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1. Explain the circumstances that led to the emergence and rise of Napoleon
2. List and evaluate the reforms implemented by Napoleon
3. In your opinion,was Napoleon Bonaparte a saviour or a betrayer of the
French Revolution?
 Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821), also known as Napoleon I, was a
French military leader and emperor who conquered much of Europe in
the early 19th century.
 Napoleon rapidly rose through the ranks of the military during the French
Revolution (1789-1799). After seizing political power in France in a
1799 coup d’etat, he crowned himself emperor in 1804.
 Napoleon successfully waged war against various coalitions of European
nations and expanded his empire.
 However, after a disastrous French invasion of Russia in 1812, Napoleon
abdicted the throne two years later and was exiled to the island of Elba.
In 1815, he briefly returned to power in his Hundred Days campaign.
 After a crushing defeat at the Battle of Waterloo, he abdicted once again
and was exiled to the remote island of Saint Helena, where he died at 51.
 Napoleon attended school in mainland France, where he learned
the French language, and went on to graduate from a French
military academy in 1785.
 He then became a second lieutenant in an artillery regiment of the
French army. The French Revolution began in 1789, and within
three years revolutionaries had overthrown the monarchy and
proclaimed a French republic.
 During the early years of the revolution, Napoleon was largely on
leave from the military and home in Corsica, where he became
affiliated with the Jacobins, a pro-democracy political group.
 In France, Napoleon became associated with Augustin
Robespierre(1758-1794), a Jacobin who was a key force behind
the Reign of Terror (1793-1794), a period of violence against
enemies of the revolution.
 During this time, Napoleon was promoted to the rank of brigadier
general in the army.
 However, after Robespierre fell from power and was guillotined
(along with Augustin) in July 1794, Napoleon was briefly put under
house arrest for his ties to the brothers.
 In 1795, Napoleon helped suppress a royalist insurrection against
the revolutionary government in Paris and was promoted to major

 Born in Corsica on 15th August 1769

 son of Carlo Buonaparte and Maria Letizia Ramolino
 Siblings – Joseph, Lucien, Louis, Elisa, Pauline, Caroline and Jerome.
 Then was Corsica's representative to the court of Louis XVI of France.
 Attended the military academy at Brienne, france.
 In 1789, Revolution was starting in France.
 In the month of "Thermidor" (July) 1794, the more moderate factions of
revolutionaries brought down and executed Robespierre.
 Napoleon, whose promoted by Robespierre had established his reputation
as the dictator's protege, was temporarily thrown in jail for being a Jacobin.
 Napoleon's years as first consul
 Coup to take power and declared First Consul for Life
 Later, became Napoleon I, Emperor of France
1. The Government of the Consulate
 Council of State (3 councils)
Proposed the laws.
Served as a Cabinet & the
highest court.
 Tribunate
Debated laws, but did not
vote on them.
 Legislature
Voted on laws, but did not discuss or debate them.
 Senate
Had the right to review and veto legislation.
2. prefect’ s system

• Efforts to strengthen the country

• Rated based on merit system based on one's
qualifications and talents
• In contrast to the old regime, which carried out the
election based on descendants
National Education
 BEFORE: Under the ancien régime, priests taught elementary levels
free of charge, but it was focused only on religious aspects.
 Under the Revolution, a series of public secondary schools, called
écoles centrales (central schools), were opened, but there were few
students and even fewer teachers. The majority of good secondary
schools were private, which was beyond the means of most people.
Unfortunately, with the floundering of secondary education, all
universities were forced to close down.
 Those central schools of the Revolution were disbanded, and replaced
with a new system of higher education that still exists today in France:
 Education system needs to be streamlined to make the French people
more modern.
 Elementary or primary schools must be held by each community
under the supervision of the general prefect (principals) or sub-prefects
 Secondary schools or grammar schools should provide a special
training in French, Latin, and early science, and whether they are
public or private schools, they must be under the control of the national
  Lycess or high school should be held in every important city and
teaching in the higher branches of knowledge should be provided by
government-appointed teachers. Although there were only 30 of them at
first, they were the apex of secondary education, and only the best students
could make it in.
  The curriculum focused mainly on mathematics and science, and
included courses on language and literature.
  Specialized schools, such as technical schools, public service schools,
and military schools are under public scrutiny. Although there were only
30 of them at first, they were the apex of secondary education, and only
the best students could make it in.
  The University of France was established to maintain uniformity
throughout the education system. Important officials will be appointed by
the First Consul, and no person shall be permitted to open a new school or
teach in the public unless he has the approval of the University.
  A teacher-centered center for public schools is set up in regular
schools set up in Paris, France. These schools are directed to draw on the
basics of teaching from the principles of Christian discipline and loyalty to
the country's leaders
  It is also very important to have competent teachers. To this end, the
École Normale Supérieure was created with the sole purpose of training
teachers. The state, and later the Imperial University, provided a teacher’s
salary, in addition to pensions granted. They also were offered rewards for
finding and promoting students of special talents, so that those students of
exceptional scholastic talent could receive the special training they need to
reach their fullest potential.
  In addition, teachers were required to swear an oath of loyalty to the
state and to Napoleon himself, and promote patriotism in their students
  By this point in a man’s education, he had to choose between pursuing a
military and a civil career, which would decide the focus of their curriculum.
 - Military education focused on military drills, sciences (particularly
physics and chemistry), and mathematics.
 - Civil education focused on language, rhetoric, and philosophy. Either
way he chose, he was guaranteed employment in his choice of career.

  As far as women in education were concerned, limited progress was

made. They were now allowed to attend school at the elementary level, and
their curriculum included learning how to read and write, Botany, history,
and domestic arts (dancing, singing, sewing, etc.).
“not women of charm but women of virtue”
Code Civil
 Within a marriage, the wife was to be subordinate to the husband, who was
entrusted with the care of the family. This old-fashioned view can find no real
justification; it was nothing but a refusal to abandon an age-old tradition. But
other areas saw improvement.
 For the youths of society, the marrying age was increased: for women the
minimum age requirement changed from 13 to 18, and men from 15 to 20.
 A new benefit was given to married couples: the right to divorce. More
importantly, the wife was allowed to register for divorce as well.
 This met with nothing but hostile opposition from the Church and certain
government officials who felt it would destabilize society, but nevertheless it
was made legal, with the following restriction: the couple must have been
married more than 2 years but less than 20.
 The rationale was that a set minimum time together would prevent some non-
serious marriages that last only a week (as happens in present-day society), and
that by the set maximum time together comes, any flaw that would have been
enough to warrant a divorce should have been recognized, and would prevent
divorce due to one spouse just growing bored of the other.
  He created two new bodies: The Ministry of Finance and The Treasury
  The assignats began to be recalled and franc reintroduced. This was finished under
Napoleon, and the affect was that people now had reliable money
  The next move was to fix the tax collection system, which he did with the help of
three men: Martin-Michel-Charles Gaudin, François Barbé-Marbois, and Mollieu.
  During revolution, taxes were being collected by ordinary people who did it as a sort
of side job, and who kept little if any records. In this manner they were able to keep large
portions of the money for themselves, and corrupt moneygrubbers from within then
further diminished what did make it to the government by taking portions for themselves.
  Napoleon dismissed the old system and established a department of 840 professional
tax collectors whose sole job was the levying and collection of taxes, and who received a
fix income.
  Instead of increasing the income tax over time, indirect taxes were raised on a few
items over time: wine, playing cards, carriages, salt, and tobacco.
  The government bought bread and distributed it to the poor
  Plans to solve the economic crisis in France were made before 1800. It
can be seen that, in 1796, a group of bankers made plans to establish a bank,
but nothing was done until Napoleon took over to solve the financial crisis
after the 18 Brumaire event. Thus, these financial problems prompted
Napoleon to establish a French Bank Institution.
  The French bank institution is set up with a capital of 30,000 frachs and
30,000 franchises with the sale of shares
  After 1803, the influence of the French Bank expanded throughout
France through its branches.

  Improve the way of communication and business in the country and enhance the
economic well-being of the population.
  By 1811 he had been able to count 229 broad military roads he had built, which is
quite important, 30 blocks from Paris to all corners of France. Many bridges have been
  Waterways and waterways have been restored
  Important ports for the navy as well as for trade have been enlarged and fortified
especially the ports in Cherbourg and Toulon.
  In addition, efforts to be carried out were also efforts to improve livelihoods live
  State palaces are being rebuilt and relocated. Monuments erected. The city of Paris
is being relocated.
  The Museum (The Louvre) was completed and filled with artwork seized by
Napoleon Bonaparte as a result of his victories from Italy, Spain, and the Netherlands.
During the reign of the Consul, Paris became an entertainment city in Europe.
  Its population doubled in its heyday. Thus, with the growth of all these facilities,
the growth of the French economy is increasing.
 . By law in 1811, it became required that all roads capable of being planted
with tress must be so, which provided shade for travelers.
 In addition, he created the Administration des Eaux et Forêts to preserve
forests and rivers. When it came to animals, Napoleon opened 6 national studs
and 30 dépôts d’etalons, which gave horse breeding a long lasting importance
that continues to this day
c) In your opinion,was Napoleon Bonaparte a
saviour or a betrayer of the French Revolution?
• Napoleon Bonaparte was a saviour to the revolution due to the
1)he stabilized Politics,Economy, Social of France
2) he restored peace and united the French people.
POLITICS : Less government corruption by changing government functions.

1) he signed a Concordat with the Catholic Pope on 1801

• less powerful catholic church.
• government control of church land.
2) wanted government power to apply to everyone equally
• hereditary government offices to be abolished
• salaries to be given to his bureaucrats who were selected based on talent not birth.

3) code of new laws was created : civil code which declared that all men are equal.
ECONOMY : fixed French Economy
1. creating Bank of France : he made Franc the most stable currency in Europe

2. tax exemptions based on noble birth ceased to exists

3. introduced a fair tax system

SOCIAL : education and religious.

1. religious tolerance
• offer liberty,equality, fraternity to the jews, protestants and other religion as well.

2. created Lycees (secondary school) and public education based on the military
educational system.
• to provide better training for government employees, but the lycees were ultimately to
serve as the basis for the current French secondary-school system.

3. convinced men to enter military

• French army was a national army of proud and patriotic citizens who had very high
morale and sense of heroism.
3) he fullfilling the ideals the people of france demanded.
 he gave the French equality by giving Frenchmen the right to be taxed equally,
freedom, justice.
“ i wish to govern men as they want to be governed ”
4) Napoleon is a hero or saviour where everyone saw in him, the man who would
save France and end the revolution.

“ its not as general that im governing France; it is because the nation

believes that i possess the civil qualities of a ruler ”

 for example : we can see how french reaction when news of Napoleon's arrival
reached Paris where everyone got up spontaneously and gave long cry of joyful.
at Toulon, a commemoration was held to celebrate the hero of italy, the brave,
the immortal Bonparte.
 and after he being exiled at Elba, he escape and return back to Paris where the
citizens (pro-Napoleon) still support and join the new troop army he bulit after
the 100th days he return.
the conflict : betrayer
some says that he recreate an aristocracy ( Legion of Honour), a long
French tradition that had been eliminated by the Revolution.

is this true? my opinion is i dont think he recreate this system back. he give the
honour/award to some certain citizens for the civil and military achievements.

“ ...I do not hurt the principle of equality by giving titles to certain men without respect
of birth, which is now an exploded nation : and that it was necessary to efface the
prestige of the noblesse of the old regime. my intention s to make the generals so rich
that i shall never hear of them dishonouring by cupidity the most noble profession, or
attracting the contempt of the soldier. “
 In October 1815, Napoleon was exiled to the remote, British-held
island of Saint Helena, in the South Atlantic Ocean. He died there on
May 5, 1821, at age of 51, most likely from stomach cancer.
 Napoleon was buried on the island despite his request to be laid to rest
“on the banks of Seine, among the French people I have loved so
 In 1840, his remains were returned to France and entombed in a crypt
at Les Invalides in Paris, where other French military leaders are

 Whitcomb, Edward A “ Napoleon Prefect”. The American Historical

Review 79. No 4, 1975.
 Thomson J.M Napoleon Bonaparte His Rise And Fall. Oxford: Basil
 Robert Ergang, !967, Europe : From The Renaissance to Waterloo,
D.C.Health and Company, America.
 Sir George Clark, Sir James Butler, J.P.T. Burye.A. Benians, The New
Cambridge Modern History, Volume IX, War And Peace In Age of
Upheaval 1793-1830.
 Philip G. Dwyer, Napoleon Bonaparte as Hero And Saviour, Image,
Rhetoric and Behaviour In The Construction of A Legend

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