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Each decade had its favorite dances.
The most enduring dances were variations of the
fox trot, one step, and two step which simply
basically easy walking steps and walts.
A long succession of rhythmic Latin
American dances found wide spread but short
lived popularity.
A long succession of rhythmic Latin American
dances found wide spread but short lived

These include:
Angeline Tango
Brazilian Maxine and Sumba
The Cuban Rumba
Conga and Cha Cha
• a Latin American dance
that originated in Cuba.
• It ia a courtship dance that
shows erotic and
passionate tone with the
slow pulsating romantic
Maxire or Samba
• The national dance of Brazil.
• The dancer mostly gively a gay
flirtation and exuberant
movement requiring a different
(pelvic) tilt action.

• is characterized by long
continuos flowing movement
and the feeling of elegance
and sophistication across the
dance floor

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