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Pancasila and Civic Education Departement,
Ahmad Dahlan University Yogyakarta
The status and function of Pancasila is the basis
of the state, as it is found in the fourth
paragraph of the Preamble to the 1945
Constitution. The values ​of God, humanity, unity,
community, and social justice serve as the spirit
of the whole system and activities of the life of
the state, nation, society of all levels of
Indonesian society.
• There is a fact/ phenomenon that Pancasila
values have not been implemented optimally
• One of the reasons is the societys limited
knowledge about Pancasila properly
• Need media and srtategies to actualize the
value of Pancasila  character education
• One of the nation's character education
strategies is anti-corruption education Anti-
corruption education transfers anti-corruption
values ​to the community.
• Anti-corruption values ​are relevant to Pancasila
• This study tries to prove whether the values ​of
anti-corruption education are relevant to
Pancasila values
Theoritical review
• Understanding Pancasila (meaning, function
and position, the content of the meaning of
Pancasila principles, unity of precepts /
Pancasila values)
• Definition of anticorruption education
(meaning, goals, values ​of anticorruption
education, strengthening anticorruption
Research metodology
• This research is descriptive qualitative
literature research. Descriptive methods will
be used in the research steps, since the
preparation of the research, data collection,
and in the process of data analysis. The stages
of research that will be done is data collection,
data reduction, data analysis, and inference.
Data collection, conducted by library research
method (library research).
Hasil penelitian
1 Honesty Behavior based on an attempt to make himself / herself a person who can always be
trusted in words, actions, and work

2 Concern Attitudes and actions that always want to provide assistance to others and communities
in need
3 Independence Attitudes and behaviors that are not easily affected by others in completing tasks

4 Discipline Measures that demonstrate orderly conduct and adhere to various rules and regulations

5 Responsible Attitudes and behavior of a person to carry out his duty duties, which he should do, to
oneself, society, environment (nature, social, culture), state, and God Almighty

6 Hard work Behavior that shows a genuine effort to overcome barriers to learning and tasks, and
complete the tasks as well as possible

7 Simplicity Unpretentious, attitudes and perilku are not excessive, not much ins and outs, not much
knackle, straightforward, what it is, saving as needed, and humble
8 Bravery Have a steady nature and a great confidence in the face of danger, difficulties, etc. (not
afraid, trepidation), and unyielding

9 Justice Same weight, not one-sided, no favoritism, sided with the truth ,, rightly, not arbitrary,
neutral, objective, and proportional.
Relevance of PAK Value with Pancasila
The value of anticorruption The value of Pancasila
Honesty God's value, humanity
Concern Humanity value
Independence Value of unity
Discipline Value of unity
Responsible The value of justice
Hard work The value of justice
Simplicity The value of humanity, the value of justice

Bravery People's value

Justice The value of humanity, the value of justice

Srengthening PAK
• PAK can be a strategy for the culture of Pancasila values ​ need
strengthening The strengthening of anti-corruption education as
one of the media for the development of Pancasila values ​can be
done formally juridically and systematically culturally.
• Formal juridical reinforcement, anticorruption education refers to
a set of legal rules. Implementation of anticorruption education
requires legal legality, so it will become government policy and
policy. This will have consequences on the certainty and clarity of
anticorruption education. So that anticorruption education is not
only an appeal, the implementation will be very adjusted to the
condition of each institution, institution or mass organization
Go the results of research

• The strengthening of anticorruption education is

systematically cultural, done by increasing understanding of
corruption with all its impact to the society, improvement of
learning method in anticorruption education, making
creative, innovative, and fun learning media (poster, comic,
sticker, story book) effective and sustainable partnerships
between schools / colleges, communities / organizations,
and families. Anti-corruption education can be effective if all
educational institutions, all communities and community
organizations have the same commitment.
Go the results of research
• Education centers, including anticorruption education centers, such as schools,
communities, and families, are urgently needed to create forums that are
scheduled to discuss anticorruption education.
• The Education and Community Service of the Corruption Eradication Commission
will not be able to conduct anti-corruption education by itself.
• Dikyanmas field KPK needs to cooperate with public and private education
institutions, community organizations, and families.
• There is a need for joint forums between schools / universities, community / mass
organizations and families to discuss anti-corruption education. Anti-corruption
generation communities (Anticorruption Genes) are formed and nurtured.
• Anti-corruption-themed competitions, routinally need to be done for all lines.
Anticorruption Training For Trainers (TOT) for lecturers and teachers needs to be
done, then lecturers and teachers are mengimbaskan to students, students, and
community leaders. Furthermore, the impact to the family as a family, village
built anti-corruption.

• There is a relevance between the values ​of anti-corruption education

and the values ​of Pancasila. Honesty is relevant to the value of divinity
and humanity. Concern is relevant to the value of divinity and
humanity. Independence is relevant to the value of unity. Discipline is
relevant to the value of unity. Hard work is relevant to the value of
justice. Responsibility is relevant to the value of the nine. Simplicity is
relevant to the value of humanity and justice. Courage is relevant to
the value of democracy. Justice is relevant to the value of justice.
• The strengthening of anticorruption education needs to be done to
strengthen the values ​of Pancasila. The strengthening of
anticorruption education can be done formally jurisdiction and
systematic culture. Both paths are done together, in a balanced way.
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