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Unit 3.

Task 7 créate a prezi presentation about comparartives and superlatives

Michell Andrea Vargas Moreno. Group 116

Vanessa Villarraga

Inglish ll


There are four cars, all very different. The blue car has the

greatest weight and the oldest, the green car is the one

with the slowest speed and is the least expensive, the

yellow car is a bit modern, it has less weight and its speed

is one hundred and eighty kilometers per hour and was

designed in 2005 and finally the pink car is the most

modern, the most expensive and the fastest.


- The pink car has higher speed than the yellow car
- The green car is older than the blue car
- The pink car is more expensive than the green car
- The blue car has more weight than the yellow car
Equality comparisons

- The pink car has four tires just like the green car
- The yellow car has two mirrors just like the blue car
- The yellow car has two windows just like the blue car
-The pink car has higher speed
- The yellow car has less weight
- The blue car is the oldest
- The pink car is the most expensive

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