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What is time?

Albert Einstein defined time as “that which a clock scientific understanding of time underwent a revolution in
measures”. The definition of time is traditionally the early part of the twentieth century with the
considered ‘on the fence’ between physics and philosophy. development of relativity theory. Modern physics treats
How can we define what it is? time as a feature of spacetime, a notion which challenges
intuitive conceptions of simultaneity and the flow of time in
Time quantifies or measures the interval between events, or a linear fashion. John Tracey
the duration of events. Time has long been perceived as a Simon Hall
dimension in which each event has a definite (but not Also, from ubiquitous practical, and some key theoretical
necessarily unique) position in a linear sequence, but as evidence, we can say that there is some sort of orientation Michael Stewart
differing from spatial dimensions in that "motion" through of time that qualitatively distinguishes ‘future’ from ‘past’. Stephen Hardiman
time appears restricted to having only a forward direction.  
So, much like many other quantities, we may try to define
For everyday purposes, and even for quite accurate time by giving:
1) a basis for an orientation, or arrow of time, and supervised by Dr. Stefan Hutzler
measurements, this view is sufficient. However, the
2) an ability to measure the magnitude of a time interval.

Oscillators – a basis for time

Classical Physics and Time Asymmetry
To measure the length of a physics poster, we place a meter stick
against it and compare its endpoints with the marks of the meter It is a common statement that Newtonian physics is invariant under time
stick. To measure a length of time, we need a corresponding ‘time reversal. This symmetry essentially comes from the fact that the
yardstick’. Ancient humans used the dawn and sunset as markers fundamental Newtonian equation,
F = dp/dt Time Reversible Not exactly Time reversible
of time; later, the cycle of seasons and the phases of the moon.
These, of course, are all examples of oscillations, and oscillations remains unchanged when subjected to the map
In a simulation under classical laws, it is found that by reversing
are still the source of human timekeeping, in every form from quartz the velocities of all of the particles in a simple gaseous system
crystals to cesium clocks. x -> x
t -> -t simultaneously, a net decrease in entropy did indeed result.
v -> -v However, any small random deviation from these ‘backward path’
The steady swing of
velocities put the system onto an upward entropy climb once more.
an oscillating
This symmetry would seem to be at odds with thermodynamics, which It is postulated that random influences are the source of the
pendulum, provides
violates time-symmetry via the total increase in entropy of a system with appearance of the arrow of time from statistical mechanics. This
a basic yardstick for
increasing time. In a world governed entirely by time-symmetrical laws, idea poses some interesting questions if true: for a closed system,
measuring time
could the second law of thermodynamics be valid, or is it the product of an such as the universe as a whole may be, would classical mechanics
Keeping Time implicit assumption of the arrow of time? then produce a direction of increasing entropy? And, if
randomness is the key, where does the asymmetry lie that causes
randomness to be generated in one direction of time, and not the
In the light of Einstein's theory of relativity, it is a truism to say that
humanity had previously seen time as uniform, regardless of
position or velocity. However, in practical terms time was more
relative five hundred years ago than today. Although mechanical
clocks had been in use since at least 12831, primarily for the
purpose of religious observance, time standards were still Ice – Puddle –
dependent on the location at which they were measured. Towns Low Entropy High Entropy
used the position of the sun to directly determine the time; since Arrow of Time
noon differed from place to place, so did the time. It was not until
the development of railroad that there grew a need for a
A property one can look at with time is something called the
standardised time, the first such standard being laid down in
Harvard University Observatory in 1851, followed closely by the “Arrow Of Time”. When real time is discussed, it has a forward and
Royal Observatory's standard time for Britain. This increasingly backward direction. The laws of science do not distinguish
arbitrary interpretation of time dissociated it from the sun and between the past and the future but you can see the sharp
stars, culminating in the worldwide standardisation to Greenwich contrast in everyday life. Imagine recording a glass falling off a
Mean Time, at the 1884 International Meridian Conference. & table, you could easily tell, while watching it, when the tape is
being played backward or when been played forward. This is
Measurement of Time because it would be very strange to see a glass reforming while
defying gravity!

Before the dawn of civilisation a natural time divide existed – Night

and Day. Upon the arrival of organised civilisation and government, Time, Relatively Speaking The universe tends
towards disorder
a time measurement system was developed unique to each distinct
culture. The Babylonian and Roman systems certainly have had an By the end of the 19th century, people thought that time flowed uniformly,
effect on the system used almost worldwide today. The Romans, independent of our intrinsic existence. In 1905, a young patent clerk This is because everything must obey the second law of
for instance, re-named the months July and August after Julius named Albert Einstein wrote a scientific paper that changed the way we thermodynamics which states that in a closed system, disorder
Caesar and Augustus respectively. look forever. {entropy} must always increase with time. This is one example of an
He hypothesized that the passage of time is relative to the person “Arrow Of Time”. Another is ones own personal arrow of time. This is
In 1967, at the Thirteenth General Conference on Weights and measuring it. He stated that there exists a “time-dilation” when one is an arrow that everyone feels time pass. The third arrow of time is one
Measures, it was agreed to define the second within the SI moving relative to another which is quantitavely given by the Lorentz associated with the expanding/contracting of our universe. All three
(Systeme International d’Unites) System as the duration of arrows point in the same direction defining our life of “remembering
9,192,631,770 periods of the radiation corresponding to the the past, not the future”
transition between two hyperfine levels of the ground state of the
cesium-133 atom. It follows that there are then 60 seconds in a Why do we see all three arrows pointing in the same direction? One
minute, 60 minutes in an hour and a day is the time it takes for the looks to the anthropic principle, which states that “We see the
earth to spin on it’s axis, or 24 hours. Seven days make a week.  
where t,t’ are the times measured by each observer in their respective universe the way it is because if it were different, we would not be
inertial reference frames, x the position of the unprimed observer, v is here to observe it” This answer stems from various arguments
their relative velocity and c is the speed of light. We can see from this producing the result that if one arrow were pointing opposite to
transformation that as a body speeds up, the time measured in its frame another, life would not be possible due to uncertain results of non-
dilates in comparison to that of the other. In 1915, Einstein published standard rules of thermodynamics in this hypothetical universe. So
another ground breaking paper in which he incorporated gravity into his whichever arrow of time you feel most intrinsic to you, rest
theory of relativity. He showed that in a strong gravitational field, time assured its pointing the right way.
A month is the approximate time needed for the moon to
revolve once around the earth. The lunar month actually takes also slows down for relative observers. The fabric of Einstein’s universe is
29 days, 12 hours, 44 minutes and 3 seconds. There is another a 4 dimensional space-time, where gravity is described not as a force, but The Beginning and End of Time
natural time divide in the form of the cyclic change in weather: as a curvature of this space-time. A body in gravitational orbit is simply
the changing seasons. The cycle lasts for one year - now following a geodesic (the path of shortest distance) in 4 dimensional Most physicists agree on the ‘Big Bang’ theory which states that
defined as the time for one revolution of the earth around the space-time. the universe exploded out of a single point or singularity
sun equal to 365 days, five hours, 48 minutes and 46 seconds or sometime between 13 and 15 billion years ago. It was initially
approximately 365¼days. In order that we have our nice 365 The large mass suggested because it explains why distant galaxies are receding at
days in one calendar year we introduce an extra day to the year of the planet such great speeds. ‘Time’, as it is, was created in this singularity
every 4 years in what has become known as a leap year. To ‘curves’ its local and ends in a singularity cloaked behind the event horizon of a
account for the minute difference of 11minutes and 14 seconds space-time black hole. When we observe very distant galaxies we are in fact
less than 365¼days we make a century year a leap year if and looking back in time at the early universe. The more red shifted
only if it is divisible by 400. This gives us an extra 3,300 years the spectrum of their light, the quicker they are receding from us,
before the calendar and solar year again differ by one day.
the further away they are and the further back in time we are
We therefore see that time can be considered as a quantity which seeing. The theory also predicts the cosmic background radiation,
The earth is undergoing a slight deceleration caused by breaking
can be changed, manipulated and perhaps reversed. The tests of the afterglow of the early universe. In the very earliest fractions
action of tides and other effects. Civil time must be adjusted by
one second to ensure that the difference between a uniform Einstein’s theories have been thorough and very successful over the of a second after time t=0, the basic constituents of matter still
time scale defined by atomic clocks does not differ from the past century showing that time is not just a concept invented by hadn't come into existence, and the fundamental forces of nature
earth’s rotational time by more than 0.9 seconds. This has human civilization, but something we feel by virtue of our existence were unified into one force.
become known as a leap second. and maybe someday, something we can touch.
And the future of the universe? Well that depends on the
gravitational mass of the matter in the universe. If it is great
References : enough to halt the universe's expansion, then Universe is said to
• “The Road to Reality” – Roger Penrose be closed, and time will end in a Big Crunch just like it started
• "Time Reversal Symmetry Violation and the H-Theorem“ - A. Aharony, Physics Letters Vol 37A No1. • “Black Holes & Time Warps - Kip S. Thorne
• "The Enigma of Time“ - P. T. Landsberg. • “A Brief History of Time” Chapter 9, “Arrow Of Time” - Stephen W. Hawking with a Big Bang. Otherwise the Universe is said to be open and
• "Physics of Time Asymmetry“ - PCW Davies. • (for universe timeline timeline) galaxies will continue receding until eventually even single
• "A Chronicle of Timekeeping“ - W. Andrews, Scientific American Vol.287 No.3 • elementary particles will be separated by vast distances.
• “Cosmology, a Very Short Introduction” – Peter Coles •

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