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The solutions are evaluated on two criteria: predicted future Index values and allocated energy

from a newly discovered star

1) Index predictions are evaluated using RMSE metric

2) Energy allocation is also evaluated using RMSE metric and has a set of known factors that
need to be taken into account.

Every galaxy has a certain limited potential for improvement in the index described by the
following function:
• Potential for increase in the Index = -np.log(Index+0.01)+3

Likely index increase dependent on potential for improvement and on extra energy availability
is described by the following function:
• Likely increase in the Index = extra energy * Potential for increase in the Index **2 /

There are also several constraints:

• in total there are 50000 zillion DSML available for allocation
• no galaxy should be allocated more than 100 zillion DSML or less than 0 zillion DSML
• galaxies with low existence expectancy index below 0.7 should be allocated at least
10% of the total energy available
3) Leaderboard is based on a combined scaled metric:

• 80% prediction task RMSE + 20% optimization task RMSE * lambda

where lambda is a normalizing factor

4) Leaderboard is 80% public and 20% private

5) The submission should be in the following format:

Variable Description

Index Unique index from the test dataset in the

ascending order
pred Prediction for the index of interest

opt_pred Optimal energy allocation

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