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The global pandemic is a new,
life-changing experience for
everyone across the
globe. Uncertainty impacts us
all--how long will quarantine last
and what adjustments will last
much longer.

1) No more negative self-talk

The American Heart Association says
that by turning negative talk into
positive talk, you can begin to reverse
the trend of negativity.
• Let’s try it:
• I am failing at everything ⇢ I am knocking down my
to-do list one item at a time.
• I’m never going to get this report done ⇢ I’m going
to give myself the time I need to accomplish this.
• My team is gone ⇢ I need to communicate how
overwhelmed I am.
• Nothing is going right ⇢ It’s about time for my luck
to change.
2) Acknowledge that even forced change
can be good

Change can spark creativity. 

Psychology Today says that innovation is
the “skilled application of knowledge in
new and exciting ways.”
3) Process what you’ve learned

Don’t dwell on the ways in which you weren’t

ready. Take the lessons—understanding the
limitations of your operation, vulnerabilities in
billing, adaptability of the team, whatever your
lessons were—and plan how they will support
your business moving forward.
4) Recognize your business wasn’t perfect

Human beings are incredible at sanitizing

history and forgetting that in fact, no it did
not go perfectly. We have, as individuals
and as businesses, the capacity to improve.
5) Make peace with it feeling hard
The truth is, everyone is being
challenged, and there’s no sure way to
do this that keeps you from feeling the
pinch of something outside of your
6) Pace yourself
We have a tendency to put time limits on
certain things, particularly things that make
people uncomfortable—grieving, celebrating,
learning, things that actually deserve the time
and shouldn’t be subject to limitations imposed
by anyone other than the person the
experiences belong to.
7) Remember that you’re not alone
Navigating this new order isn’t a
solitary endeavor. Talk to peers, reach
out to partners and vendors, be
reminded that COVID-19 is happening
to all of us.
8) Look for the positives
Visualize the best parts of your new
normal. You have a team that is eager
to move through this time. You have
made it through all of the bad days
you’ve encountered, and you are
stronger for it.

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