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It is called morrena or moraine to a mountain chain of till that

is near a glacier. The term "till" refers to a glacier material
without stratifying.

Also it calls morrena to the sediment deposited directly by a

glacier. The glacier goes down from considerable heights and
drags the materials that he finds in his way.
 Ground Moraine: It places under the ice, in touch with the
 End Moraine: It is a comb or mound of material that is
formed in the perimeter of a glacier that flows actively.
 Medial Moraine: They are formed when two join morrenas
wings in a valley of confluence of two glaciers.
 Lateral Moraine: They describe accumulations of carved land
that are formed in the combs in the edge of the glaciers or
previous glaciers stay behind in the edge of the valleys.
 Terminal Moraine: They are warehouses of erosions in the
zone of thaw of the glacier.

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