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When you encounter an important piece of information, are

you ready to capture it?
2. Do you rely on your memory?
3. Or do you have to scramble for a pen and random piece of
4. How can note taking help you?
5. When do you take notes?
6. How do you take notes?
Importance of taking notes
in Time-Management
7 Reasons Why Taking Notes Makes You
More Productive
1. It relieves stress.
2. It helps keep your schedule in tact.
3. It is easy to convert your notes into a to-do list.
4. You create quality reference materials.
5. You can share your notes with co-workers and
6. It improves the quality of everything you do.
7. Taking notes makes you look good.
5 Ways Taking Notes Makes You
More Productive:

• 1 Keeps You Engaged - taking

notes forces you to pay
attention to the conversation.
2. Captures Important Facts – Your notes should
remember import information so you don’t have to.
3. Helps Your Memory - It has been shown that taking notes
and writing things down helps your brain recall facts later.
4. One Place for All the Facts – If you follow the
time management principle of having one
notebook, then you know exactly where to look
for your notes later.
5. Saves Time Later – Taking notes
prevents re-work.
Effective notetaking:
• Keeps you alert. Notetaking keeps your body active and
involved and helps you avoid feelings of drowsiness or
• Engages your mind.
• Emphasizes and organizes information.
• A set of concise, well-organized notes from each class
session gives you what you need for study, learning, and
review after class.
Who are some successful note
• Thomas Edison – During his life Thomas Edison
captured over 5 million pages of notes.
Bill Gates – According to many reports, Bill Gates is
a big note taker and prefers to use a yellow notebook
and pen to capture important information.
George Lucas – The Star Wars director kept a
pocket notebook with him at all times for
writing down ideas, thoughts and plot angles.

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