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“Why Good Project Fail

• Factors :
1. Major technologies installations
2. Post merger integrations
3. New growth strategies
4. Traditional approach : nowadays, a lot of significant developing
technologies, partial solutions, and recommendations from both
external and internal
• Impact of failure of project: demotivation of employees
• Execution risk : the risk that designated activities won't be carried out properly
• 3 ways to reduce execution risk:
1. Project plans
2. Time lines
3. Budget
• 2 critical risk:
1. The "white space risk“:
Some required activities won't be identified in advance, leaving gaps in the project plan.
2. The "integration risk“:
The disparate activities won't come together at the end.
• 3 fundamental ways to differed the team members:
1. Result oriented
- Produce measureable results
Why is it important?
a. Allows project planners to test the overall plan and alter plan if
b. Produces real benefits in short term
c. Being able to deliver results
2. Vertical
- Encompass a slice of several horizontal activities
- Implemented in tandem in a very short time frame
- Key : reducing white space and integration risks in the overall effort

3. Fast
- Last no longer than 100 days
- Important things : changing how people approach the work  team
members feel a sense of urgency right from the start that leaves no time to
squander on big studies
A Shift in Accountability
• This approach puts white space and integration risk onto the
shoulders of the people doing the work
• can discover on the spot what's working and what's not
The Leadership Balancing Act
• Despite the obvious benefits of rapid results initiatives  used to
replace the horizontal activities altogether
• The economies of scale, horizontal activities = a cost-efficient way to
• The job of the leadership team :
- Balance rapid-results initiatives with longer-term horizontal activities
- Help spread insights from team to team
- Blend everything into an overall implementation strategy.
• 5 rapid results project objectives
1. Establish alternative feeds
2. Implement seed distributions
3. Establish service contract
4. Increase milk production
5. Increase animal weight and productivity
A Call for Humility
• Some new responsibilities is used to challenge senior leaders to cede
control and rethink the way they see themselves.
• How to accomplish a complex project constantly?
1. Shedding the blueprint model that has implicitly driven executive
behaviour in the management of major efforts.
2. Challenging the people close to the action to produce results
3. Unleashing the organization's collective knowledge and creativity in
pursuit of discovery and achievement.

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