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Human Rights

 Understanding Human Rights;
 Human Rights Principles;
 Characteristics of Human Rights;
 History;
 Human Rights dilemmas;
 Evolution of Human Rights;
 Human Rights protection;
 Non Governmental Organizations;
 Human Rights in Lebanon;

Thematic topics:
 Children rights;
 Equality;
 Women’s rights;
 Democracy;
 Citizenship;
 Discrimination and xenophobia
What are Human Rights?
Human rights are rights inherent to all human
beings, whatever:
- our nationality,
- place of residence,
- sex,
- national or ethnic origin,
- colour,
- religion,
- language,
- or any other status.

We are all equally entitled to our human rights

without discrimination.
To understand human rights, we need to analyze it
Separately : Humans & Rights


Who are humans?
 Is it simply any person living?

 Are (men & women) (black & white) (young & old)
(disabled or mentally retarded & genius) equally
considered as humans?

 Can we consider someone who murders an old lady

or who rapes a child a human?
Humans are all persons living in this world:

 Regardless of their race, religion, gender or nationality;

 Regardless of their social standard or level of education;

 Regardless of how good or bad they behave.

Do all humans have the same rights???

What is a right?
 Right is a widely used term with various usages and

 Right, in a legal sense, is an entitlement:

o I have the right = I can do something
o I can benefit from something (sell, lease etc)
o If something is my right, than I can claim it before other

 Rights are protected by law and guaranteed by the

 Every person is entitled to fundamental rights, simply by
the fact of being human. These are called “human
rights” rather than privileges.

 They are “rights” because they are things you are

allowed to be, to do or to have.

 These rights are there for your protection against

people who might want to hurt you. They are also there
to help us get along with each other and live in peace.
 Many people know something about their rights.
Generally they know they have the right to food and a
safe place to stay. They know they have a right to be
paid for the work they do.

 But there are many other rights not well known

(discrimination, intolerance, injustice, inequality, etc.).

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