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Basic Elements of Argument

Central Argument
The main idea, thesis,
or point the author is
Author’s Purpose
Is it to inform, entertain,
persuade? Usually in
persuasive text, the author
desires to persuade you to
see his or her point of view.
Target Audience
Who is the text written
for? Who is targeted?
Who would be most
affected by this
Fact vs. Opinion
In persuasive text, the author
supplies both. Analyze the
statements to determine
which he incorporates to
prove his point.
Fact – statistics, quotes from
others, provable sources

According to a report published in the New

Journal of Medicine: 25% of all patients
who took this drug showed a decrease in
blood pressure.
Opinion – cannot be proven

No one should take this blood pressure

medicine since it causes weight gain and
nervous tension.
!!! WARNING !!!
Be careful: some authors word their
argument so subtly that the
reader may confuse what is
actually fact vs. opinion. It takes
a careful analysis to determine
the difference.
• Arguments are presented to
persuade the reader to believe
the thesis presented.

• These arguments can appear in

many forms, and a piece of
writing can incorporate more than
one of the following techniques:
Cause and Effect
These claims argue that one person,
thing, or event caused another thing
or event to occur.


The popularity of SUV's in America has caused pollution to increase.

Cause Effect
• The reader will need to look
closely for the cause/effect
relationship; sometimes it is
not as obvious as this
This is an argument in which a conclusion is
drawn about a situation based on
similarities of this situation (analogies) to
previous situations. It is considered the
weakest of all of the techniques.


It is not a good idea to invade a foreign country and help solve their
governmental problems; afterall, look at how disastrous it was for
US forces in Vietnam.
• We can then proceed to determine
whether the two situations/things are
indeed similar in the relevant respects,
and whether those aspects of similarity
support the conclusion.

• Did our intervention in Vietnam mirror

the intervention and problems?

• Is the analogy appropriate?

Authority (ethos)

Ethos, or the ethical appeal, is based

on the character, credibility, or
reliability of the writer. There are
many ways to establish good
character and credibility as an author.
Dr. Montgomery, Chief Medical Examiner,
explained the importance of the new found
medicine for cancer patients. Dr.
Montgomery has studied medicine for over
twenty years.
Emotion (pathos)

Pathos is an appeal based on

emotion. It appeals to an
audience's needs, values, and
emotional sensibilities.
A baby turtle breaks free from the leathery shell of its egg,
catching its first glimpse of its first sunrise. It pauses a
moment to rest, unaware of the danger that lies so close
to it. As the tide comes in, approaching the nest, it also
approaches a small pile of metal - cesium. The water
draws closer and closer, the turtle unsuspecting of the
danger. Finally, the water touches the cesium. The nest
is torn to bits in the resulting explosion, destroying even
more of an endangered species. We, Americans, can
prevent this devastation from occurring again.

• What emotional appeal is this attempting to extract

from the reader?
Logic (logos)
Logos is appeal based on logic
or reason. Facts or details are
given to appeal to the logical
side of the brain. It is the
exact opposite of using
By combining cesium and dihydro-oxide in
laboratory conditions, and capturing the
released energy, ACME has promised to
lead the way into the future. Our energy
source is clean, safe, and powerful. No
pollutants are released into the
atmosphere. The world will soon have an
excellent source of clean energy.
• Can you determine which part(s) of the
previous example is actually the logos?

• Statements are often made after the

fact is stated to further persuade the

• Again, no emotion will be used.

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