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Pre Colonial Nationalistic/Propagand Japanese
Period (-BC a and Revolutionary Occupation
– 1564) Period (1864 -1896) (1942-1960)

Spanish American Colonial Period Contemporary/Moder

Colonization (1910 – 1945) n Period (1960 -
Period (1565- Present)
1. Precolonial Period (-BC –
o A . Characteristics
2) Folk Songs
1564) – expresses the hopes and
- Base on oral traditions aspirations, the people’s lifestyles as well as their
- Crude on ideology and phraseology loves.
o B. Literary Forms  Hele or orayi – lullaby
 Ambahan (Mangyan) – about human
1) Oral Literature relationships and soocial entertainment that
has 7 syllable per line oen.
 Riddles (bugtong) – battle of wits among  Kalusan (Ivatan) – work songs that depict the
paarticipants. livelihood of the people
 Proverbs (salawikain) – wise sayings  Tagay (Cebuano and Waray) – drinking song
 Tanaga – expresses insights and lessons on  Kanogan – funeral song
3) Folk Tales

 Myths - explains how the world was created 4) Epics –

and how certain animals possess certain narratives of
characteristics. sustained length
 Legends – explains the origin of things. base on oral
 Fables – used animal characters tradition revolving
 Fantastic stories – deal with underworld around supernatural
characters such as “tiyanak”, “aswang”, events or heroic
“kapre”, etc. deeds.
 Epics – narratives of sustained length
based on oral tradition revolving around
supernatural events or heroic deeds.
2. Spanish Colonization Period
o A. Characteristics  Pasyon – long narrative poem about passion ad
death of Christ.
- it has two distinct classifications:  Senakulo – dramatizaion of the pasyon
religious and secular  Awit – colorful tales of chivalry made for singing and
- It is introduced spanish as the changing.
medium of communication  Korido – metrical tale written in octosyllabic
o B. Literary Forms  Prose narratives – written to prescribe proper
1) Religious Literature – religious lyrics
written by ladino poets.
3. Nationalistic/Propaganda and
Revolutionary Period (18864-
1896) o B. Literary Forms

 Propaganda Literature – reformatory in objective

o A. Characreristics
• Political Essays – sattires, editorials and news articles.
- Planted seeds of nationalism in
Filipinos  Revolutionary Literature – more propagandastic
- Language shifted from spanish literary as it is more violdnt in nature.
to tagalog.
- Addressed the masses instead of • Poetry
the “’intelligentsia”
4. American Colonial (1910 –
o A. Period of Appreticeship (1910-

- Filipino writers imitated English and B. Period of Emergence (1920 – 1930)

American models.
- Poems written were amateurish and - Highly influenced by western literary trends like
mushy. Romanticism and Realism.

 Short stories – most prevalent literary


 Novels
5. Japanese Occupation (1942 –
1960) B. Period of Maturity
o A. War Years (1942-1960) 01 and Originality (1945-
- Tagalog poets broke away
from the Balagtas tradition - Bountiful harvest in
and instead wrote in poetry, fiction, drama
simple language and free and essay
verse - Filipino writers
- Fiction prevailed over mastered English
poetry and familiarized
themselves with
diverse techniques.
6. Contemporary/Modern Period
A. Characteristics

- Martial law repressed and curtailed human rights.

- Writers symbolisms and allergories to drive home their meesage
- Theater was used as a vehicle for protest
- From the eighties onward, writers continues to show dynamism and innovation.

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