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By: Jayme, Julia Camille

Macatanong, Farjana

> is an infection of the upper urinary tract, specifically the renal

parenchyma and renal pelvis 
. Acute pyelonephritis is considered uncomplicated if the infection
is caused by a typical pathogen in an immunocompetent patient
who has normal urinary tract anatomy and renal function.
Misdiagnosis can lead to sepsis, renal abscesses, and chronic
pyelonephritis that may cause secondary hypertension and renal
failure. Risk factors for complicated acute pyelonephritis are those
that increase susceptibility or reduce host response to infections.

Loss of appetite
Fatigue and weakness
Sleep problems
Changes in how much you urinate
Decreased mental sharpness
Muscle twitches and cramps
Swelling of feet and ankles
Persistent itching
Chest pain, if fluid builds up around the lining of the heart
Shortness of breath, if fluid builds up in the lungs
High blood pressure (hypertension) that's difficult to control.

Signs and symptoms of kidney disease are often nonspecific, meaning

they can also be caused by other illnesses. Because your kidneys are
highly adaptable and able to compensate for lost function, signs and
symptoms may not appear until irreversible damage has occurred .

Acute pain
related to acute inflammation of renal tissues.


After 4-5 hours of nursing interventions,the patient will

verbalize relief or control of pain.

INDEPENDENT: Helps evaluate degree of discomfort and may

 Assess pain, noting location, reveal developing complications
characteristics,intensity (0-10scale).

Note urine flow and characteristics.

Decreased flow may reflect urinary retention
with increased pressure in upper urinary tract

Encourage patient to verbalize concerns. Reduction of anxiety or fearthat can promote

Active listen these concerns and provide relaxation and comfort.
support by acceptance,remaining with patient
and giving appropriate information.
Provide comfort measure like back rub or deep Reduces muscle tension,promotes relaxation,
breathing exercises and may enhance coping abilities.
Provide comfortmeasure like back rub or
deepbreathing exercises

Assist with range of motion exercises and Reduces muscle or joint stiffness Ambulation
encourage ambulation returns organs to normal position and promotes
feeling of wellbeing.

Investigate and report abdominal muscle Requiring prompt medical intervention.

rigidity,involuntary guarding and rebound

COLLABORATIVE: Relieves pain,enhances comfort and promotes

♦ rest.
 Administer medications as indicated e.g
analgesics and antibiotics.

After 4 hours of nursing interventions, the patient was able to

verbalized relief or control of pain.

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