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Presented by:
Ms. Ma. Anna Corina G. Kagaoan, MBA, MA ELS
College of Business and Accountancy
• Appreciate the role of
influencers on successful
• Identify appropriate influencers
for specific messages; and
• Pursue and cultivate
An influencer has:
• power to affect the purchasing decisions of
others because of his or her authority,
knowledge, position, or relationship with his or
her audience; and
• a following in a distinct niche, with whom he or
she actively engages. The size of the following
depends on the size of his/her topic of the niche.
NOTE: these individuals are not merely marketing
tools, but rather social relationship assets with which
brands can collaborate to achieve their marketing
What are Social Media Influencers?
• People who have built a reputation for their knowledge and
expertise on a specific topic.
• They make regular posts about that topic on their preferred social
media channels and generate large followings of enthusiastic,
engaged people who pay close attention to their views.
• Brands love social media influencers because they can create
trends and encourage their followers to buy products they promote.
Mega influencers:
• have a vast number of followers on their
social networks
Types of • have more than 1 million followers on at least
one social platform
Influencers: • have gained their fame offline—movie stars,
By Follower sportspeople, musicians, and even reality
television stars—celebrities
Numbers • have gained their vast followings through
their online and social activities
• have agents working on their behalf to make
any marketing deals.
Macro influencers:
• one step down from mega-influencers and are
more accessible as influencer marketers
• have between 40,000 and 1 million followers
Types of on a social network
• B-grade celebrities, who haven’t made it to the
Influencers: bog time
By Follower • successful online experts, who have built up
more significant followings than the typical
Numbers micro-influencers—likely to be more useful
for firms engaging in influencer marketing
• have a high profile and can be excellent at
raising awareness
Micro influencers:
• ordinary everyday people who have become
known for their knowledge about some specialist
• have gained a sizable social media following amongst
Types of devotees of that niche—between 1,000 to 40,000
Influencers: followers on a single social platform
• High level of influence because of relationship
By Follower and interaction with followers
• need to align brands with target audiences, they are
Numbers often picky about with whom they work
• unlikely to want involvement with an
“inappropriate” brand for their audience
• influencers of the future—internet has led to the
fragmentation of media into many small niche
Nano influencers:
• have a small number of followers, but they tend to
be experts in an obscure or highly specialized
field—the proverbial big fish in a small pond
Types of • have fewer than 1,000 followers, but they are keen
and interested followers, willing to engage with
Influencers: the nano-influencer, and listen to his/her opinions
• can be of extreme importance to firms who make
By Follower highly specialized and niche products
Numbers • may be cheap and carry tremendous sway with a
small number of people, but in most niches, you
would need to work with hundreds of nano-
influencers to reach a broad audience.
Type of Influencers: By Types of Content
• have the most authentic and active relationships with their fans
• have built up sizeable followings in specific sectors—here are highly influential
blogs about personal development, finance, health, childrearing, music, and
many other topics, including blogging itself
• critical thing successful blogs have in common is the respect of their readers
• product should align with blog’s core audience
• may have a blogger mention your product, may engage in guest posting, or may
buy a sponsored post on their site
Type of Influencers: By Types of Content
• most create a channel on YouTube
• Brands often align with popular YouTube content creators
• a relatively recent form of online content that is growing in popularity
Special Posts Only:
• bloggers, YouTubers, and podcasters usually promote new posts or videos heavily on
social media
• most influencers now make their name on social media
• the standout network in recent years has been Instagram, where many influencers craft
their posts around a stunning image
Type of Influencers: By Level of Influence
• original influencers who still have a role to play but their importance as
influencers is decreasing
• influencer marketing grew out of celebrity endorsements
• there are only so many traditional celebrities willing to participate in this kind of
influencer campaign, and they are unlikely to come cheaply
• one problem with using celebrities as influencers is if they may lack credibility
with a product’s target audience
• may have many fans and gigantic social media followings; however, it is
debatable exactly how much real influence they hold over those who follow them
Type of Influencers: By Level of Influence
Key Opinion Leaders:
• industry experts and thought leaders can also be considered influencers and hold
an important position for brands
• they gain respect because of their qualifications, position, or experience about
their topic of expertise
• experts include journalists, academics, industry experts, and professional
• bloggers and content creators often work with industry leaders and thought
leaders, it is not uncommon to see them quoted in blog posts and even used in
social media campaigns—the line between traditional media and social media is
• many key opinion leaders have built their reputation in an offline setting and
may not have a large or active social following
Type of Influencers: By Level of Influence
People with Above Average Influence on Their Audience:
• have built their reputation online for being an expert in some niche
• have gained their reputation more informally through their online activity
• have created that reputation through the quality of the social posts they make, the
blog posts they write, the podcasts they speak, and the videos they craft and post
on their YouTube channels
• trademarked as chromo-influencers, they have the best communication skills and
engagement with their audience, and they have enticed their followers and
become recognized as experts in their field
• follower numbers very much depend on their subject of expertise
Qualities of a Good
• a great influencer needs to be all around
• takes the time to build a positive
reputation for themselves to clients and
customers alike
Qualities of a
Good Influencer
• someone who truly cares about their
• equates to a hunger to learn
more―want to know everything that’s
happened, happening, and will happen
• can talk endlessly about all aspects of
their vertical, and they can do it with
• Engagement – actively engages with their audience.
If you want people talking about your brand, you
need someone who is going to talk to the people
• Authenticity – true lovers of the vertical are going
Qualities of a to be able to spot a fake from a mile away.
Authenticity builds trust with followers and
Good genuinely listen to what they have to say

Influencer • Mind for Marketing – they don’t beat their

followers over the head with obviously sponsored
content, it increases their likability and authenticity,
while showing their followers that the influencer
genuinely cares about your brand and finds it
• Authority – has the knowledge and the
expertise to convey accurate information in a
way that people believe. Look for clean
websites with very minimal grammar errors
Qualities of a • Visibility – knows how to be seen. Knows
Good how to work social media to their
advantage―knows the best times of the day
Influencer to publish certain content to be seen
• Great Brand Persona Fit – shares the same
values and has similar goals. The audience
needs to see the connection.
• Casanova, C. (n. d.). Qualities of a Good Influencer. Retrieved from
• Influencer Marketing Hub. (n. d.). What is an influencer? Retrieved from:
• Penfold, K. (2018). The three different types of influencers—Which is right for your
brand? Retrieved from

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