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Cloud Readiness Assessment – Cloud Accelerators and Inhibitors

Highlighted below are they key factors that determine whether an application is suitable for Cloud or not

Accelerators Inhibitors
Highlighted below are factors that would signify that workloads are Cloud suitable. Highlighted below are factors that would hinder the suitability of a workload for Cloud.

High Network Throughput Applications – Applications with high throughput

Dev/Test Environments – Sandbox environments can be easily scaled up or torn down
requirements may see performance issues and latency if they are located away from their
on demand in the Cloud and are prime candidates for migration.
Infrequently Accessed Storage Archives – It can be more cost effective to host large Heavily Integrated Applications – Applications that are heavily integrated will continue
storage volumes that do not require frequent or immediate access. to require a high amount of communication or dependencies with their counterparts. In
this case it is recommended that they remain together, be it in the Cloud or on premise.

Cloud Suitable Less Cloud Suitable

Please note, inhibitors are not part of the ideal answer, and have only been included here for reference.

Deloitte & Inside Sherpa

1 | Deloitte Consulting | Cloud
TS&A Cloud – Digital Internship
Cloud Readiness Assessment – Application Prioritisation
Highlighted below are the applications that should be prioritised for the Cloud Proof of Concept and a brief justification as to why

Priorit Application Justification

1 Use a public cloud to evaluate the feasibility of • Public clouds use many of the same hypervisors and orchestration technologies as private clouds, so you can dabble
cloud with cloud technology with less up-front investment of time and equipment and see how applications function in a
cloud architecture. Start with a simple application and make it work in the public cloud.

2 Get Introduce with Cloud Platform & its • The Proof of Concept (POC) program introduces you to the Cloud platform and lets you see how workloads will be
Benefits running in the AWS Cloud. You can test any capability and functionality during the POC development and ensure the
desired outcome.

3 Choose the Perfect Solution for Your Business • AWS Proof of Concept (POC) program provides you the freedom to choose just the right solution for your Business. By
a well-developed proof of concept, you can eliminate the guesswork which sometimes could fall apart during the
implementation phase and hence risky.

4 Don’t try to re-create your data center in the • IT has built its systems from the bottom up, starting with hardware, installing hypervisors and operating systems, and
cloud finally launching applications. Successful cloud deployments turn that stack on its head, focusing first on the
applications and, based on their needs, selecting the cloud infrastructure on which they would best run. The result is a
highly available, highly scalable architecture at an economical price.

5 Start with a real application • If you have the option, start with a new application rather than porting an existing application from your data center.
For one thing, when you’ve finished, you’ll have created something new that people can use, rather than a science
project. In addition, you can design your application to run in the cloud from its inception, rather than inheriting legacy
requirements for the application.

Deloitte & Inside Sherpa

2 | Deloitte Consulting | Cloud
TS&A Cloud – Digital Internship

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