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• R. SHAWA Construction intends to set up a completely “New
Cement Production Line and the first in muchinga province”
with a capacity of 1952250 Tons per annum. Which will be
marketed as kuula cement.
• Care has been taken to keep a check on the pollution load,
which can be seen and analyzed while going through the
process. We are adopting the latest technology for the
proposed production line which will be helpful for reducing
the pollution.
• Our vision: “optimum resources utilization, minimum
efficient energy and less pollution”.
• Our Mission: to be leading producers of cement by
making full use of the raw materials and fully
maximizing resources while providing cement with
high quality at very affordable prices. In the long term
R. SHAWA will reduce the cost of production by
producing its own high quality raw materials.
• The plant will be located in muchinga province, for the
following reasons:
1. Availability of raw materials: muchinga province has a lot of limestone,
which is the major constituent of production of grey Cement at approx.
80%. R. SHAWA has already identified suppliers of limestone from Mines
in “Mulakupikwa” which is 13 Km and “Chinese mines” which is 10 Km
from the selected plant site. However due to a higher capacity plant, we
also want to set up our own Mines & Minerals company for long term lime
stone supply. Laterite, Bauxite & silica Sand are other raw material which
are used in very small quantity & can be sourced locally. Gypsum, fly ash
are the other material used for cement manufacturing. Options for firing of
Kiln & calciner firing such as Coal, Petro coke, Lignite. We have a two
year contract with Mamba coal mines to supply us coal, by end of that time
our coal mine will be operational
• The plant will be located in muchinga province, for the
following reasons:
2. Hugh demand: with only Lusaka (chilanga and chongwe) and
Copperbelt (ndola) producing cement for the whole nation, this
has left a hug demand of cement in other parts of the nation
because these already existing plants have to first meet local
demand before thinking of other provinces hence setting up a
plant in muchinga province is not only strategic but also
advantageous in that we will meet the growing demand of
cement in the northern part of the country at very affordable
prices because we will source local raw materials hence allowing
us chance to be cheaper.
• The plant will be located in muchinga province, for the
following reasons:
3. Plenty of land: we have secured 1000 hectares of land which
will be used to set a plant, colony, Lime Stone crushing,
Crushed Lime Stone storage & reclaiming Limestone grinding
mill (Raw Mill), Raw Meal storage Silo etc. This will also
leave us with plenty of land for future expansion of our
cement plant as demand rises
• The plant will be located in muchinga province, for the
following reasons:
4. Availability of labor: with most of the people only
involved in subsistent farming and few job opportunities,
our plant is expected to be the major employer once
operational coupled with good payment packages, labor
will be readily available. The plant is designed to have good
automation of process. Thus the requirement of manpower
for plant operation will be minimal. The plant has capacity
to generate employment and business opportunity for
approximately 2000 people directly or indirectly.
• The plant will be located in muchinga province, for the
following reasons:
5. Water: Luwi river and underground water are the major
sources of water supply for the plant. The estimated water
requirement for the proposed project is 500 KL/day. We are
planning to use Reverse Air Bag house process instead of
conditioning towers to reduce the water requirement for plant
operation. As this cement production is a dry process and does
not require water for any process operations. However some
quantity of water consumption is estimated for compressor /
bearings cooling. Further the water is also required for
domestic consumption & Green belt development.
• The plant will be located in muchinga province, for the
following reasons:
6. Cost of electricity: we will be mainly dependent upon power
from the main grid of Zesco. However, there is likelihood to
go for self generation at a later stage. The total requirement of
energy to run the plant is 28 MW, requirement of excess
power will be fulfilled by purchasing power an emergency
backup diesel generator DG set of 2000 KVA
• Potential socio-economic impacts
During construction phase about 700 people from the area will get
jobs. With a family size of 6, some 4200 people will get their
livelihood. Similarly, during regular operational phase 450 people
will be employed. According to the same calculation 2700 people
will earn their livelihood.
Thus the project activity will become a source of earning and
raise the living standards of those to work in the project operation
which indirectly prompts a cross section of the people to send
their children to school and improve in their social status
• Waste management
Since the plant is located near to the river as well surrounded by a
forestry, we have designed the plant to produce very less
quantities of solid wastes during the operations. Particulate matter
collected in the electrostatic precipitator could be a source of solid
waste, but this will used as an additive in cement production. On
the over all basis an adequate environmental management plan is
going to be put in place and keep it operational. This will further
ensure environmental compliance with ZEMA are met.
• Price of products
Our pricing strategy will be dependent upon our
marketing. We intend to set up both wholesale points of
sale and retail points of sale. We have already identified
places where to set up wholesale points of sale
throughout strategic places in muchinga, northen and
luapula provinces.
• Quality of products/services
The business will endeavor to produce high quality yet
affordable cement, which will be marketed in quantities of 10
kg and 25kg
We will deliberately include the 10 kg package due to the
unspoken demand which exist for smaller home uses, this
package will come in handy and reduce wastage which have been
the order of the day for a long period of time now.
Flow chart of production process
Raw materials Crushing of limestone Stacking & pilling of
from quarry & clay crushed limestone & clay

preheater Raw meal, blending, Fine grinding of crushed

storage and kiln feed limestone

Kiln calcination Clinker cooler Clinker storage

Cement packing, storage Clinker grinder

and transport for sale
• Sustainability
Based on the financial projections, the business will be able
to profitably sustain its operations even after the loan
deductions. It is expected that the business will be in a
much stronger financial position after the loan intervention,
even more especially when we reach our breakeven point
in our second year of productions and operations


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