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* Communication (from Latin communicare,
meaning "to share")
* is the act of conveying meanings from one
entity or group to another through the use of
mutually understood signs, symbols, and
semiotic rules.

* Example:
Communication skills are abilities you use when giving
and receiving different kinds of information. Some
examples include communicating ideas, feelings or
what’s happening around you. Communication skills
involve listening, speaking, observing and empathizing.
It is also helpful to understand the differences in how
to communicate through face-to-face interactions,
phone conversations and digital communications, like
email and social media.
1. Communication
2. Visual Arts Wellness Program

Elements of Communication
Communication is divided into elements which help us better understand its mechanics or
process. These elements are the following:
Speaker –
the source of information or message
Message –
the information, ideas, or thoughts conveyed by the speaker in words or in actions
Encoding –
the process of converting the message into words, actions, or other forms that the
speaker understands

the medium or the means, such as personal or non-personal, verbal or nonverbal,
in which the encoded message is conveyed
Decoding –
the process of interpreting the encoded message of the speaker by the receiver
Receiver –
the recipient of the message, or someone who decodes the message
Feedback –
the reactions, responses, or information provided by the receiver
Context –
the environment where communication takes place
Barrier –
the factors that affect the flow of communicat
Communication Model
* The Communication Models
The purpose of a “model” is to offer a visual representation of a concept with the
intent of facilitating the understanding of it. Traditionally speaking, there are three
standard models of the communication process:  Linear, Interactive, and
Transactional, and each offers a slightly different perspective on thecommunication
* Communication is a broad topic. It involves
both non-verbal and verbal communication
skills. The non-verbal communication skills are
crucial and we talk about them often. But,
today, let’s focus in on the verbal side of
things from the perspective of a person
actually speaking.
* Effective Communication Skills
* Conveying a message effectively is an art as well
as a skill developed after continuous practice
and experience. The predetermined set of skills
required for an influential communication
process are as follows:
* Intercultural communication is a discipline that
studies communication across different cultures
and social groups, or how culture affects
communication. It describes the wide range of
communication processes and problems that
naturally appear within an organization or social
context made up of individuals from different
religious, social, ethnic, and educational
backgrounds. In this sense, it seeks to understand
how people from different countries and cultures
act, communicate and perceive the world around
* Communicate means to share. Communication is the
process of exchanging of messages, ideas, facts,
opinions or feelings. It is the mechanism of
transferring meaningful information from one person
to another. Poor communication is probably the most
frequently cited source of interpersonal conflict. The
individuals spend nearly 70 percent of their waking
hours communicating—writing, reading, speaking,
listening. It plays a vital role in any type of
organisation. Perfect communication would occur
when a thought or idea was transmitted so the
receiver perceived exactly the same mental picture
as the sender. Perfect communication can never be
achieved due to various reasons which we will discuss
later. In this article let’s understand the functions of
* Functions of Communication
* Communication serves four major functions within a group or organization. These are :
* Control
* Motivation
* Emotional expression
* Information
* Let’s discuss these functions one by one
* Control
* When employees communicate any job-related grievance to their immediate boss, follow their
job description, or comply with company policies, communication is performing a control
* Motivation
* Communication fosters motivation by clarifying to employees what they must do, how well they
are doing it, and how they can improve if performance is subpar. The formation of specific
goals, feedback on progress toward the goals, and reward for desired behavior all stimulate
motivation and require communication.
* Emotional Expression
* Communication is a fundamental mechanism by which members of group shows their
satisfaction and frustrations. Communication, therefore, provides for the emotional expression
of feelings and fulfillment of social needs.
* Information
* Communication provides the information individuals and groups need to make decisions by
transmitting the data needed to identify and evaluate choices. Thus communication helps to
facilitate decision making.
Purposes of communication
* The main purpose of communication are :
* Conveying the right message to persons concerned.
* Coordinating the efforts of all those who are engaged in
the business.
* Development of managerial skill and understanding.
* Maintaining good industrial relations.
* Assessing the effectiveness of policies, practices,
behaviour and procedures etc.

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