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Foundation of the Church’s Social Teachings

Strong Foundations
We often link foundations to building
structures. While it is true that a strong
foundation is essential if we are to ensure that a
building will not collapse even in the occurrence
of calamities like earthquake and tsunami, a
string foundation is also important in the
different aspects of our life.
Strong Foundations
A good physical is very important if we want to
ensure that we grow healthy and strong. This
strong foundation includes eating nutritious food
in the right amount while we are still young, not
only when we are already old and sick. Parents of
young infants know that breastfeeding, regular
medical check-ups, and a clean environment are
some of the elements of a good foundation for a
Strong Foundations
A good social foundation is very important if we want to
ensure a smooth interpersonal relationship with the people
around us and a healthy self-concept. Children who grow
up in an environment where they receive affirmation for
the good that they do and gentle reprimands for their
mischiefs receive a good foundation for a healthy self-
concept. When they are given the love and care they need
as they grow up, they are given a good foundation for a
healthy relationship with others.
Strong Foundations
A good moral and spiritual foundation is very important if we
want to help a person become a faithful follower of Jesus.
This is the reason why our parents bring us to Church for
Baptism, they know that this sacrament is the best foundation
for receiving the other Sacraments and for a healthy life in
the Church. Our parents also teach us to pray, to be
respectful, to love God and others, and the environment to
provide with a strong foundation that will ensure we are
strong when faced with temptations .
Strong Foundations
Strong foundations are important , not only in physical
infrastructures, but also in our day-to-day life and in our
struggles as members of Jesus’ Church.
The importance of a strong
foundation in all aspects of a
person’s life is explained in the
article at the beginning of the
In the same way, the social
teachings of the Church rest in
solid foundation.
Social doctrine of the Church

A body of doctrine develop by the Church on

matters about building a just society and
living out holiness amidst the challenges of
modern society, is based on a foundation that
is unique and very strong.
This commandment of love is the foundation
of the Social teachings of the Church
Love is the fundamental aspect of all the teachings of
This love is all embracing
Love your enemies
It is not a selfish love nor a love
that is meant to be shared only
with those who love and care for
us but it is one that is to be shown
even to those who offend us
Love is the foundation of our relationships
The teachings that the church proclaims in addressing
the pressing the issues in our society, they all spring
from love
The church takes Jesus’ new commandments of love to
the issues that concern the plight of mankind in the
modern world.
The Church responds to the Challenges of
the everchanging social, economic, and
political landscapes through its social
doctrine as it continues to strive toward the
creation of a society that is fair and equal and
the building up of God’s Kingdom of peace,
love and justice on earth
How does the new
commandments serve
as the foundation of the
Social teachings of the
When the Church talks
about concern for the poor,
the oppressed,and the
exploited in her teachings,
she does so because she
wants her members to
witness to Jesus special love
for them.
When the Church talks about
just compensation for
workers, she is telling her
members that giving just
compensation speaks of a
recognition of the rights and
dignity of workers.
It is clear to see that
just like Jesus who
healed the sick, lifted up
the poor, and fed the
hungry did so out of love
Our concern for our neighbor,
especially to those who are at
the margins of society
should be founded on love.
If love is present, being
just, merciful, kind,
and peace- loving
naturally follow.

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