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1. Major Depressive Disorder
2. Dysthymic Disorder  Persistent Depressive Disorder

3. Bipolar I Disorder
4. Bipolar II Disorder
5. Cyclothymic Disorder

6. Mood Disorder due to a Gen. Med. Condn.

7. Substance-Induced Mood Disorder
Mood Disorders  2 categories:

 Depressive Disorders
 Bipolar and Related Disorders
1. Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder
2. Major Depressive Disorder (MDD)
3. Persistent Depressive Disorder (Dysthymia)
4. Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder

5. Substance/Medication-Induced Depressive Disorder

6. Depressive Disorder due to Another Medical Condition
7. Other Specified Depressive Disorder
8. Unspecified Depressive Disorder
• History
 Epidemiology (risk factors)
• Etiology
 Diagnosis (criteria and classification)
 Clinical features
 Differential Diagnosis
• Course and Prognosis
• Treatment
Lifetime prevalence : 5-17% (highest of all)
25-50% in elderly
1.5-3X more common in females (hormones,
childbirth, learned helplessness)

Age of onset: (mean) 40 years (20-50 years)

Incidence : 10-15% (may be increasing among

people below 20 years)
 Persons w/o close interpersonal relationships
 Divorced or separated
• No correlation with socio-economic status
• More common in rural areas ? (US stats)
 Childhood trauma (risk factor)
• Biologic amines : norepinephrine and serotonin
• Neuroendocrine regulation
• Neuroanatomical abnormalities
• Psychodynamic factors
– Cognitive theory (Aaron Beck)
– Learned helplessness
• Psychosocial factors
– Losing a parent before age 11 (childhood trauma)
– Loss of a spouse
– Unemployment
– Personality type
Diagnostic features
• Feelings of sadness
– Agonizing emotional pain; inability to cry
• Loss of interest pleasure  withdrawal/neglect
• Somatic complaints (headache, constipation)
• Increased irritability
– Persistent anger
– Respond with angry outburst /blaming others
– Exaggerated frustration over minor matters
 Feeling of emptiness  Depressed mood
 Dysphoria decreases or
 Persistent dysphoria, not
occurs in waves
tied to specific thoughts
 May have positive
emotions/ humor
 Thoughts of deceased  Self-critical / pessimistic

 Intact self-esteem  Worthlessness

 Thoughts of death of  Thoughts of ending
deceased / “joining”
one’s worthless life
Clinical features
• Suicidal ideation in 60-70% (10-15% commit)
• Reduced energy in 97%
• Trouble sleeping (terminal insomnia) in 80%
• Decreased appetite* and weight loss*
 aggravate coexisting medical illness
• Anxiety symptoms in 90%
• Inability to concentrate (84%)
• Impairments in thinking (67%)

Diurnal variation of symptoms in 50%

Mental Status Examination
 Generalized psychomotor retardation
• Veraguth’s fold
• Depression is key symptom but may be absent in (or
denied by) 50% of patients
• Decreased rate / volume of speech
• Delayed response to questions
• Mood-congruent perceptual disturbances
• Negative thoughts (cognitive triad)
• Depressive pseudodementia (50-75%)
Mental Status Examination
• Impulse control : risk of suicide
• Judgment /insight : overemphasize their
problems  misinform on their sx/meds

• Rating Scales:
– Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression (HAM-D)
– Zung Self-Rating Depression Scale
– Raskin Depression Scale
– Beck Depression Inventory (BDI)
Clinical age-related features
Children: school phobia and excessive clinging

Adolescents: poor academic performance,

substance use, sexual promiscuity, antisocial behavior,
truancy, running away

Elderly : may be correlated with SE status, loss of a

spouse, physical illness, and social isolation
- somatic complaints  underdiagnosed
A. At least 5 of the ff symptoms* in the same 2-wk
period ; at least 1 is either (1) or (2)
B. Clinically significant distress/functional impairment
C. Not due to substance/medication or AMC

D. Not better explained by any Schizophrenia

spectrum disorder
E. Absence of manic/hypomanic episode
Depressive symptoms
1. Depressed mood (subjective/objective)
2. Diminished interest or pleasure in all activities

3. Fatigue / loss of energy

4. Feelings of worthlessness / excessive guilt
5. Recurrent thoughts of death / suicidal ideation*
6. Psychomotor retardation/agitation

7. Weight loss/gain * or increase/decrease appetite

8. Insomnia or hypersomnia

9. Diminished ability to think / concentrate or indecisiveness

Differential Diagnosis
• Substance use – rule: any drug the depressed patient is
taking should be considered a potential factor in the mood

• Neurological conditions : Parkinson’s , dementias,

epilepsy, cerebrovascular diseases, tumors

• Medical conditions
Take good Hx, PE, neurological exam, routine blood and
urine tests, to include tests for thyroid and adrenal functions
Differential Diagnosis
• Mental disorders w/ depressive features:
Adjustment disorder
Anxiety disorders
Alcohol use disorders
Eating disorders
Schizophreniform disorder
Somatoform disorders
Course and Prognosis
• 50 % have onset before age 40
• Later onset for those w/o a family hx, those
with antisocial PD, and alcohol abuse
• Episodes last 6-13 months (w/Tx: 3 mos)
• Mean of 5-6 episodes over period of 20 yrs
• 5-10% will have manic episode in 6-10yrs
• First episode hospitalization : 50% recovery
• Recurrence: in 6 mos.(25%) , in 5 yrs (50-75%)
Prognostic factors
Good prognostic indicators:
- mild episodes
- absence of psychotic symptoms
- short hospital stay
- solid friendships during adolescence
- stable family functioning
- sound premorbid social functioning
- absence of psychiatric comorbidity
- advanced age of onset
• Treatment goals:
– Patient’s safety
– Complete diagnostic evaluation
– Relief from immediate symptoms ; address
patient’s prospective well-being

- goal is symptom remission
- takes 3-4 wks to exert significant effect
• Early drugs:
– Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors (MAOIs)
– Tricyclic Antidepressants (TCAs)
• Recent drugs:
– NE reuptake inhibitors
– 5-HT reuptake inhibitors (Fluoxetine or Prozac)
– NE and 5-HT reuptake inhibitors (Amitriptyline)
– Pre- and Post –synaptic Active Agents
– Dopamine Reuptake inhibitor (Bupropion)
– Mixed action agents (Clomipramine or Anafranil)
Persistent Depressive Disorder
A. Depressed mood for at least 2 years
B. Presence, while depressed, of at least 2 of the ff
C. Never asymptomatic for > 2 months
D. Criteria for MDD may be continuously present

E. No manic / hypomanic episode

F. Not better explained by Schizophrenia
G. Not due to substance /AMC
H. Distress / functional impairment
Persistent Depressive Disorder

1. Poor appetite / overeating
2. Insomnia / hypersomnia
3. Low energy/ fatigue
4. Low self-esteem
5. Poor concentration or indecisiveness
6. Feelings of hopelessness
Persistent Depressive Disorder

• Prevalence is 0.5%
• Early, insidious onset; chronic course
• Risk factors : parental loss/separation;
presence of anxiety / conduct disorder
• Higher risk for psychiatric co-morbidity
(anxiety disorder and substance use)
• Early onset strongly associated with Personality
Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder

A. In the majority of menstrual cycles,

at least 5 symptoms must be
present in the final week before the onset
of menses,
start to improve within a few days
after the onset of menses,
and become minimal or absent
in the week post menses
Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder

A. …
B. One or more of the ff
1. marked affective lability (mood swings)
2. marked irritability or increased conflicts
3. marked depressed mood
4. marked anxiety, tension
Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder

C. One or more of the ff to reach total of 5

1. decreased interest in usual activities
2. subjective difficulty in concentration
3. lethargy, easy fatigability, lack of energy
4. marked change in appetite; cravings
5. hypersomnia / insomnia
6. sense of being overwhelmed / out of control
7. physical symptoms (breast tenderness, joint or
muscle pain, sensation of bloating or weight gain)
Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder

A. …
B. …
C. …
D. Clinically significant distress / interference
E. Not merely an exacerbation of another disorder
(MDD, PDD, panic disorder, or PD)
F. Criterion A should be confirmed by prospective
daily ratings during at least 2 symptomatic cycles
G. Not due to substance / AMC
PMDD diagnostic features
• Mood lability, irritability, dysphoria, anxiety sx
occur repeatedly during premenstrual phase*
• May be accompanied by behavioral/physical sx
• Occurred in most of the cycles the past year
• Sx have adverse effect on work/social fxning
• Sx are of comparable severity (but not duration) to
those of another mental disorder
• Delusions and hallucinations are rare
*risk for suicide
Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder
 Prevalence :
 1.8% – 5.8% of menstruating women
 Onset can occur at any time after menarche.
 Symptoms worsen with approach of menopause.

 Risk factors:
stress interpersonal trauma
seasonal changesociocultural aspects
(women on OCP may have fewer
premenstrual sx)
Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder

 Dx : 2 months of prospective symptom ratings

(Premenstrual Tension Syndrome Rating Scale)

 Diffl Dx :
Premenstrual Syndrome
Depressive and Bipolar disorders
Use of hormonal treatment
Substance/Medication-Induced Depressive Disorder

A. Prominent/persistent disturbance in mood

B. There is evidence from the history, PE, lab exams
C. Disturbance is not better explained by a depressive
disorder that is not substance/medication-induced
D. There is no delirium
E. There is significant distress/functional impairment
Substance/Medication-Induced Depressive Disorder
 Prevalence is 0.26 %
 Symptoms should not persist beyond 1 month of
cessation of substance/medication

 Substances
 Anti-viral agents
 Cardiovascular agents
 Retinoic acid derivatives
 Antidepressants and antipsychotics
 Anti migraine and anti-convulsants
 Hormonal agents (OCPs)
 Smoking cessation agents
 Immunological agents (interferon)
Substance/Medication-Induced Depressive Disorder

 Diagnostic work-up : lab assays of substance

 Risk of 0.01 % of treatment emergent suicidal ideation

 Comorbidity :
 alcohol use disorder
 histrionic PD
 paranoid PD.
Depressive Disorder due to AMC
 Studies point to clear associations between depression and
 Stroke
 Huntington’s disease
 Parkinson’s disease
 Traumatic brain injury
 Multiple sclerosis

 Onset is very acute in stroke patients (w/in 1 day or few days)

 Differential Diagnosis:
 Adjustment Disorder w/ depressed mood
Other Specified Depressive Disorder

1. RECURRENT Depressive episode
- lasts between 2-13 days, at least once/mo
2. SHORT-DURATION Depressive episode
- lasts from 4-14 days w/o recurrence
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