. Moreover, some countries may have different tribes or
ethnic groups that follow their own traditions and practices
involving sexual behaviors and practices
Written Activity:
Express your positive self-image by completing the sentences that
1. The things that I love about myself are:
2. The things that I would like to improve more on are:
3. I encourage my friends to:

The student demonstrates understanding of human

sexuality and managing sexually related issues for a healthy
Also manages sexually-related issues through responsible
and informed decisions

A person’s attitudes and practices related to sexuality

and sexual behaviors are affected by the following:
family, religion, multiculturalism, socioeconomic status,
peers and friends, media.
• Identify basic terms in sexuality.
• Assess personal health attitudes that may influence
sexual behavior.
• Relate the importance of sexuality.
TRUE OR FALSE. Write T if the statement is correct and F if it is incorrect.

____1. Males are expected to be respectful of the girls.

____2. Focus and do not respect other religions.
____3. Learning how to deal with people by smiling at them.
____4. Media can influence a person’s sexual behavior.
____5. Staying alone is good for your entire life
1. Family –sexual awareness of
most people begins at home
with love and affection given by
the parents and siblings.
Females are trained to act and
speak in feminine ways. As the
grow up, females are taught how
to do household chores because
it is part of the norm that girls
are the ones in charge of such
work. Males are expected to be
respectful of the girls.
2. Religion –people differ in their
stand on morality for they are
differently bound by their
religious and spiritual beliefs.
Others would disagree on
premarital sex and extramarital
3. Multiculturalism –the marriage
between couples coming from
different countries is no longer a
new thing nowadays. Since they
came from different countries,
they might also have cultural
differences specifically in matters
of sexuality.
Some countries would consider
abortion as illegal and morally
wrong but in other countries, it is
allowed based on their own
policy or legislation.
4. Socioeconomic status –living conditions also
affect sexual behavior. Lack of income may be
one reason for whatever sexual behavior one
may have. There are some who would postpone
having a serious relationship for fear of not
being able to provide for their future family.
5. Peers and friends –it is very common
among teenagers to gather together and
have their “girls’ talk” or “boys’ talk”
Adolescent period is very difficult for
parents because it is the time when peers
and friends would have a lot of influence
to their teenage children. With the
influences that adolescents get from their
peers, there is a tendency to disregard
the teachings and pieces of advice of
their family. They tend to neglect family
values and standards just to accepted by
their peers and to be independent.
6. Media – includes television, radio, movies and printed
advertisements and the widely used World Wide Web or
the Internet.
  These forms of media are not only means for public
service but are also sources of information for sexual
Most programs involving sexuality or sexual activity in
television are regulated by a government agency like the
MTRCB. Rating a television program such as Parental
Guidance (PG), or Strict Parental Guidance (SPG) is present
before the start of the program.
Written Activity:
Essay. Answer the following questions briefly
 1. What are the six factors that may affect our
sexuality? Define each briefly.
2. What are the ways to show your respect to other
 3. Do we really need to follow government rules? Yes
or No? Why.

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