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• WhatsApp
• Cold calling
• Wisdom eye
• Evening calling parties
How to create a Broadcast in
WhatsApp ?
How its different from a WhatsApp group?
Our WhatsApp Profile photo

- should be personal photo, you own or if along with

family members, that wud be grt.

- Status should reflect about our campaign.

Broadcast creation strategies
• Most Favourable
• Slightly Favourable
• Unfavourable
What next after broadcast creation?
• Be in touch for next 3 weeks (05-Dec to 25-Dec)
• Once in every 3 days, we will send individual msgs.

- Content calendar will provide all of this.
Content calendar (join our 125 MB WA grp, it will be posted

# 1st week # 2nd week # 3rd week

- 06th Dec (Covid work - 16th Dec (V Bindra video - 22nd Dec (one image
ISKCON has done. praised by on bg) quote (eg: HHRNSM &
PM. Celebrities, H.M ) darshan pic)
- 19th Dec (Send about Gita
- 08th Dec (SSRVC darshan daan pamphlet. Start calling - 25th Dec (send pamphlet
from this date) in mrng & calling continues
pics / Or Gita daily article)
as usual)
- 10th Dec (Gaur gopal prs
- 13th Dec (Tell in upfront
abt V.E, send Balaji darshan)
Calling up
• Normal calling (mostly with known people as per Content calendar)
• Cold calling
- 1 hour a day for next 3 weeks
- Script is readily available.
- Where will the data come from?
Cold calling Script
• Good eve Sir, Am I speaking to Mr. Suresh? Okay, Hare Krishna Suresh Ji, Namaskar. My name is Srinivas. I am
calling from ISKCON temple. Do you have 2 mins sir? (or have you ever been to ISKCON temple?). Okay, just
wanted to inform you that ISKCON is organizing a grand Yagya on 25 th of this month, which is Gita Jayanti (for
reducing the CORONA pandemic impact), the day when Krishna spoke the Gita to Arjuna. It is also Vaikuntha
Ekadashi, very pious day.
• So just wanted to let you know that on that day, we will be performing Annadaan where in we will distribute
food to lakhs of needy & unprivileged people and also distribute Bhagavad Gita @ discounted prices in rural
villages, jails, hospitals.etc
• So, if you can contribute something in this great cause, like in your name if you wish to feed let’s say 100
people, that would be really helpful for the needy people. Also, if you wish to, your name will also be recited
& offered in the Yagya.
• Also, it would be a very pious day of Vaikuntha Ekadashi, There’s no fixed amt, whatever you wish to, you can
• If you can kindly consider this request, may be you can considering donating something for the needy & poor
people please.
• (If all goes, well, we can do more of an Icebreaking, share ur professional details, or also address.etc to
improve credibility. Area/region connectivity)
Possible responses
• Who gave you my number?
- We got your number through visitor ref in our temple.
• What is the amount of donation?
- There’s no fixed amt. You can sponsor annadaan & gitadaan for Rs. 12k for 100
ppl, 6k for 50 ppl, or may be like Rs. 1200 or something.
• Where is this Yagya going to be performed? I cannot come there.
• I will prefer to do it directly in the temple.
- Give contact num from temple (Jiv daya.etc) or u can contact me.
• I am not interested at all. Go away! -> don’t disturb them. Ignore peacefully.
• Sometimes phone will be cut without any indication.
After the callup
• For those who were slightly or fully interested, we will send them
poster & link to our website with a small Thank you msg for giving
their valuable time.
Now, you if want to take part, please sign up,
we will help you reach your Goal of 125 MB.
• Join our WhatsApp group (
- Content
- Data for cold ccalendaralling
- Updates from other devs/experiences/concerns/issues.

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