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About My Profile

PLACE : Palembang

FROM HIGH SCHOOL : Bukit Asam High School

DATE OF BIRTH : 19 December 2000

The Experience of Learning English
I really wanted to be able to speak English,but in high school I thought it was hard to
understand English. I never knew about English before. So, I was in deep trouble. I
was so embarrassed when I couldn't speak English in front of the class. But I was
very excited to study English and I never give up. So that I could learn English from
games and movies it was so much fun for me and I started to understand a little bit of
that time
Reason For Choosing Industrial Mechanical Engineering

The reason I chose Industrial Mechanical Engineering, because when I was in high school I
really wanted to get in Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember and my dad wishes one of his kids
went to college in Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember. That I was so eager to reach it. Then I
have a goal, when I'm accepted in ITS, I want to be on the research team. It turns out in
Industrial Mechanical Engineering, there's a renewable energy car research team with high
achievers. Then I got interested and tried to sign up, turns out I was accepted in industrial
mechanical engineering and I want to achieve my goal.
Expectations In The Study of English
My expectation at this semester in learn English is can improve my understanding of English.
So that I could be more courageous in my use of English and be able to catch the English
translation of others. To be able to understand all of English rules. Because I wanted to
understand English, it was very useful

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