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Project Name: Chasing Clouds Screen 

1 of 26
Online Screen Visuals/ Text  Screen Description
This screen is the opening screen. The sound effect of the breeze
blowing will be heard and an animation of a cumulus cloud called
Cloudia comes on screen from left to right and stops at the lower left of
the screen. As Cloudia stops the voice over starts. The start button
comes when the voice over says to click the button.


Learner clicks “start” to go to screen 2.

Graphic Info

HELP CLOUDIA– Helvetica Neue Condensed Black 32 #0408a0
START – Helvetica Neue Condensed Black 21 # fcfcfc

Sfx: Ear wind blowing - looping -
Voice Over: This is Cloudia, she has lost her family. Can you help her find them? Then, click the start button to help Cloudia.
Music: [Low in the background]:
Project Name: Chasing Clouds Screen 2 of 26
Online Screen Visuals/ Text  Screen Description
This screen is the section where the student will enter their name for
personalization of the learning experience.

Student enter their first and last name and press submit to continue

Graphic Info

Font: Helvetica Neue (18)

Music: Plays low in the background under the narration.
Project Name: Chasing Clouds Screen 3 of 26
Online Screen Visuals/ Text  Screen Description
This screen is the menu section. All the objectives will on be screen at
once. It highlights the objectives of the course and let learners know
what they will covered in the course

Learners click the right facing triangle to play the video,this button also
functions as the stop button when the narration is playing. The right facing
allows the learner to go to the next page. They can go to the opening page
with the left facing arrow.

Graphic Info
Font: Helvetica Neue (18)

Narration[Female]: Are you ready to help Cloudia? Here are some things you will learn as you go along. You will learn what
clouds are made up of, how clouds are formed and of the different types of clouds. To begin the lesson click the forward
Music: Plays low in the background under the narration.
Project Name: Chasing Clouds Screen 4 of 26

Online Screen Visuals/ Text  Screen Description

This screen will seek to stimulate prior know by asking the learner to
select the words that her or she thinks are associated with clouds. When
the learner selects a correct word, if they click on an incorrect word, a
buzzer sound will be played. Correct answers will light up when selected,
incorrect answers will blow away, if selected.

The clouds can be selected. Once all the correct answers have been selected
the clouds will dissolve and screen three will come up.

Graphic Info
Media Information: Background and clouds created by Celestine
Font: Chalkboard 25 Red- #ed3e3e, Yellow #eba600, green # 009014
Sfx: [Correct Answers]
Correct response – Unlock Game Notification found at
Incorrect response – Small Hit in a Game found at
Successful completion – Casino Bling Achievement found at
Voice over [Female]:How much do you know about clouds? Click the words that are associated with clouds.
Project Name: Chasing Clouds Screen 5 of 26
Online Screen Visuals/ Text  Screen Description
This screen is the same as the objectives screen. As the narrator says
each topic the button will light up.

It will have the same menu buttons as previous slides. The learner will be
able to click on the objectives button to go on to the that area.
The next button will take them to slide and the “What are clouds” button will
take them to slide 7.
How Clouds are formed will take them to screen 9

Graphic Info
Font: Helvetica Neue (18)

Narration[Female]: Let’s learn about what clouds are made of.
Project Name: Chasing Clouds Screen 6 of 26
Online Screen Visuals/ Text  Screen Description
New material will be presented to the learner in this video. This video is
of someone holding and squeezing a cotton ball. Voice over and music
will play under the video.

When the play button is selected the video will start playing. Once the video
stops playing, the learner can replay the video, jump forward to the next
slide or go back. The home button will take the learner back to the objectives
page at screen 2

Graphic Info
Picture: Captured by Celestine Thomas
Narration[Female]: This cotton ball is soft and fluffy. Do you think clouds are soft and fluffy? *pause* Even though clouds may
look soft and fluffy they are actually made up of very small droplets of water.
Project Name: Chasing Clouds Screen 7 of 26 
Online Screen Visuals/ Text  Screen Description
This is screen is a continuation of the previous screen. The scene the clouds will blow
on one at a time and stops in the position that is now on screen. As the clouds stop
the voice over starts. The screen cross dissolves to screen 7 when the voice over says
the word “small”.

The screen cross dissolves to the next page when the voice over says the word

Graphic Info
Font: Helvetica Neue Condensed Black 24
Clouds created by Celestine
Text on Screen: “Clouds are formed from tiny drops of water
Narration[Female]: These water droplets are so small that they can float in the air.
Project Name: Chasing Clouds Screen 8 of 26
Online Screen Visuals/ Text  Screen Description
This scene is a continuation of the previous screen.

The navigation bar, home to go back home, play to play to play
narration, this button also functions as the stop button when the narration is
playing and the next button that students can use to go forward.

Graphic Info
Clouds created by Celestine
Droplets from

Project Name: Chasing Clouds Screen 9 of 26
Online Screen Visuals/ Text  Screen Description
This is the menu button for the second objective of the lesson

The navigation bar, home to go back home, play to play to play
narration, this button also functions as the stop button when the narration is
playing and the next button that students can use to go forward

Graphic Info
Font: Helvetica Neue (18)

Narration[Female]: Let’s learn about how clouds are formed.

Music: Low in background

Project Name: Chasing Clouds Screen 10 of 26
Online Screen Visuals/ Text  Screen Description
This screen introduces new information. It shows how clouds are formed
and will be animated. The clouds, the water body and the landscape will
come on screen, the arrows will be animated flowing from the tree, land
and water, up to the clouds. The words come on as they are mentioned in
the voice over.
Students can stop and pause the animation and voice over at various
sections, they can also go back to the beginning of the animation. Nav

Graphic Info
Font: Helvetica Neue Condensed Bold 14
Audio Graphics created by Celestine 
Voice over Female: Have you ever wondered how clouds get in the sky?
Clouds are formed when water on the earth gets hot, changes to a gas called water vapour and then rises. As it goes into
the sky, it cools and sticks to tiny, invisible particles in the air such as ice, water, or dust. The water vapour condenses or
changes back into small liquid droplets of water. When these droplets come together they form clouds.
Project Name: Chasing Clouds Screen 11 of 26
Online Screen Visuals/ Text  Screen Description
Water vapour This screen will elicit performance through a review of cloud formation.
The screen will consist of boxes with the processes involved in cloud

1 2
Sticks to tiny Water rises formation. The boxes will be on the left of the screen. The learner will
particles in put these in the correct order in boxes on the right
the sky
Water Water gets Students will drag and drop the words on the left to the correct sequence on the

3 4
changes to hot right. Once they have completed this they will press the submit button. A
gas congratulatory screen will pop up once learner gets the correct order. If the
order is incorrect then he or she will be encouraged to try again. At the second
Water wrong effort he or she will be shown the correct order.
Water cools condenses Correct order : 1- Water gets hot , 2 - Water changes to a gas, 3- Water rises, 4 -
Water cools, 5 - Water vapour sticks to tiny particles in the sky, 6- Water

5 6 condenses
Graphic Info
Font: Words - Helvetica Neue (18)
Audio Numbers (72)
Voice Over [Female]: Here is an activity to demonstrate what you have learned about cloud formation.

Show the order of cloud formation by dragging the tiles to the boxes on the right.
Project Name: Chasing Clouds Screen 11 of 26
Online Screen Visuals/ Text  Screen Description
This is the menu button for the third objective of the lesson

Students can click on the menu button to to go to the other slide to learn
about the types of cirrus clouds, the type of alto clouds, the type of stratus
clouds. The navigation bar, home to go back home, play to play to play
narration, this button also functions as the stop button when the narration is
playing and the next button that students can use to go forward.

Graphic Info
Media Information
Font:Helvetica Neue (18)
Voice Over[Female]: Let’s learn about the different types of clouds.
Project Name: Chasing Clouds Screen 13 of 26
Online Screen Visuals/ Text  Screen Description
The video is done to introduce students to new information the type of
clouds. The videos starts with all the clouds, without names. As the
narrated, the name of the clouds will come up and the other groups of
clouds will disappear.


Once this screen is finished it will dissolve to screen 14, which is the
same but without the name of the clouds

Graphic Info
Picture from
Voice over [Female]: Clouds have special names based on how they look and how high they are in the sky. Fluffy, cotton-like
clouds have the word cumulus or cumulo in their names. Clouds that look like cloud blankets and cover the sky have the
word stratus or strato in their names. Rain clouds have the word nimbus or nimbo their names.
Project Name: Chasing Clouds Screen 14 of 26
Online Screen Visuals/ Text  Screen Description
The video is to review the names of clouds with students. As students
click on the various descriptions of a cloud the cloud name will come
come. Only when they click on all the correct clouds then they will light
up with the words.

Students click on the clouds described. The page will automatically go to the
next page once the activity is completed

Graphic Info
Picture from
Narration[Female]: Do you remember the cloud names? Click on all the fluffy clouds that look like cotton balls. These are
cumulus clouds. Click on the clouds that spread out like blankets. These are stratus clouds.
Now, click on the rain clouds. These clouds are nimbus clouds.
Project Name: Chasing Clouds Screen 15 of 26
Online Screen Visuals/ Text  Screen Description
This screen is a recap activity. It is also done to connect the content to
the opening screen to help Cloudia

Students will draw the description that matches Cloudia to the cloud.
Incorrect answers drag to Cloudia will bounce off and disappear with a
playing losing or falling sound effect. Correct answers dragged to Cloudia the
unlock game notification sound effect.

Graphic Info
Media Information
Font: Helvetica Neue (30)
Now that you know the types of clouds, you can help Cloudia find her family. Click on the words that can be used to describe Cloudia. *pauses* Cloudia is, white,
fluffy and looks like a cotton ball.
Correct response – Unlock Game Notification found at
Incorrect response – Player Losing or Failing found at
Successful completion – Casino Bling Achievement found at
Project Name: Chasing Clouds Screen 16 of 26
Online Screen Visuals/ Text  Screen Description
This scene introduces new information to the learner. The clouds will
come on one at a time to pace the information. The high clouds come on
with the their names as they are said in the voice over. The audio will be
separate for each cloud description.

Students can click on the menu button to to go to the other slide to learn about
the types of cirrus clouds. They can click on each type of cloud to learn more
about that cloud. When they click on the cloud, it lights up and the words come
on describing that cloud. When they click on another cloud, the description for
that cloud comes up in text along with the narration.
Graphic Info
Picture from
Text: Cloud name - Helvetica Neue Condensed Bold (14)
Audio Cloud description - Helvetica Bold (14)
Voice over [Female]: Now we are going to learn more about the types of clouds. Cirrocumulus, cirrostratus and cirrus are
high- level clouds. Click on a cloud to find out more about it. Cirrus clouds are thin, light and feathery looking clouds. In the
day they are the whitest looking clouds. Cirrostratus clouds look like a thin cloud blanket that covers the entire sky.
Cirrocumulus are small rounded puffs of clouds.
Project Name: Chasing Clouds Screen 17 of 26
Online Screen Visuals/ Text  Screen Description
This scene introduces new information to the learner. The clouds will
come on one at a time to pace the information. The middle level clouds
come on with the their names as they are said in the voice over. The
audio will be separate for each cloud description.
Students can click on the menu button to to go to the other slide to learn about the types of mid
- level clouds. They can click on each type of cloud to learn more about that cloud. When they
click on the cloud, it lights up and the words come on describing that cloud. Once all the
information is presented this screen will automatically go to the next screen 18.

Graphic Info
Media Information: Picture from
Text: Cloud name - Helvetica Neue Condensed Bold (14)
Cloud description - Helvetica Bold (14)
Voice over[Female]: The middle level clouds are altocumulus, altostratus and nimbostratus. Altocumulus are patchy clouds
that look like clumps. Altostratus clouds just like their high brothers cirrostratus look like a cloud blanket that covers the
entire sky. Nimbostratus clouds are rain clouds. They are often gray and dark. When you see a nimbostratus cloud expect
rain. Even though they can get close to the earth, they are called mid- level clouds because they are formed at that level.
Project Name: Chasing Clouds Screen 18 of 26
Online Screen Visuals/ Text  Screen Description
This scene introduces new information to the learner. The clouds will
come on one at a time to pace the information. The low level clouds
come on with the their names as they are said in the voice over. The
audio will be separate for each cloud description.

Students can click on the menu button to to go to the other slide to learn about the types
of low -level clouds. They can click on each type of cloud to learn more about that cloud.
When they click on the cloud, it lights up and the words come on describing that cloud.
Once all the information is presented this screen will automatically go to the next screen 19.

Graphic Info
Media Information: Picture from
Text: Cloud name - Helvetica Neue Condensed Bold (14)
Audio Cloud description - Helvetica Bold (14)
Narration[Female]:Then we have our low-level clouds. These are cumulus; stratus; cumulonimbus and stratocumulus.
Cumulus clouds are those fluffy, white clouds that look like cotton balls. Stratus clouds, like their higher brothers
cirrostratus and altostratus look like a cloud blanket that covers the entire sky. Cumulonimbus clouds are big, thick rain
clouds. They are formed at the low level of the atmosphere and grow tall into the sky. Stratocumulus clouds look like thick,
white blankets of stretched out cotton balls.
Project Name: Chasing Clouds Screen 19 of 26
Online Screen Visuals/ Text  Screen Description
This screen is done to elicit performance. It consists of three clouds on right,
once cumulus, another altocumulus and the other cirrocumulus. Cloudia will
be on the left and student will ask to move Cloudia to the group of cloud she
Students will drag Cloudia to the group of clouds that looks like her. If they
drag to the incorrect clouds the “small hit in a game” sound effect will be
played. For a correct match the Casino Bling Achievement will be played.
Once students match Cloudia to her family she will smile and the screen will
automatically go to the next screen 18.

Graphic Info
Media Information
Clouds created by Celestine
Voice over [Female]: Now, move Cloudia to her cloud family. Which clouds are fluffy, white and shaped like a cotton ball, just
like cloudia?
Incorrect match – Small Hit in a Game found at
Successful completion – Casino Bling Achievement found at
Project Name: Chasing Clouds Screen 20 of 26
Online Screen Visuals/ Text  Screen Description
This scene introduces the summative assessment part of the video.

After the voice over ends, the screen will move onto the next screen.

Graphic Info
Media Information
Font: Helvetica Neue (18)

Narration[Female]: Now that you’ve helped Cloudia find her family. Answer the following questions to see how much you
have learned.
Project Name: Chasing Clouds Screen 21 of 26
Online Screen Visuals/ Text  Screen Description
Quiz time
The cloud names are going to be on the left and a description of the
cloud type on the right
Students should drag the cloud description on the left to the clouds on the
right. One this activity is completed the screen will navigate to the next.
Answers: Nimbostratus - second cloud on the right
Cumulus - last cloud on the right
Cirrus - first cloud on the right
stratocumulus, third cloud on the left

Graphic Info
Media Information
Font: Text: Cloud name - Helvetica Neue Condensed Bold (14)
Narration[Female]: Now let’s review the types of clouds. Match each cloud on the right with its name and description on the
Project Name: Chasing Clouds Screen 22 of 25
Online Screen Visuals/ Text  Screen Description
The learner will be given the chance to see what he/ she has learned or
remember, through a multiple choice quiz item. The list of words will be
displayed. When the student selects the correct answer which is
“cumulonimbus” the correct sound 3 sound effect will play. If the
incorrect answer is given, the video game wrong answer sound effect
will play. Students will select answers until the right choice is chosen
Once the correct answer is selected, this screen will move on the next
Correct Answer. b.

Graphic Info
Media Information
Font: Helvetica Neue - Condensed Bold 18

Sfx: [Correct Answers]Correct sound 3 - available at
[For incorrect Answers] Video Game wrong choice
Project Name: Chasing Clouds Screen 23 of 26
Online Screen Visuals/ Text  Screen Description
The learner will be given the chance to see what he/ she has learned or
remember, through a multiple choice quiz item. The list of words will be
displayed. When the student selects the correct answer which is
“cirrocumulus” the correct sound 3 sound effect will play. If the incorrect
answer is given, the video game wrong answer sound effect will play.
Students will select answers until the right choice is chosen.
Once the correct answer is selected, this screen will move on the next

Correct Answer - a.

Graphic Info
Media Information
Audio Font: Font: Helvetica Neue - Condensed Bold 18
Sfx: [Correct Answers]Correct sound 3 - available at
[For incorrect Answers] Video Game wrong choice
Project Name: Chasing Clouds Screen 24 of 26
Online Screen Visuals/ Text  Screen Description
The learner will be given the chance to see what he/ she has learned or
remember, through this true or false quiz item. The statement will be
displayed along with the “True” or “False” option. When the student
selects the correct answer which is “False” the correct sound 3 sound
effect will play. If the “True” is selected, the video game wrong answer
sound effect will play. The student will be given a chance to select the
right answer.

Once the correct answer is selected, this screen will move on the next
Correct Answer ; False

Graphic Info
Media Information
Font: Font: Helvetica Neue - Condensed Bold 18
Sfx: [Correct Answers]Correct sound 3 - available at
[For incorrect Answers] Video Game wrong choice
Project Name: Chasing Clouds Screen 25 of 26
Online Screen Visuals/ Text  Screen Description
he learner will be given the chance to see what he/ she has learned or
remember, through this true or false quiz item. The statement will be
displayed along with the “True” or “False” option. When the student
selects the correct answer which is “True” the correct sound 3 sound effect
will play. If “False” is selected, the video game wrong answer sound effect
will play. The student will be given a chance to select the right answer.

Once the correct answer is selected, this screen will move on the next
Correct Answer : Ture

Graphic Info

Sfx: [Correct Answers]Correct sound 3 - available at
[For incorrect Answers] Video Game wrong choice
Project Name: Chasing Clouds Screen 26 of 26
Online Screen Visuals/ Text  Screen Description
This screen will display the certificate of achievement with student’s

The home button will take the learner to the start of the lesson if he or she
would like to redo it.

Graphic Info



Celestine Thomas
Celestine Thomas
Rhea Niles Wilson
Rhea Niles Wilson
Celestine Thomas
Patricia Grant
Music & Sound Effects
Audio Blocks
Types of Clouds images
Valentin de Bryun

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