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PDP Cycle July 2019

What is PDP?

● PDP- Personal Development Plan

● Meaningful discussion between Manager and Team member to review progress, plan what can

be achieved and openly discuss aspirations and career progression.

● Performance Management Tool used in Packt

● Focus areas:  Strengths, Areas of development, Goals, Training needs, Achievements & Future

aspirations of the individual and shared company goals for Packt Employees

● 2 cycles of PDP- Jan-June, July-Dec

○ PDP Review Period : January & July

● PDP cycles/review periods followed by promotion windows - more structure and better planning

(2 PDP review cycles and 2 promotion windows)

What you should do in a PDP?
● Prepare well in-advance, about how you would write your PDP
● Identify what are your areas of improvement and propose appropriate learning/development
● Make sure your goals and aspirations are in line with the business goals and are realistic
● Focus on how to write PDP goals: Goals-Milestones-Measures of success- Risks
● Refer to the  guidelines and examples when you get stuck or need more clarity 
● Seek feedback from your manager, how well you are doing, what you can do for better results
● Commit yourself to regular review of your own PDP

PDP discussion

Personal What am I good at? In my manager’s Managers

analysis What skills do I lack, opinion what am I Feedback
what skills should I good at, what skills do
acquire I need to develop
Step By Step PDP Process
PDP on Peoplepackt
P&C WIKI Support
PDP Dates

Phases  Completion dates  

Launch of PDP cycle  29th July 2019 

Employee comments added  9th August 2019 

Manager comments added  23rd August  2019 

PDP meetings conducted   6th September 2019 

Complete and submit final comments  16th September 2019 

Goal Setting

Sl# Goals Milestone of Success Risk

  At the end of quarter the no. If the team is not fully staffed,   
Reduction in the title  (1) Planning and hiring resources to the rest of the team members 
   1 cancellation <= X%/quarter
achieve team target of cancelled titles does not
   will have to be over-utilized
 (2) Developing a contingency plan exceed the acceptable rate 

1) Work towards quality editing and re-

checking the content per day edited Achieving 85% at the end of
Increase in quality scores pages. first month, 90% in the second Not able to identify the errors
(2) Seek timely feedback from quality month and 95% at the end of
   2 from 80% to 95% by end of
team on the scores  third quarter
due to time constraints or
next quarter (3) Seek additional training from SMEs unpolished skills  
on how to improve the scores by end of
first month

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