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 What is open source software?

 Why open source software?
 What is Linux?
 Linux History
 Advantages of Linux
What is Open Source Software
 Open Source Software is software with accessible source code. The source code
could be distributed with the software, or be reasonably accessible .The user is legally
and technically free to change and/or redistribute the software. Unlike "free software,"
open source software can be privatised in future as a closed source software

 Open Source Software (OSS) is characterised by full access to its source code and by
the permission to use it , to modify it and to redistribute it
“the word `free' in `free software' is used as in `free speech', and not as in`free beer‘”

open source software is software whose source is available to all without

restrictions on use. Linux is an example of open source
Why Open Source Software

The availability of the source code and the right to modify it

The right to redistribute modifications and improvements to
the code

The right to use the software in any way.

There is no single entity on which the future of the software

No ``black boxes'' are possible

No per-copy fees can be asked for modified versions

There are fewer conflicting priorities due to marketing

It provides a new forum for democratic action
What is Linux?

A fully-networked 32/64-Bit Unix-like Operating

Unix Tools Like sed, awk, and grep

Compilers Like C, C++, Fortran, Smalltalk, Ada

Network Tools Like telnet, ftp, ping, traceroute

Multi-user, Multitasking, Multiprocessor

Has the X Windows GUI

Coexists with other Operating Systems

Runs on multiple platforms

Includes the Source Code
Linux History

Linux is the name of the kernel of an OS, originally
created by Linus Torvalds, at the University of Helsinki in

Linus released version 0.02 in 1991, then it was developed
with the assistance of developers around the world.
Developed under the GNU General Public License.
Linux was designed to provide personal computer users a
free or very low-cost operating system comparable to
traditional and usually more expensive proprietary
Linux is a very stable, efficient and fast-
performing operating system
Advantages of Linux

Supports all the major microprocessor platforms including the
Intel,Power PC, Sparc,Alpha platform and IBM S390

Provides unprecedented interoperability & flexibility

Gives complete freedom from properitary control

Gives the freedom to choose whom you want to work with

OS licensing costs are typically lower

Common office applications are often free and other applications are
competitively priced

One can run Linux across platforms and avoid the manpower costs to
maintain different OS

It gives way to run on cheaper and leaner hardware

Remain free from upgrade binding policies

Helps to save networking costs by server consolidation
• Has terrific price of Linux
- performance advantage

"Linux saved Intel 200 million dollars"* -

– Doug Busch, Intel IT Vice President (on moving from Unix to Linux)

“Consider a scenario of a network with 50 users, all requiring standard office

productivity solutions, email, intranet and internet services & SQL data access,
as well as small number of specialist workstations. Their network includes : 45 x
Standard Workstations, 3 x Developer Workstations, 2 x Graphics/Design
Workstations, 1 x Mail Server, 1 x File/Print Server, 1 x Proxy/Firewall Server, 1 x
Intranet & SQL Server, 1 x E.Business Server. Microsoft solution software costs
can be as high as 69,000 US$ as compared to a Linux solution software cost of
80 US$!nux)"
– Cybersource® Pty. Ltd. study : "Linux vs. Windows, The bottom line"
• Faster network response

• Faster File operations

• Easier application tuning

• More stable (no more Ctrl+Alt+Del)

• More scalable.

• Custom user interface (free download)

• Choose your own tools (available in plenty)

• Not bound to one vendor

Components of Linux
Kernel-The core of Linux.
shell-Interface between the user and the kernel
Terminal Emulator-A place to accept and display comman
X window system-Bitmapped color display
Window manager-provides functional decorations for
Desktop Environment-Provides GUI
System Directories
/ -root the parent directory
/bin /usr/bin /sbin -system binaries
/var -logs,mails
/proc -”Virtual window” into the kernel
/etc -configuration files
/lib -shared libraries
/dev -device files
/boot -Linux kernel and boot files
/opt -installation directory for third-party packages
/root -the home directory for superuser
/usr -file and dirs related to users of system
/tmp -scratch pad
/mnt -mount points for filesystem …
File and shell basics…
pwd -print Working Directory.
cd -change directory.
ls -list dir contents
df -disk free
du -disk usage
cp -copy
mv -move,rename
rm –remove files and dirs
mkdir -make directory
rmdir -remove directory
cat,Less,head,tail -commands used to view text files
vi,vim -editors
touch -create and update files
User and system information…
useradd -create user.
userdel – delete user
su –[username] -start new shell as different user
uname -print system information.
man -manual pages
finger -user information lookup
passwd -change and create user passwords
who,w,user -to find out who is loged in
File access permission

Chmod-change acess mode
Umask-default file permission
Suid,gid,sticky bit
The linux filesystem…
Ext2,Ext3-Native linux filesystem
Superblocks-stores filesystem meta data
Stat-file and inode information
Hardlinks and softlinks
Mounting filesystem
Find,locate-search for files
The bash shell..
Env-shell environment variables
Export [var_name]-export a shell variable
HOME-path to user’s home directory
PATH=executable search path
PWD=current user directory
PS1=command prompt
Which-shows executable path
History-command recall
The bash shell contd..
Alias-create shortcuts to commands
File-shows the information about a file
Type-shows information about a command
/etc/profile-System wide startup script
Standard I/O and pipes…

> Command > file Directs standard output to file

>> command >> file Appends standard output to file
< command < file command receives its input from file
2> command > file Error messages
2>> command >> file append error messages
| - pipe
Exec-process takes place of the old process
Fork- a child will be created
Init-parent of all process
Process states-
D-uninterruptible sleep
Z -zombie
Viewing a process.
Ps –A = display all process in all ttys
Ps= display all process in current tty
Ps –lu =long listing and username
Pstree=view process tree
Top=process monitoring
Signal to process:
Some more useful commands…
System initialization and services
Init Initialization:


Dameon process:

Standalone -programs that run all the time

Transient -Started only when needed

chkconfig – use to configure the system services

service [service] [stop/start/restart]
System Shutdown:

halt,shutdown,init 0, poweroff – commands to shutdown a system

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