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Pasal 1
(1) Suatu perbuatan tidak dapat dipidana, kecuali berdasarkan kekuatan ketentuan perundang-
undangan pidana yang telah ada
(2) Bilamana ada perubahan dalam perundang-undangan sesudah perbuatan dilakukan, maka
terhadap terdakwa diterapkan ketentuan yang paling menguntungkannya.

(1) What constitutes a crime and what punishment is to be imposed therefore, shall be determined in accordance with the
law in force at the time of commission
(2) Where a statute is changed after a crime has been committed with the effect that the conduct no longer constitutes a
crime or that the punishment imposed upon it is less severe than that provided for by the old statute, the new statute
shall be applied.
(3) Where a statute is changed after a sentence imposed under it upon a criminal conduct has become final, with the effect
that such conduct no longer constitutes a crime, the execution of the punishment shall be remitted.
ayat 2) jika ada perubahan UU dan terjadi dekriminalisasi atau pun perubahan sanksi pidana yang lebih ringan. Maka UU
baru yang digunakan
ayat 3) jika ada perubahan UU dan terjadi depenalisasi setelah vonis dijatuhkan, maka pelaksanaan pidana harus

Buku I Aturan Umum Pasal 2)...If, according to the law provided afterwards, such act is no more
an offence, the person doing such act shall be relieved from being an offender; and, if there is a
final judgment inflicting the punishment, such person be deemed as not having ever been
convicted by the judgment for committing such offence. If, however, he still undergoing the
punishment, the punishment shall forth-with terminate

(jika ada perubahan UU dan bukan lagi sebagai tindak pidana, pelaku harus dibebaskan, dan jika
telah ada putusan maka pelaku harus dianggap tidak pernah dipidana. Jika masih menjalankan
pidana maka harus dibebaskan.

Bagian Umum Bab I

Article 2 (1) If at the time of adjudication the law in force is other than that in force at the time of the commission of
the offence, the new shall apply, however, the former law should be applied if it is more lenient to the perpetrator.
(2) If according to the law the act referred to in a sentence is no longer prohibited threat or penalty, the sentence shall
be expunged by operation of law

(1) Jika ada perubahan UU saat proses hukum sedang berjalan, maka UU baru harus diterapkan, namun jika UU
lama lebih meringakan pelaku maka UU lama yang harus diterapkan.
(2) Jika terjadi depenalisasi maka pemidanaan harus dihapuskan dengan berlakunya UU tersebut.

General Provision Pasal 3

(alinea 1) If the penal law has been amended in the interval between the commission of an act and the trial, the penal
provisions in force at the time of commission are applicable, unless otherwise provided.
(alinea 2) The penal provision in force at the time of decision in a particular case apply when they are more favorable
to the accused than the penal provisions in force at the time of the commission of the act. Provision which come into
force after adjudication, how ever, shall not apply in case the decision is appealed or rehearing requested.

Note: (1) Jika terjadi perubahan UU dalam masa persidangan, UU yang dipakai adalah UU yang berlaku saat tindak
pidana dilakukan.
(2) UU baru diberlakukan jika lebih menguntungkan bagi pelaku. Namun UU baru tidak dapat diterapkan jika
perkaranya sedang dalam proses banding atau dimintakan pemeriksaan ulang.

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